
Happy Deer in Michigan

Michigan Hunters Not So Happy

Happy Deer

DNR just slyly reported that Michigan hunting license sales dropped to 729,000 in 2014, a 4.2% drop from 2013 sales and the all time low in data extending way back to 1958. This drop is even worse than the numbers suggest, since the new HB 4668 hunting license rules require base licenses for hunting activities which did not require licenses in previous years. And if you believe President Obama and his statistical mathmagicians, the U.S. economy surged at a 5% GDP growth rate in 2014Q3 just before Michigan’s traditional firearms deer season. Michigan’s population increased by 11,684 people in 2014, the third consecutive annual increase. So the number of hunters should have increased in 2014? But the number of hunters in Michigan dropped, and hunter numbers declined because license fees skyrocketed under HB 4668 of 2013.

The most popular hunting license prices increased 50 – 100 % under the new 2014 fee schedule, although a direct comparison is not possible because the licenses were restructured under HB 4668 to ‘simplify’ the license schedule. Even though the DNR has not released license sales dollar amounts yet, we can still sketch out the doleful effect of the DNR hunting license fee increases on Michigan’s staggering economy.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(5)

Throwback Thursday

“or against internal attempt to seize power”

Yep. That’s where the Ruling Class hypocrites soil themselves. Frankly put, if one was not born before 1934, then one does not know, nor truly understand what America was. Thomas J. Dodd? Go figure. The one who has been censured… then along came, Chris and The Floater™.

As usual, Mary Jo is unavailable for comment.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Now it’s $51,000,000 to $70,000,000 for a “Better View of the Capitol”?

via WXYZ

Hmmm, now where have we seen these money grab pay-to-play schemes before? Oh! That’s right, Wayne County. And that worked out just swell, yes?

Marshal_Arlan_Randy_Ficano_ShawarmaI’ve long said that Ross Jones, is the only reporter in Michigan, worth following. Unfortunately, there’s a new Senate Marshal in Lansing (heavy on the marsh part), and he goes by the nickname of, Sen. Arlan Randy Ficano.

With obscene waste above nonchalantly endorsed by Boji’s Engler era chatterbox, and the $54B budget Snyder/Calley presented, are folks beginning to understand why his SOTS “Vote Yes” propaganda completely ignored by “Chief election Officer” Ruth Johnson, is little more than a Republican Majority instituted Jizya tax?

I, for one, sure as Hell hope so.

Ps. for those who may be unaware, the same folks involved with the Boji building shenanigans are also behind another $88,000,000 unnecessary project in, Lansing.

You Betcha! (33)Nuh Uh.(0)


It’s pretty damn bad when other legalese jihadi openly go after one of their own in their *profession*.

Where does every politician exploit their sworn Oath? “according to the best of his ability.”

Expediency and a decent line of Bee-esS will carry some places, however, AG Schuette can forget about a run for anything beyond local dog catcher in 2018.

Ps. sorry kid, but you’re still out in a wonk’s Left field. Obviously, age hasn’t helped the lad much.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Lawyer for the People

Two things here. When it comes to political expediency, AG “has referred all questions” Schuette, it becomes apparent that he’s in a Party money bundler‘s and the Nerd’s pocket. That’s right, “sit .. Stay .. now roll over .. good boy.”

The other is if it’s one who is in the big spending Democratic Party calling for tax hikes and bogus *transportation* funding, AG Schuette will fake having a pair in the name of rah-rah go Team R nonsense. However, if it’s AG Schuette’s teammates who call for a $2,000,000,000 constitutional amendment tax hike and bogus *transportation* funding? Nope. Not so much as a peep. I know, old story. Constitution schmonstitution. It’s all just doubleplusgood speak.

I will not tolerate companies that seek to take advantage of Michigan citizens and get rich on the backs of hard-working entrepreneurs through trickery and deception,” Schuette said in a statement.

How about Snyder’s government ran like a business? Trickery and deception? Does the busiest travel time of the year mean anything? Seriously, our AG needs to stop boring us with his ignoring taxpayer funded appointed bureaucrat propaganda crap and do his damn job. Oh, that’s right, Snyder appointed Etue to sit with the MDOT toad where they all rub elbows together with our AG.

Never mind.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(1)

R Gang: 16.7% Sales Tax Hike for *roads* is a “Grand” Bargain

How will that Sales Tax Hike work? Here’s more Snyder/Calley & Jones Day “Grand” bargain at work.

Snyder_OrrCosts for water service would rise an average of 9.3 percent this year in Metro Detroit under rates proposed Wednesday by the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department.

The department’s board discussed preliminary water rates for the 2015-16 fiscal year, which would rise 3.4 percent for Detroit customers and 11.3 percent for suburban users, on average.

Suburban customers’ water bills could be even higher, [snip]


Remember what WXYZ warned? Pay up, suckers.

Not to say I told ya so, but… I told ya so.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)