Word from my sources tell me that the Michigan Senate had granted Gov. Witless’ extension to her “Emergency Powers” about two hours ago.
This has been sent over to the Michigan House where it is expected to be approved later this afternoon and then signed by the guv.
On the plus side: The extension only lasts until April 30th, when it will be “reevaluated”.
The down side: there was nothing extracted from the guv to put a muzzle on her wanton actions until that date.
Mandatory statewide lock-down? Nothing to address it.
Increased penalties for those found “ignoring” the guv’s commands? Nothing to address that one, either.
Anything else the guv’s staff can conceive to further erode our Constitutional Rights?
Twenty-three days, my friends.
Stay tuned.
*** Going by what was sent to me earlier from my source in Lansing (the Senate’s session was unusually brief), what was passed this morning and then later in the House was SCR 24 (information now posted here).
It will not require the signature of the governor before going into effect (See MCL 30.404 Section 3 (4)).***