All the Other Stuff

Weekend Reading Assignment

logo-sphereThere is so much going on; much of which deserves a spot here but takes time to chronicle.

Current Michigan Gems?

Watchdog Wire – Did Frank Foster Lie To His Constituents? Going Negative on a challenger?  Mr Foster seems genuinely scared.  Liars Lie.

FedUpUSA – Oh, So Free Water Is Next? Crazy. Just shows how completely dumbed down the spawn of progressivism is in Detroit, and in this state, and elsewhere.

Activist Post – Michigan Dept of Agri Forces Farmer to Dump 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and Break 1200 Free Range Eggs Food.  They are throwing away FOOD. Government oversight is so beneficial is it not?

The Complete Patient – Food Dump Meant To Send A Message. Indeed it is. Another look at the story above.

Say Yes To Wes Blog – A Victory in the Supreme Court. Wes Nakagiri’s take on the Supreme court ruling and his opponent’s positions.


You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Just how stupid do they think people are.

A lot of interesting happenings this week.

The continuing conditioning of Michiganians to accept illegal aliens up in Vassar (among other places).

Netroots Nation Conference in Detroit (including appearances by Chief Fulla Manure & some guy who things that just because he plays the Hulk somehow IS  the Hulk).

More shenanigans with Detroit Water (along with our long time friend Maureen “The Moocher”  Taylor)  with the inhumane and appalling concept of having people pay for a service.

That “One small step” thing.

But, I’m going to focus today on the (yaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn) Michigan Gubernatorial “Race”, a link that someone sent me, and a troublesome detail that was missed by everyone covering the story this week.

And that detail?

That would be telling.

{Just kidding, details below the fold}

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sorry Folks, I Just Ain’t Feeling “It” Today and I’m Not Alone

Just going through this morning’s *news* is an assault on the thinking mind. Today we have U.S. Rep. Miller, who is actually fighting for what is right, and attempting to enforce Rule of Law, and what does she get for it from the State of Michigan? A pandering, dithering, spineless Gov. Snyder toeing Obama’s amnesty line. Candice, you might want to rethink throwing your support behind the Nerd’s re-election bid after you take his knife out of your back.

I’m tired of it. I’m tired of those elected from both Party’s with their open lawlessness. I am not alone in that sentiment, and want to share some thoughts from the interweb I strongly identify with in its entirety without page break.

My Fourth Of July Post

Posted on July 3, 2014 by Wirecutter

The Fourth has always been a special day for me. Anybody that knows me knows I’m not big on holidays. Christmas and Thanksgiving are a pain as far as preparations go and having to deal with family that doesn’t want anything to do with me the rest of the year, Easter – I’m surprised they still celebrate Easter seeing as it’s offensive to muslims and liberals, Veteran’s and Memorial day always rubbed me wrong because those are days for memories that should be thought of everyday, Labor Day is just an excuse for a barbecue, but the Fourth to me was always special because of the anniversary it represents.

Not anymore. The Fourth is nothing but a reminder of what a mess our Nation has become. Our Founding Fathers and the Citizens of that period sacrificed everything to ensure Freedom for their descendants and immigrants coming here to seek a better life for themselves and their families. There were provisions in the Constitution to prevent the new government from becoming what they were trying to get out from under. The Bill of Rights came later naming our basic human rights so that future generations wouldn’t pervert the Yellowed Paper in order to grant them powers that weren’t theirs to begin with.

Now I get up in the morning and read what the government wants me to read. If the press isn’t in lockstep with the president then they aren’t allowed in his press corp. If you file for something under the Freedom of Information Act, you see only what the government wants you to see, everything else is blacked out.
My weapons of self defense are government approved but they say if I don’t have a permit for them then they must stay at home, but at the same time the government says the police have no obligation or duty to protect me or mine.
My food has to be approved by the government. I can no longer drink raw milk or eat cheese that hasn’t been homogenized or pasteurized because evidently I don’t know what’s good for me. Even homeopathic medicines have to be government approved if I want to buy them instead of growing and harvesting them myself.
Our children are wards of the State. If they attend a public school, they learn what the government wants them to learn. The government has changed history to suit their views, not what really happened. You are not allowed to discipline your children with your own hand under threat of law. The government determines if your children are eating healthy lunches or not – not lunches from school but what Mom has packed for them.
We’re under constant surveillance. Every time I walk out of my house I have to assume I’m on somebody’s camera. Traffic cams, security cams, dash cams, you name it. My emails are being monitored by the government. My website is being monitored by the government. Every piece of mail – every piece – passing through the post office is photographed and recorded. Every phone call we make, every text we send is monitored by the NSA. Boxes on the side of the roads log in bluetooth information from passing cars to determine who’s in what car traveling down the road, where you got on the road and where you left it. Radar is monitoring our speed.
Our public lands are no longer public. The Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service determine what we can and cannot do on our own public lands and reserve the right to charge us fees for their use. If you resist you will be arrested, fined and possibly imprisoned.
Everything has to be registered. Our vehicles are registered, our animals are registered, our firearms are registered, our watercraft is registered. By the way, you can read that as taxed.
Our police have gone from being peace officers to law enforcement officers. They have the right by decree of government to search you simply by stating they believe you may have committed a crime. In some cities they can search you just because they want to. They burst into our homes, kill our dogs and search our personal belongings with only the simplest of causes. SWAT teams – a concept that was designed for hostage situations – conduct an average of 124 raids every day. Now they raid barber shops for unlicensed (read that untaxed) barbers, they’re raiding dairies suspected of selling raw milk and they’re raiding mom and pop marijuana growers.
With the NDAA and “Patriot” Act, we no longer have a right to an attorney or a Right to a speedy trial in front of a jury of our peers, in fact we no longer have a Right to a trial at all. Indefinite detention is the Plan of the Day at the pleasure of the government.
The tax man takes between 30 and 50% of our paychecks, most of it outright theft. We support, out of our paychecks and from the sweat of our brow, cash and food for those that won’t work, medical and child care for those same deadbeats, organizations through federal and state grants that we don’t morally support or agree with, wars that we may not agree with, and anything else that the government feels is necessary.
Any mention of God has been removed from our schools and government buildings even though this once-great Nation was founded on Christian principles. We can no longer pray before meetings nor can our children while at school. Our churches are regulated as far as mentioning politics. The entire “Separation of Church and State” has been twisted from not allowing the State to force a religion on us to not wanting to offend anybody by asserting our personal beliefs.
Our Nation is presently being overrun with illegal immigrants and our government who swore an oath to obey the Constitution and the Law of the Land is ignoring the law by not defending our borders. In fact, they’re encouraging these illegals to come by rewarding them with promises of a better life and citizenship. If you think this bothers you, think about the immigrants that came here legally and got pushed to the back of the line because of promises that our politicians have made to the illegals.
Our politicians truly believe they are above us, forgetting that they serve us and not the other way around. We have politicians that carry firearms and surround themselves with bodyguards, yet they deny us the very basic human Right to defend ourselves by outlawing us commoners to own and carry firearms and other weapons. They break laws with impunity, yet imprison us for doing the same. They refuse to listen to the People’s desires and instead enact laws they want. We have a president that says we must conserve energy and cut down on pollutants, yet he and his family fly on Air Force One for their many vacations every year. Our fuel prices have been above $3 a gallon for a record breaking 1200 days because our president refuses to cut our dependency on foreign oil and use our own natural resources which would also provide much needed jobs for us. Our president bows to foreign Heads of State, showing them that he believes we are subservient to them. Our government has done everything it can to make sure that we, as a Nation, serves it instead of the other way around.

This is not the Nation our Founding Fathers wanted for us. I know that if they could see what we’ve turned into, they would be appalled. I know I am, and that’s the reason the Fourth holds no special place in my heart anymore.
-Kenny Lane (Wirecutter)
Ceres, CA.

For the past week I’ve probably started a half dozen posts just for the one day we have to celebrate our Founding Father’s groundwork for a new, Free Nation under God.
I trashed every one of them. Instead, I wrote this. I kept the language clean so that if anybody wanted to use it on their sites, they could without editing.
As with anything you find here, it’s free for anybody to use. I only ask that it’s published in it’s entirety and that my name and link at the bottom be included. I WANT the government to know I wrote this.

It’s sad, however, every word rings of Truth. For me, today is not a celebration. Today is a solemn day of remembrance of the Republic our Founding Fathers gifted us, and has been squandered away by an electorate who created 535 cretins more interested with keeping their fingers on the trillions of US Dollars that flow through D.C. than they are with their sworn Oaths.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

And people wonder why there isn’t any faith in the legal system any longer?

Yeah, I know that this isn’t much of a huge surprise.

But what caught my attention, and will make people scratch their heads wondering how things could get any more screwed up, happened yet again just within a week.

Twice, even.


{More after the fold}



You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Hospice – Another ACA Casualty

Hospice has been a way to deal with terminal situations in a compassionate way that suits patients and their families.

The way it has evolved with medicare has made it an affordable option; one that allows the passing of loved ones in comfortable and appropriate surroundings.  The medicare component has been affected by the ACA however, and the continued meddling by government in its attempt to provide broad health coverage to all has accelerated the financial troubles experienced by all in the health industry.

H/T Raffi Williams

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

Bully For CapCon!

Capitol Confidential Receives Multiple Awards For Impactful Journalism

Reporting can sometimes be more of a dance than simply presenting the facts.

Capitol Confidential has become a powerhouse of Michigan government and policy reporting.  Since its inception in 2010 it has blossomed into a respected source of information and insight.  And its writing is now being recognized for that growth.

In typical ‘main stream media,’ there are natural limiters to obtaining the truth, or at least properly reporting it.  Be it an advertiser’s objection to something once written, or a source of information who might have been embarrassed by a writer’s depth of coverage, there are conditions which can prevent a full telling of events; even if the tale of those events is comprise of “Just the facts ma’am.”

We might be inclined to opine from these pages, but more often there is a collection of facts and history woven into our stories.  If one looks through, it might be hard to find advertising, because we can equally offend all comers. Not that a few bucks wouldn’t help, but enjoying our content and putting the neck out to support what is an informative opinion site are two different options.

And one involves risk.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

What Zoomie Said! …with a Rusty Chainsaw

I just love looking around the Patriot community in neighboring states to see what is happening in their parts. So, anyone heading to Indiana this weekend for somefree fishing? Oh noes! It’s Mike Pence’s Pure Michigan Indiana.

Nah, Team R doesn’t operate on the same orchestrated playbook. Yannow something, all these nauseating revenue raising bastards within government that *think* they’re doing us little people a favor by tossing out the occasional we should be grateful “gift” really do need to have their asses thrown out on the street.

Even more outrageous is that they actually use their “providing crumbs” meme as a propaganda tools. Just watch Joe Graves, Martin Howrylak, Nancy Jenkins*, Andrea LaFontaine*, and Phil Potvin. The other Lansing critters must’ve shot their video budget wad pushing their throw ’em a bone crap during the winter (Ray Franz, Ken Goike, Joe Graves, Nancy Jenkins*, Klint Kesto, Andrea LaFontaine*, Tom Leonard, Ed Mcbroom, Rick Outman, Peter Pettalia (Unfortunately, is my gelatinous assclown), Bruce Rendon, and Pat Sommerville).

What Zoomie says!
Copy of resist bw finger solo
with a rusty chainsaw.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)