
Upton is sMITTen with Glee for Amnesty

Been meaning to address this recent development, however, living Life 101 sometimes intrudes with stealing time from the perpetual game of Whac-A-Mole that is the Republican Party, its leadership, its members, and the very treachery they all represent.

IllegalsA total of 26 Republicans officially announced themselves as RINO open borders traitors and enemies of the Constitution and its separation of powers today. They did so by voting against the successful Marsh Blackburn (R-TN) amendment to the Homeland Security funding bill which prevents any of those funds from being used in the implementation of Hussein Obama’s dictatorial amnesty or in the funding of future DACA applications or renewals.

The bill passed by a vote of 218-209 [see here], with the defections coming largely in districts in which Republicans represent large minority populations and in which they may have felt it prudent to put their perceived interests of minority citizens and their associated votes over the Constitution and the oath they swore.


While the writer above appears to like to hang the moniker of RINO upon the 26 self-serving cat’s-paws, I have to ask, why is this a surprise to anyone? Did not 162 Republicans fund amnesty and Obamacare last month?

Sorry folks, but the expression RINO is officially dead. They are what they are – parasites – with only goal as elected members is to maintain a seat at the table of government where they happily run their fingers through the trillions of tax dollars flowing into D.C. Have any doubt? Well, then just witness what the alleged thrice candidate says on November 26, about amnesty.

Indeed, nepotism loyalists – Swallow H A R D.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Well This Is Embarrassing

Young man, the plain language of the law is the plain language of the law, even when it works against you.

Regulars on either this site or the old one likely are sure to recall the Michigan Dele-Gate Fiasco. The quick synopsis, for the Johnny-come-latelies, is that, on the final night of February in 2012, the MIGOP Credentials Committee (at that time consisting of Bobby Schostak, Sharon Wise, Saul Anuzis, Holly Hughes, Eric Doster, Bill Runco, and Mike Cox) had the high-tech equivalent of a middle-of-the-night, smoke-filled-back-room meeting, and decided, by a 4-2 vote – Hughes didn’t get word of the meeting until after its conclusion – that the published and promulgated delegate allocation rules would be overridden, ex post facto, for no other purpose than to preserve the narrative of a “favorite son” presidential primary win. The resultant grassroots backlash culminated in the Showdown In Motown, where the alleged chief engineer of the fiasco, one Saul Anuzis, was convincingly replaced with Dave Agema (to the ongoing agony of Michigan Republican Progressives).

However, with now mere days before the MIGOP Policy Committee meets to rule on the affidavits of candidacy for the various 2015 State Convention candidates, we see a similar scenario playing out . . . with at least one familiar player in the mix.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(17)

Ghosts Of Speakers Past

Former speaker comments from the political graveyard of deleted PR Pieces.

Yeah, the interwebs are forever.

Then Speaker Jase Bolger had something to say about fixing the roads.  Going to the taxpayers to fund or cover for the malfeasance of our MDOT and legislative road committees was not the top priority of the sometime Snyder enabler Jase Bolger, right?

Given the lame duck performance resulted in nothing positive for Michigan’s burdened taxpayers, it’s not surprising that their ONE opportunity to solve a real problem was passed along for the taxpayer to share in the blame.  A bad package with the promise of pain for the (even with the renewed EITC) poor, and particularly the middle class once again. (Yes, shameless populism – sue me)

Indeed, this is one of the few times we had no disagreement with the speaker.

He was on the mark.


You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Stabenow To Visit Ideological Homeland

Michigan's favorite Meat Puppet Hits the communist travel circuit.

castro-stabenowMichigan’s Senator Debbie Stabenow going to hang out with Fidel.

From the not-so-very-surprised department, a lifting of the ban on travel to Cuba has its first eager traveler from the peoples Republic of Michigan.  From Politico (H/T Weasel Zippers) We find the (now) senior US Senator from Michigan is joining a celebratory junket to the land of the 1956 Chevrolet:

This weekend, the first congressional delegation will visit Cuba since Obama’s December diplomatic shift. The visit to Cuba will be led by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), who also flew to Cuba last month to bring back freed prisoner Alan Gross.

Leahy will take five other Democrats with him: Sens. Dick Durbin of Illinois, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island; and Reps. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland and Peter Welch of Vermont.

“We have all been to Cuba before, and we strongly support the president’s new direction for our policy toward Cuba. We are going this time to discuss our expectations, and the Cubans’ expectations, for the normalization of relations,” Leahy said on Friday morning.

In other news even JFK has rolled in his grave.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

In His Own Words

Dave Agema gives an explanation of the recent attacks.

Dave-bannerReceived this last night.

Given the snowball of uninformed public opinion driven by an active ‘smear Dave’ campaign, its only reasonable that he have at least ONE public outlet beside his own in which to defend his honor and integrity. Unfortunately, Jonathan Gruber is more right than he knew; There are some folks willing to believe anything in print, especially if it has the ability to destroy good things or people.  Dave Writes:

Dear Jason,

The truth is held from you. I felt compelled to deliver the truth behind the uproar.

Dave Agema RNC Committeeman
The Truth Is Not Told Once Again

Once again I find the same people making false statements concerning a repost of an article I got from Col West’s ( former congressman) news letter as my words and opinion. I make no accusation that I agree with the statements supporting the author he posted. I do support Col West’s commentary concerning the authors article and not the content of the article itself. I respect the former congressman and fellow military officer highly and regard his opinions since he grew up in the inner city as a black man who has personal experience. I think his observations are noteworthy and he is certainly not a racist nor am I for reposting his opinions.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(4)

I think that it is time to begin filling out a scorecard before May 5th.

Otherwise known as “What's good for thee, but not for me (con’t).

Breaking from the republican kakistocracy’s latest rope-a-dope on the Grassroots (aka Dave Agema’s “controversial comments” brouhaha), it is important to note that Governor’s Snyder’s plot to raise the Michigan Sales Tax 16.7% is beginning to pick up a few supporters.

On the plus side; So is the opposition.

And what interesting bedfellows are beginning to appear.

{Continued below}

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(2)

Lt. General William G Boykin At The Tea Party Powwow

Retired Special Ops General Speaks to conservatives in annual forum

The 2015 Powwow has ended, and even with threatening weather and bad roads and a misplaced tone of indignation, it went well.

The reality on the ground is that along with the Patriot voices radio hitting 5000+ listeners to the live stream of the event, we had nearly 400 on hand attending or participating in some way.  Some good folks were on hand (I will have photos out at some point) and some good information sharing to be had.

Boykin3For me, the highlight of Saturday’s activity was the speech by Lt. General William G Boykin which was as entertaining as it was inspirational.  An outstanding orator, he spoke on his service, the sacrifices made around him, and his thoughts on where we are as a nation.

The video is a little over an hour, but is well worth every single minute.  Forgive the weak camera work.  It was hard to keep up with it while thoroughly enjoying the presentation at the same time.

You Betcha! (29)Nuh Uh.(1)