Granholm Strikes Again – Lies, LNG, and Lousy Leadership

Hiding more than facial deformities.

It’s always the “smartest people in the room” who think you won’t notice when they hide the truth in the bottom drawer.

Turns out Canada’s favorite export, former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm during her stint at the DoE, buried a Department of Energy report that completely torpedoed the justification for Biden’s 2024 LNG export pause. The same pause that crippled U.S. energy leverage during a time of global instability and emboldened our enemies.

Why? Because facts weren’t politically useful. Can’t have reality contradicting the climate cult narrative, now can we?

According to HotAir:

“The Energy Department has learned that former Secretary [Jennifer] Granholm and the Biden White House intentionally buried a lot of data and released a skewed study to discredit the benefits of American LNG… the administration intentionally deceived the American public to advance an agenda that harmed American energy security, the environment and American lives.”

Not only did she lie about the effects of LNG exports—staffers already had the real data showing minimal price impact and actual reductions in global emissions—but she swapped it out for a cooked-up version to score points with the activist wing.

Sound familiar? It should. This is the same Granholm who, alongside her protégé Gretchen “Govern Me Harder” Whitmer, has treated Michiganians like mushrooms: kept in the dark and fed a steady diet of fertilizer. One has to ask: how many truths have been obscured or distorted in their service to D.C. power games and progressive donor checklists?

And now, Granholm’s off to sit on the board of an energy company that cashed in under her “leadership.” No conflict of interest there, folks. Just another example of failing upward in the modern Democrat Party.

Michigan deserves better than this cartel of climate cosplay and backroom grift. Girl power in Lansing straight up continues to suck expensive eggs.

Stay tuned—more rocks are being turned over.

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