All the Other Stuff

A Souvenir From A Primary

A friend attended the Romney campaign event at the Park Place Dome in Traverse City Michigan, and bought himself a hat.

Each Presidential Election cycle, he has bought a trinket, or Souvenir or shirt etc, and in the past he has bought a few hats.

For a moment, ignore the subtle tagline that is Oh-So-Apropriate, and note his objection was that for the first time, a hat he bought from a Republican presidential effort came from China.

Saying as little as necessary, this tag says so very much.

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(1)

Merry Christmas

The perfect man who died for our imperfections has his birth celebrated today.

Amidst the gifts that we pass among ourselves, nothing can compare to the ultimate endowment given to us with the birth of Jesus Christ. Nothing can compare to the gift God bestowed upon those of us who are less than perfect.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

No one on this day, can say he or she is without charity, or at the very least a significant dowry unless they would turn it down.

A Merry Christmas to our readers.

May this be a joyous and fruitful time for you and your families.

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Perhaps An Indicator Of Support?

Perusing the standard reading list, I came across the video being promoted by as a trainer for convincing your reticent (and wiser) relatives to support the liar in chief.

After choking down my lunch after watching half of it, I did my patriotic duty and gave it the rating it deserved.

Apparently the majority of viewers agreed with my assessment.

Acting is not in the cards for these young heads full of mush and stewed tomatoes.  Convincing the population that Barack Obama is worthy of a second term will require a brainwashing on the order of Jim Jones and a potent flavored sugar drink.

Hey Koolaid!

View it here:!

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