
About That Gay ‘Marriage’ thing

First of all, people can want to their hearts desire.

There are certain truisms however.  Diamonds are sparkly, fish swim in the sea, electricity allows us to interact in this way, and “Marriage,” is between a man and a woman. 

Call it what you want, “pairing,” “Coupling,” “Partnering,” etc.. but its not marriage unless its between a man and a woman. And to be clear, it is NOT a civil right.

On the old blog, Kevin Heine posted a great article on a recent manufactured issue within the Michigan Republican Party.  At the end of it he posted a video that is well worth the watch.


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Itching Ears and Mad Prophets

My pastor, when he’s discussing contemporary culture from either the sanctuary pulpit or the classroom lectern, likes to refer to what he calls, “itching ear disorder.”  The primary Scripture reference is 2 Timothy 4:3-4, referring to a time when people will have no further interest in the truth, and won’t tolerate listening to anything that contradicts their philosophical predispositions.  As a student of Scripture, I can say with some certainty that the prophets and apostles were well acquainted with this disorder.  Hosea even wrote about a time when hostility against the truth would become so great that those who insist on speaking it would be considered fools and maniacs.  According to a disputed George Orwell quote (“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”), “itching ear disorder” isn’t exactly an unusual condition in the human experience.

And this brings us to the current philosophical skirmish involving Michigan’s Republican National Committeeman, which involves the latest escalation by some unsavory elements within the Michigan Republican Party, who seem to be in a desperate quest to reclaim lost relevance.

Free Speech?

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Hellooooo, John Rakolta

“You’ve heard of the bridge to nowhere?  Welcome to the jail for no one.”

Told ya.  You’re getting warmer, Ross.  However, that jail for no one will be gobbled up by Dan Gilbert for pennies on the dollar.

And, you’ve got a whole gaggle of MI-GOP bootlickers who watched Rakolta line his pockets, main one being, the State AG.  Next question would reasonably be, what did the wife of former State AG (Commissioner Laura Cox) know, and when did she know it?

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Thanks, Doc: But I Will Be Getting A Second Opinion

A commentary piece as read by a Rep. Benishek constituent, via the good folks at MCC.   

U.S. Rep. Dan Benishek speaks out against vague language in legislationBy Rep. Dan Benishek

Imagine government without responsibility toward its citizens — let me give you a hint, it looks a lot like Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime.

America is blessed with a Constitution that protects Americans so they are not afraid that each new leader will turn the country into a fascist nation. No matter how much anyone disagrees with a president’s policies, we can take solace in the protections of the Constitution.

The Constitution’s authority is supreme and every piece of legislation must fit within the Constitution’s limits.

Roger that, Doc.  So far, we’re on the same page.  Let’s continue…

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