Full-Time Hypocrisy Just Say “YES” to a Part-Time Legislature
The taxpayers of Michigan would be better “served” with a part-time legislature and it would be more in line with the “Pure Michigan” theme. Michigan legislators worked (in session) only 81 days during 2012 and 100 days in 2011; pay them accordingly.
The way it’s set up now only works for the legislators, the powerful “lobbyist” and “special interest” that contribute to their campaign coffers. Essentially public policy is set by these groups over “We the People” who have elected them to represent and serve us. The public be damned.
The idea that they are working for us just does not cut it. The only thing they are working on is getting re-elected so that they don’t lose the gravy train they already enjoy along with their spot at the public “feeding” trough.
Many legislators constantly complain about people receiving welfare benefits without knowing their situations by claiming they are lazy and refuse to look for work. These legislators are in session for less than half of the 365 days a year, and yet receive all the benefits of a full-time worker.
They are nothing more than elected welfare recipients, getting all the benefits from the taxpayers in this state without having to show up for work.
Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce advocates for some semblance of legislative reform, especially in light of the fact that far and away the majority of states across the nation accomplish their work on a part-time basis and have for years.
Since they were able to pass 282 bills (that the majority of us didn’t want) in three weeks of the lame-duck session, three to four weeks is all they need to work. Cut their pay 75% with no more free public-paid health care. Maybe then the citizens of Michigan will finally get their money’s worth.
Feel the pain – it’s time for the part-timers to become part-time. Our illustrious Legislature is overdue to become part-time. Since they act like part-timers and meet so infrequently, let’s make them what they are: part-time! While we’re at it, reduce that over inflated salary to part-time status as well. It’s time these politicians feel the same pain we do with reduced incomes, higher taxes and less benefits.
With big money including “corporations as people,” controlling the legislative process representing the people of your district is a dream.
The only communication I receive from my legislator is a reply from a staff person telling me why my representative disagrees with my position or suggestion, if I receive even that. I have been told by my representative that I just don’t understand how the legislative process works! Oh but I understand all to well.
Let’s take a look just some of the wasted time spent by our elected lawmakers in Lansing shall we.
Here in 2014 while our legislators were “in session” Senator Rick Jones (R) got into a facebook exchange with the president of the Michigan Open Carry organization over the Remington Gun manufacturer building a plant in Alabama bringing that state over 2,000 jobs.
Looks to me like our legislators have way to much time on their hands! If they have the time while “in session” to surf the Internet and get into debates we need a part-time legislature.
Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley Led State Officials in taking the Legislative Polar Plunge
Raising money for charity is an admirable cause but not on taxpayer time. If any Michigan worker were to do this as an employee at their work place do you really think their employer would go for it?
I don’t think so and they would be looking for a new job! Our elected officials are elected to serve all Michigan citizens and not just one special group.
This bipartisan group of legislators had a swimming pool brought in and filled with warm water to take this plunge in front of the Capitol building in Lansing. Some wore suits, some wore costumes such as superman and one was dressed as a German-Austrian with a stein full of beer. Keep in mind this was at 3:00 in the afternoon while “in session.”
Sen. Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw Twp. in 2013 introduced a resolution for “Talk Like a Pirate Day” that was approved by his fellow legislators. Khan celebrated the passage by taking the podium Tuesday while wearing a black eye patch and saying, “It’s time, and now recognized, that the state of Michigan acknowledges this holiday and grants it the recognition it truly deserves.” Kahn pointed out that Michigan is the Great Lakes state and should support and promote “worthy maritime initiatives.”
Michigan Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing, however, didn’t think very highly of the resolution. “I just want to thank the senator from the 32nd District for making the most compelling argument he could for a part-time legislature,” Whitmer said.
Is now the time for Michigan’s Legislature to go part-time?
You bet it is! I and many I have conversed with all agree that the less time our elected officials spend in Lansing the less damage they can do! More time spent with constituents in their districts and their concerns and the less time spent with “lobbyist” and “special interest” that “pay” for their agenda to be advanced on public policy the better.