All the Other Stuff

Turning it up another notch.

I’m honestly NOT surprised here.

After the Uniparty establishment had gone out of its way to remove President Trump from the equation before November 5th by utilizing literally everything at their disposal from weaponizing our own government (such as “intelligence community” & lawfare) to promulgating negative propaganda from the legacy media at a level that would make Joseph Goebbels blush with envy…now they want him dead!

At around a quarter after 6:00pm this afternoon at a campaign rally near Butler, PA an assassin tried to shoot President Trump while he was speaking.

Fortunately, he only managed to wound President Trump.

Unfortunately, at least one of the members attending the rally is now dead.

And if what word being put out is to believed at this time (a little before 8:00pm), the shooter is dead as well.

There has been a steady barrage of well wishes from “both sides” of the aisle. Nothing from the White House. I guess that they’re still having a problem waking their figurehead up from his 1:30 nap.

I’ll follow up with more information and have more to say about this later.


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Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Why bother with the elephant in the room if it is dead already?

Michigan Republicans are the most gullible, and idiotic Republicans anywhere.  And I say that to be nice.

I was elected a delegate, I voted for people to elect our chair, and those people elected a chair.  The position has a specific term unless properly removed through process where I and other delegates have a chance to weigh in on.  I don’t recall a convention for such a purpose, and some non convention convention happening as a result of Strategic national (or other political flame-throwing operation) is not exactly binding over the process in which we govern our party.  But I guess there are judges who think it is? (As an aside who this judge has donated heavily to in the past might offer ..insights – Rhymes with Rick Snyder and Brian Calley)

A Kent County judge affirmed Tuesday that Kristina Karamo was “properly” removed as the chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

The decision follows months of internal disputes within the state GOP concerning its financial health, culminating in a vote on Jan. 6, 2024, where party members opted to oust Karamo from her leadership position.

Kent County Circuit Court Judge J. Joseph Rossi, in his ruling, stated that any actions taken by Karamo on behalf of the Michigan Republican state committee since January 6 are void. The ruling also barred her from representing the party.

Who elected that guy? Oh yeah Grand Rapids did.  Not the duly elected delegates of the Michigan’s congressional districts.   So there is that.

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Faucis House Of Horrors

OK ..this looks like fun.

From the inbox:

Brace yourself for an unforgettable descent into the deepest darkest depths of GOVERNMENT-FUNDED MAD SCIENCE at Dr. Fauci’s House of Horrors!

Immerse yourself in a LABYRINTH OF TERROR as you learn about what Dr. Fauci has been up to since he retired from the federal government!

Feel your heart quicken as you see Dr. Fauci’s transhumanist creation materialize, realizing years and years of secretive and unethical VACCINE EXPERIMENTS!

Be prepared to embrace the unknown and see the disgusting depraved results of government bureaucrats playing God live at Oakland County Republican Party Headquarters this Saturday, Oct. 28 from 6pm to 9pm!

You don’t want to miss this show, playing at the first-ever OCRP Haunted House.

It’s a fun all-ages event featuring a Trunk or Treat for the kids, so bring the whole family!

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RINO John James Protest – October 25th.


I’ve already written about the swamp-dwelling RINO’s completely losing their minds after Rep. Gaetz called out FORMER Speaker McCarthy on his spinelessness when it came to running things in the House.

Did any Republicans from Michigan stand up for Conservative Values and demonstrate where they really stand?


Thanks guys. Great job! Good to know where you really stand when it really counts.

Then we’ve seen them extend this streak of cowardness when it came to nominating and electing a replacement Speaker.

This one should’ve been a slam-dunk.

After a few RINO’s were washed out of the contest, Rep. Jim Jordan’s name came up for a vote.

And how did that vote turn out?

{Continued below the fold}

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Constitution Boot Camp Returns

Enrich yourself or the woefully mis-educated youth in your life. OCTOBER 7, 2023

We have problems in our nation because too many have learned it all wrong. Government was created to serve specific purpose, Your rights trump federal desires, and are a check on what the governments can do.  The constitution defines the government, and the bill of rights places limits on it.

Sign up and empower yourself.  Information for the Elk rapids event included here.  Othe boot camp events can be found here.

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Change My Mind

I have my opinions on the 2020 election and it’s outcomes.  And with the Fauci/Gates depopulation plan fully operational, all bets were clearly off with regard to truth in elections or issues in governance

Having said that, and living the last few years with inflation, additional foreign wars, loss of military assets, general national embarrassment, and a growth in gender schizophrenia driven by freaks who run our government?

Anyone who would vote for Biden (or any Democrat in Michigan for that matter)  in 2024  .. should be considered mentally challenged,  certifiably insane and dangerous, or at the very least stoned beyond belief.

Change my mind.

Then pass the munchies.

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Clearly you fail to recognize the problem.

Which is worse, those who are purposefully driving our republic into ruin or those people allegedly on “our side” who are directly contributing the underlying problem?

{Click on that red button below to find out who is up to what this time…}

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