If you’ve never seen this, it caused quite a stir. The guy in the back was very interested in what Sarah Palin had to say.
You Betcha!
(5)Nuh Uh.

If you’ve never seen this, it caused quite a stir. The guy in the back was very interested in what Sarah Palin had to say.
Happy Thanksgiving: https://news.yahoo.com/voices-mary-peltola-lisa-murkowski-140303167.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAF5gsTc9j90CH4Ps2QrnioiZ2fOuXOSC8UWH_cGE14WXYRpLmLndxg83AG7CoDYVbXuY7lQvee8WIboFveEHIiTFN0rFcD39z9qHH5D_o9B3vN_XZgvIey3n5d7hsj-yCvR3Ry6PHzrXbdOVs-YDPLaqRqfCcNewGynGEP_GE0tr