
When is a Failure not Deemed a Failure?: Part Deux

When Republicans raised the State Income Tax.

“We could have balanced the budget without taxing pensions,” [John] Nixon said.

Yes, raised the State Income Tax on E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y.

Special thanks goes to Dick and Betsy’s cupcake for once again illustrating the Recucklican treachery within the MI-GOP.

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HB 5108 Fights Crony Capitalism, Protects Personal Property Rights

You bought it...you own it!


It doesn’t matter the industry impacted or how long a law has been on the books. Any law that restricts our personal property rights in favor of crony capitalism should be abolished. That’s why lawmakers need to take action on House Bill 5108.

Right now, if you try to re-sell your sports or entertainment ticket above face value, you are a criminal under Michigan law. It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to unload a couple of tickets from your season ticket package or whether you can no longer go to that concert and only want to sell your tickets for face value plus “convenience fees.”

That is, unless you use a specially-designated “vendor” given a monopoly by the team or venue over all ticket resales. Companies like StubHub and Ticketmaster are milking honest fans by tacking on additional fees just for the “right” to resell a ticket that you already own and are turning around and paying a kickback to the venue for their state-protected monopoly.

House Bill 5108 will end this ridiculous law and open the secondary ticket market up to be more fair and free – everybody will have the same rights and nobody is forced to break the law or pay additional fees just to resell their own property.

The House passed the bill in the spring. And given the Republican supermajority in the Senate you would think this bill would be a slam dunk, right? Apparently not because the bill has been stuck in committee for months.

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Calling Mi GOP, Do you really support gun rights?

Mi GOP Supports gun rights, right? Nah The death of a perception...

Many of you may be aware that I was asked to disarm nearly a year and a half ago at the Michigan GOP State Convention.  Just a few weeks ago (8/23/2014) at the Michigan GOP State Convention in Novi, my dear colleague and good friend Tom Lambert (Vice-President of Michigan Open Carry, Inc) followed in my footsteps of having my rights disregarded or minimized by the GOP.

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Founding Fathers & Mothers Dinner

September 14, 2014 at 6pm is the date for the Founding Fathers & Mothers dinner to benefit the Constitution Celebration.

The annual Founding Fathers & Mother dinner is upon us.

Annually, we gather to celebrate the anniversary of the constitution (September 17) on the Sunday immediately following or preceding the date itself.  We also announce our “Grand Defender” award winner; a person selected from three or four constitutional defenders from the preceding year.

Tickets are available @ $35 for adults and $15 for children 5-12.  The proceeds benefit the constitution celebration projects, one of which is the bringing of the VietNam Moving Wall to the Grand Traverse region.  Complete info is on the pdf by clicking the image below.


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Study: 40% of Michigan Families Can’t Cover Basic Survival Expenses

Huge Decline in Wages for Michigan’s Working Families

Pay Falls for Low-Wage Men yet Women Still Far Behind,” found that real wages of Michigan workers have fallen by more than ten percent since 1979 for broad sections of the working class.

Hourly pay for low-wage workers of “prime working age” in Michigan fell 13.4 percent between 1979-2013, while pay for mid-wage workers of prime age fell 12.7 percent.

The collapse of wages in Michigan also illustrates president Obama’s and Governor Snyder’s “insourcing” policies, which involves pushing for lower corporate taxes and lower living standards and wages for workers in order to make American cities “attractive” for business. Snyder Obama Meet

Speaking at a Milwaukee factory in 2012, Obama celebrated the results of his and Snyder’s “bailout” policies in Michigan as a model for the rest of the country: What’s happening in Detroit can happen in other cities.

Declining work rates, stagnant wages, the rise of female-headed families, inferior education, and the arrival of millions of “immigrants” with poor education and low skills are little engines pushing up the poverty rate.

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More Than You Might Be Led To Believe

A great deal of support on the floor of the GOP convention in Novi Michigan for challenger Nakagiri

“I appreciate your enthusiasm” Says Candace Miller as the 300 Nakagiri volunteers do the sign walk.

There were so many, that the next nomination was delayed a moment. (yeah THAT’s the ticket) Truthfully, the video camera work was a little sloppy because I was looking around trying to gauge how many Snyder/Calley supporters were sporting new trouser cookies.  As we have known for a week however, signs unfortunately don’t equal votes.

It was just plain fun as a people watcher however. As a takeaway, we don’t have to think there are no folks actively seeking to better the party. We are NOT alone, nor are we done yet. 

Please enjoy the video.

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