All the Other Stuff

To Serve….

Again, I ask Why?

Attempts by the Kalamazoo Gazette to reach Wagner through his union, the Michigan State Police Troopers Association, were unsuccessful. Wagner has been placed on paid administrative leave pending an internal investigation by MSP that is ongoing.

See what happens when public sector union thugs start believing in their First Responders are Heroes™ crap.

officer-safety-pew-pew-pew-complete-powerclick on image to enbiggen.


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NOTICE – Tax Increases Imminent – Update – Cancelled (for now)

Please bend over.
COMMITTEE:           Senate Appropriations Committee – Senator Roger Kahn Chair
DATE:                        Tuesday, May 20th, 2014
TIME:                         9:30 a.m.
LOCATION:              Senate Appropriations Room, 3rd Floor, Capitol Building
                                    100 S. Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI  48933
Re-Referral of Bills:
·         SB 6 (Sen. Proos) Sales tax; distribution; percentage of sales tax collected on motor fuel to be earmarked to transportation funding in 2013 and each year thereafter; establish.
·         SB 84 (Sen. Casperson) Natural resources; funding; recreation improvement account; authorize to receive portion of 2% sales tax dedicated to transportation.
·         SB 85 (Sen. Pappageorge) Transportation; motor fuel tax; motor fuel tax act; repeal.
·         SB 86 (Sen. Pappageorge) Vehicles; registration; registration fees; modify.
·         SB 87 (Sen. Kahn) Transportation; motor fuel tax; motor fuel tax; modify, and implement tax rate based on the average wholesale price of gasoline.
·         SB 88 (Sen. Kahn) Vehicles; registration; registration fees; modify.
·         SJR J (Sen. Richardville) Sales tax; rate; increase in sales tax and use tax; provide for, and revise distribution.
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Payola Or Pretense?

Is The Traverse City School District Ignoring A Gift, Or Is That 'Gift' Completely Valueless?

What does the largest government body North of Clare do when it sees a case of vendor provided payoff to an employee?

It blesses the transaction.  <– yes, that is the punchline

As yet another example of misplaced priorities, and a misunderstanding of the roles they play, the Traverse City Area public School board trustees have approved a ‘settlement’ which involves a payment from the soon-to-retire superintendent Stephen Cousins, and a gift from one of the school’s vendors to make up the difference between the $25,000 owed to the school district by the superintendent and his $14,800 cash reimbursement component.

First a recap of the facts as we know them.

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Don’t Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out Carl

Senator Carl Levin's involvement In IRS Targeting Was Inappropriate And Repugnant

sencarllevin-jokerIts one thing for a US Representative, or US Senator to intervene on behalf of a constituent when government is running amuck, but its quite yet another when a powerful elected member uses the ‘running amuck’ government to stifle free speech.

Michigan Senator Carl Levin took it upon himself to challenge eligibility for non profit status of certain groups.  He SPECIFICALLY targeted 4 groups; each of which lean conservative and exercise their first amendment rights as protected by our constitution.  A Letter to the IRS by Mr Levin names the following groups response to a certain question to be reexamined:

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It Takes A Village

To tell those punk kids of Text-Me-Notours to un-kink their goose necks.


“House Resolution No. 354.  

A resolution to declare May 5-11, 2014, as Screen-Free Week in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, Screen-Free Week is an enjoyable and innovative way to improve children’s well-being by reducing dependence on entertainment screen media, including television, video games, computers, and hand-held devices, thus offering time for children to go outside, read, daydream, create, explore, and spend more time with family and friends; and

Whereas, Preschool children spend an average of 32 hours a week with screen media; and

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Who Is The REAL ‘Hate Group?’

Anyone Who Disagrees With These Folks Is A Hate Group.

Its tough to stand for decency, rule of law, the constitution, and traditional values any more.

Its bad enough that the SPLC has been presented as a legitimate decider of who is a hate group, and who is not.  Its hard to argue with their designations when listing supremacy groups (Neo-Nazis and Islamist organizations), but when calling traditionalists hate based?

Political correctness, driven by an emotional need to have a certain group’s behavior unconditionally accepted, has placed those who desire a safe, moral and aesthetically appropriate social environment in a bad light. Media driven values degradation has produced a new class of minority, and if you disagree, or are a practicing Christian, you must be a hate filled bigot.

Traverse City Family members have stood out in the cold, put up with physical assaults by those who disagree with their message, and have yet to hurt, maim, or intimidate any single person because of color, creed, their behavioral orientation, or gender.  This group  provides literature to help folks escape the trap of homosexuality, and produces educational videos designed to encourage more wholesome choices.

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Sunday RightMi Reader

Blogging Around The Geat State Of Michigan On State Local And National Issues

logo-sphereMIRS Weekly Report – Primary challenges emerge for 19 GOP incumbents Yours truly quoted with one of our favorite lines.

Grassroots In Michigan – Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes! Clearly Joan has had enough of that. The transportation bills seem to promise more taxes. And under a ‘Republican’ administration, no less.

Motor City Times TWOFER! – Robin Hood Tax: Another bad European idea that will find its way here Minimum wages are too low, right? AND Regional blackouts coming to an electrical outlet near you starting in 2015 Driving home the point that the EPA is a thing that must be removed .. like yesterday.

Michigan Taxes Too Much – ICY Michigan Just because there was a lot of ice this year.

The Shekel – Several articles on a recently attended NRA convention Quite complete with pictures and seminar reports.

Wayne County Taxpayers – Contacts in All 83 Counties are Now a Reality for Part Time Legislature Petitions If you need some petitions, we’ll get em to you.

Watchdog Wire – OPINION: Sports Media Scrutinize Richard DeVos’ Views on Traditional Marriage Thanks Izzy! This is just really good on a number of levels.  I’ll leave it to the reader to figure out why.

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RightMi.Com Artwork

logo-sphereAt least one day a week, its good to relax and delve into a new creative endeavor without getting overly political.

As an aside, we’ll be opening up registration for author accounts again. If you wish to have an account created before this happens, feel free to use the “submit a NEWS tip” link above. You can also use that link to let us know of your own blog, or articles of interest and with a Michigan flavor so we can send some traffic your way.

Have a great weekend!

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How Can Rich Perlberg Walk Straight?

Obama supporter thinks he can prevail in Michigan's 42nd district Republican Primary.


And man parts the size of watermelons.

That is the only way I can describe one of the ‘Republican’ candidates in Michigan’s 42nd district State Representative race. The former general manager of the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus entered into the four way Republican primary April 11, and apparently offers himself up as the RINO candidate.  (sorry Kevin, this one sticks)

And other Republican In Name Only candidates could only be jealous of the nerve Rich Perlberg has demonstrated in calling such a socialist standard as Barack Obama, a good choice for conservatives.  Jennifer Hensley documents the history of editorials from the Press & Argus including doozies like this endorsement:

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