Constitutional scholar puts it in plain English.
Constitutional scholar KrisAnne Hall lays out the route to protect your missions from the overreach of the federal government.
She advises churches to drop the tax exempt status and go by God’s higher law. Let the government prosecute, if they can – after your churches have rid themselves of the dependence on the government that carries with it the means to punish you. This would be a final test to the constitution that was crafted by brilliance but through divine providence
KrisAnne will be at the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City Michigan August 02, and will likely have much to say on this topic and more.
Get your tickets to the Property Rights and Liberty Event today. A lousy $20 gets you in the door. Well worth it to figure out how to make the best of the situation that has devolved so quickly in our once great nation.
May God bless this state and nation once again.
May God bless you all.