Grand Rapids, MI – Congressman Justin Amash R-3rd US Congressional District, on Wednesday received the Constitution Defender award from the Constitution Celebration Committee. Presenting the award was Heather Cerone, Jody Ferry, and Candy Gillman (shown here with Representative Amash)
The award is presented to our elected officials who follow adhere closely to the United States Constitution and further advocate government compliance to it. The award reads:
On this day June 13, 2012, let it be known to all that
U.S. Representative Justin Amash ..
“Has been recognized by the Constitution Celebration Committee and membership as a person of indefatigable character, who abides by the laws of our country, and defends with vigor, the principles of its founding by lawful means.
This person’s actions have had a positive impact on the community, and has promoted a better understanding of our founding documents through writings or actions and has shown a willingness to resist usurpation of the rights granted by our Constitution.
This person promotes awareness of the United States Constitution through outreach and participation and an unfailing dedication towards preserving it for our children and beyond.”
Previous winners of the award were presented to Michigan State Representative Ray Franz R-101st house, and also to the founder of the Constitution Celebration, Jody Ferry.