All the Other Stuff

Saturday Wrap Up – And Other KrisAnne Hall Stops

Can't Miss Classes On The Constitution

KrisanneToday’s KrisAnne Hall presentation in front of 100 plus in Traverse City was nothing short of eye opening.

Hall offered to a ‘Constitutional Conservative Republican’ Senate leader in Florida, the way in which the state could ‘nullify’ provisions of the healthcare law. The Senate leader Don Gaetz replied in an email to Hall with a disturbing note:

don-gaetz“After sending Senator Don Gaetz my letter explaining the positions of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton on State Sovereignty, Mr. Gaetz says that citizens who agree with the writer of the Declaration of Independence should be summarily shot and hanged.”

Summing up the attitude that makes up a greater part of the leadership in the country.

While I digest all of the class information, file away the epiphanies, and prepare for the next round of historical fact based blogging observations, It occurs to me that other Michigan folks might appreciate a heads up of what to expect.  First off, you might THINK you know the constitution, and you might even know of the documents that were ‘plagiarized,’ to form the basis of the constitution, but her presentation will fill in where it matters.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Parts By Mr Godwrench® Certified Mechanic

Isn't It Amazing That This Must Be Explained?

nuts-boltsWhen placing a nut on a bolt, there is an axiomatic reality that must be observed; two nuts don’t go together, and likewise neither will two bolts.

Its not a function of discrimination, or the hating of the thought that no two similar pieces of hardware unite, but rather a simple fact that bolts require a nut to function properly, and conversely the nut needs a bolt.  The hardware is designed to mate and perform a function.  And because bolt on bolt action doesn’t work, doesn’t mean that those same Bolts cannot find a matching Nut.

Nut on Bolt is still perfectly legal and allowed by design.

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Mondays Divertere: Ya Know What I’m Saying?

Not a whole lot for you all today. Have an afternoon booked full of peeing green and passing gas! Above is just one of the things, be it written or, spoken – Up Talking – and, I reflexively tune out that individual. Just the way it is, and I’m too damn set in my ways for changing that to accommodate the moronic or, thin-skinned.

Happy St. Paddy’s Day, y’all!

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This Is How They Are Born

Frank Foster Explains How Concern Over Common Core Is Just Silly.

Tea folk in the 107th district should know that Frank Foster no longer needs you.

He pretty much has said as much.  To him, you are searching for something that will make you “relevant.” (his words) That is your goal now since the ACA is the ‘law of the land’ and all.  And since you have lost THAT battle, common core is the way you want to flex your political muscle.

Oh, and he expects to be speaker of the house next legislative session.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

When Rulers Play, and the Rights They Slay

Are Michigan courts so easily compromised?

harry-martinI want to put a finer point on recent activities seen in the judicial system of the banana republic of Michigan.

While observing the actions of Asst AG Harry Martin just prior to him throwing in the State’s towel on the Mark Baker case, the untrained eye easily recognized the disdain being heaped upon a private citizen in a courtroom.

But there was considerably more on display, and I’d like to point it out to you.

All attorneys are required to live and work in accordance with a Code of Ethics. The Code is written, very specific, and well-known to all who have passed the bar exam, and to many who did not. At no time is an attorney allowed to address another attorney’s client without the express permission of the clients attorney, and it must also be in the presence of the client’s attorney so the client is protected.

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And So It Begins

Its hard not to be suspicious in this new era of selective federal enforcement.

Sheriff Darin LeafI have made the point more than once that your county Sheriff is the ultimate authority as the highest elected law enforcement official in the county.

Sheriffs throughout Michigan have made statements acknowledging this, and further, have pledged to protect the citizens in their counties from otherwise unenforceable actions of the federal government.  Actions which require the participation of the sheriff to even happen. Sheriff Leaf is on the list of those Sheriffs who have pledged their support to the 2nd amendment.

It seems the government doesn’t like the kind of Sheriff who thinks that way however.

Michigan State Police confirm to 24 Hour News 8 that the FBI raided the Barry County Sheriff’s Department.

Four FBI cars were parked outside the Barry County Sheriff’s Office in Hastings Wednesday morning.

But Barry County Sheriff Dar leaf, with his associations might have dropped a bit of a challenge a while back that stuck in someone’s craw.

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She Is Right

There comes a point where there is sufficient evidence that we can make adequate judgment on the pretenders of conventional wisdom.

Liars and propagandists for structural destruction of our values, traditions and mores will chip away with a 1000 lies or mis-representative arguments, that say the same thing but attempt to gain entry into the psyche in 1000 different ways.  This hen peck method is successful over time until or unless the rogue chicken is beheaded.

Jen Kuznicki says Ken Braun is Over-the-Top Awful.

Every time Ken wrote about Dave Agema, he lied.  Ken has called Dave and Dave’s supporters, “vile,” “Agemites,” a not-so-subtle reference to sodomites.  He has called Dave “malicious” and “un-American in the most toxic of ways,” equated Dave with the Birchers, the list is endless. But the most disgusting lie is the one he mentions in every damn article. That a facebook link contained Dave’s actual thoughts.

Every time Braun mentions it, the nose grows another inch, but he doesn’t care, he’s on a mission to destroy, and in doing so, he targets us all.

And she doesn’t stop there.


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Schuette’s Assistant Attorney General – The New Norm

harry-martinWe like Bill Schuette.

At least I do. He knows it, and there are a lot of good reasons why.  Of course we have disagreements on a couple of issues, and will call them out as we see them, but he has done a reasonable job of representing the state and its constitution (reasonable – not great) during his term.

But he needs to get out front on this thing. 

In fact he could have done so a while back. The feral DNR issue has been a debacle from the get go, and THEN AG Schuette’s office sends out the guy in the video below.  He first verbally challenges the Mark Baker directly (bypassing the attorney) in way that certainly appears threatening, pulls the I don’t really give a $Hi# attitude with the rest of the crowd, and then decides the pledge of allegiance is not for him.

A real class act.

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Tea Party Pow Wow

gadsden-flagRegister for the upcoming Michigan Tea Party Pow Wow. Register by Clicking the picture!

Friday, March 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM – Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 5:00 PM (EDT) Mt Pleasant, MI at the Soaring Eagle Resort.

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