
Don’t Forget, Tuesday Is Voting Day

voteFebruary 25, 2014 is a voting day.

Remember, Tuesday is that special voting day where your local school districts count on snowbirds to be absent from the rolls so they can get millage requests passed.  In Elk Rapids, its a bond that has failed a couple of times, and last time by only a few votes in the general election. (November) They figure it ought not be hard to get it through while many of the property owners are absent.

Never mind the cost of a special election to taxpayers when nothing else is on the ballot.

Around Michigan there are dozens of examples of this type of electoral abuse, so lets not make it a rewarding venture.  Do a favor, and give your over taxed friends a call and reminder.  Unless there is a really good reason, off cycle elections are generally made to “slip one by” the voters as a rule.

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Peters To Be Protested (News Conference) Outside His Home

SATURDAY: Dexter Woman to Confront Congressman Gary Peters for Attempting to Silence Her ObamaCare Story

boonstraApparently Gary Peters wasn’t happy about AFP criticisms over his support and vote for the health care catastrophe known as Obamacare.

An ad that Americans For Prosperity has been running with a story of a woman severely affected by the law, was challenged in court.  AFP and the woman in the video are apparently going to the source of the lawsuit.

Americans for Prosperity-Michigan Activists to Join Julie Boonstra for News Conference Outside Rep. Gary Peters’ Home in Bloomfield Hills

LANSING, Mich.—Julie Boonstra, the Michigan mother and leukemia survivor featured in a new Americans for Prosperity Gary Peters issue ad, will seek to confront Congressman Peters at his residence in Bloomfield Hills today. Representative Peters has taken legal steps to silence Boonstra’s story and force television stations to pull the issue ad in which she is featured, off the airwaves. Click here to read the legal letter from the Peters Campaign: http://americansforprosperity.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Peters_letter.pdf

With some of Americans for Prosperity-Michigan’s most dedicated activists supporting her, Boonstra will stop by Gary Peters’ residence in Bloomfield Hills today in an effort to confront him directly about his attempts to intimidate and silence her. The media is invited to attend.

It will be interesting if he so much as goes out to get his mail.

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When Less Means More

Clearly, we dodged a bullet by not establishing a state run exchange. The AG appears to be watching for 'ricochets.'

Attorney_General_Bill_Schuette_410797_7For anyone who wondered WHY we did not establish a state run exchange, the answer is clearly about surrendering authority.

Not unlike the camel’s nose, the exchange was a buy-in to undermine state sovereignty. Fortunately, Michigan attorney general Bill Schuette appears to be trying to make sure the mandate does NOT apply to Michigan residents. From MLive:

Attorney General Bill Schuette is arguing an IRS rule offering tax credits to individuals buying health insurance on the federal exchange from states without their own exchanges violates the U.S. Constitution.

The argument was made in a “friend of the court” brief filed in a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where individuals and businesses from states without insurance exchanges are challenging the ability of the IRS to offer tax credits for buying insurance through the federally established exchange.

Schuette and the attorneys general for Kansas and Nebraska argue that allowing the IRS to offer the credits overrules the decisions not to set up exchanges under the Affordable Care Act that 34 states made and is invalid under the Tenth Amendment.

Schuette’s on the right track.

Additionally, it should be noted that this might not be the most popular move, and could be painful to his campaign in the general. As many Michiganians are expecting a federal subsidy, it may not happen or they may lose that subsidy if this action is successful.

This is a courageous and quite correct move.

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Support Price Gouging – Friday Divertere

More than once we have witnessed the attorney general’s office go after or closely watch gas station owners for price gouging after severe weather events.

But is it even appropriate to do so?

In 2008, Governor Jennifer Granholm had taken a threatening posture reminiscent of HER AG days, and as pointed out, I believe she was wrong. I approached this subject with support towards those who would profit from temporary misery, and ended with support for those especially miserable:

But when considering the situation, how bad is it to charge more for gas, and at WHAT point is it considered price gouging?  Not only that, but what RIGHT does GOVERNMENT have to CONTROL Prices?  If a station owner  is looking at NO deliveries for the next two to four days raises his prices because his supplier is unable to guarantee delivery, who is in a position to criticize it?.  What is that person supposed to do? By gas prices going high temporarily, it guarantees that those who TRULY NEED the resource will have it.

This video completes the argument.

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Open Carry March on 2 March (a Sunday) in Grand Rapids

Last year, Johann Deffert faced a felony stop, illegal detainment, and disarmament by the Grand Rapids PD merely because he was openly carrying a holstered pistol while walking down a sidewalk, an act which is legal in the state of Michigan. As a result, Deffert has filed suit against the City, the Police Chief at the time (Kevin Belk), and the three officers who responded.

As a result, I talked with Tom Lambert, Michigan Open Carry Assistant Legislative Director and Board Member, and we came up with a plan for a march around the 1 year anniversary of Deffert’s illegal detainment, including breakfast at the establishment that Deffert left prior to being picked up.

We’ll be linking up around 1000 for breakfast at New Beginnings Restaurant (1455 Michigan Street NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503). At around 1130, we’ll be leaving Fuller Park (250 Fuller Ave NE, Grand Rapids 49503) after connecting with those who didn’t attend breakfast for the corner of Lakeside Dr. and Michigan St., the rough location of where Deffert was detained.

After hanging around for a bit, some of us will be heading towards city hall, while others may return to the park and leave.

While not really “news” per se, I thought that there are those on here who might be interested in participating.

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DNR Strategy & Land Grab Update

After Event Report - MUCC Hosted Event In Acme, Michigan February 17, 2014

DNR-trust-fundLast night’s Agenda 21 party (oops, I mean Land Trust Town Hall) showed Rep. Wayne Schmidt as the pro-government, anti private property progressive he is. Sitting on a panel hosted by MUCC, surrounded by reps from the Land Conservancy, MEDC, and League of ‘Conservation’ (NOT conservative) Voters; he pressed this audience for support of his bill (HB 5210) to remove the cap on State owned land in the Northern Lower and UP.

Apparently, 5 million acres of State owned land is NOT enough.

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Because When They’re Right

twinkieWe’ll say so.

Mlive is telling us that Governor Rick Snyder is asking for the ban on domestic partner same sex benefits to remain in place until properly adjudicated.  They report on the activist Judge who has first tossed the ban:

The motion asks Judge David Lawson to rule in favor of the state in a lawsuit filed by five same-sex couples. The motion argues that the 2011 law banning the benefits “eliminates local government programs that are irrational and unfair” and promotes “financially sound” local agencies.

In June 2013, Lawson issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting the state from enforcing the law, Public Act 297, saying the plaintiffs in the case had a good chance of proving at trial that the law violates the equal protection guarantee of the U.S. Constitution.

“A good chance” is a pitiful reason to upend due process and legislate from the bench.

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A New Michigan Holiday?

ChavezThree states already celebrate Cesar Chavez Day as an official holiday. And in 2011, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation declaring March 31st “Cesar Chavez Day.”

So by golly, what is a bandwagon mentality supposed to do with THAT kind of momentum?

It seems we are could be heading in that direction with the Michigan Board of Education’s newest effort, a: STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION RESOLUTION HONORING CÉSAR ESTRADA CHÁVEZ:

The State Board of Education this week unanimously adopted a resolution honoring the late Cesar E. Chavez as an American hero, a civil rights leader, Latino, farm worker, and a labor leader; a religious and spiritual figure; a community servant and social entrepreneur; a crusader for nonviolent social change; and an environmentalist and consumer advocate.

Lets add that curriculum to the already tenderized minds of mush that must suffer such evils as ‘anti-bullying’ propaganda, Common Core, and Michelle Obama’s ‘My-Plate’ lunch program.

And sure, why not?

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