Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Solar Powered Failure

Same scat - different day.

Here’s to still and cloudy days

There must be a class in our taxpayer subsidized higher education system that trains government employees for subsiding business ventures that cannot survive on their own.  A preparation of sorts for the most productive work in Michigan state government.

A123 systems, LG Chem, etc..  Energy is the hot topic, but renewable energy has gotten a stake of the treasury in the past few years.

And to date, it has never been completely debunked as being a future solution for diminished resources.

That’s OK actually.  Under certain circumstances, renewable options provide ways to solve all manner of the issues.  Lawn lighting, roadside signs, or limited use for the cabin in the woods, all of which can be effectively served with solar, or other off-the-grid generation

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Michigan Police Officers Face New Challenges

Proposed legislation would limit police activities.

It had to happen.

Police in Michigan are having one set of tools taken away from them in their pursuit of justice. On March 28, a bill Introduced by Senators EMMONS, HUNE, SCHUITMAKER, WARREN and O’BRIEN was referred to the Committee on Judiciary.  SB 275 adds language to the exemptions of culpability of police officers that effectively cuts them off…  er makes sexual penetration in the course of a prostitution investigation no longer acceptable.

Sorry fellas, guess you will have to go home and tell mom that your career in vice squad is kaput.

H/T Michigan Votes

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The Fox Guarding The Hen House.

Easter eggs hidden all over the place. What's a poor chicken to do?

The MEDC is off the hook corrupt.

I know we have expressed issues before with the cronyism going on with the MEDC and its failures of transparency and effectiveness.  Picking winners only works for ..the winners.

Its not hard to recognize unadulterated failure when we see it. If a person is hungry for the truth, its right in front of us.  One need only look at hangar 42, RASCO, overpaying Film credits by 42%, and A123 just to whet the appetite!

But certainly, the MEDC provides a lot of high paying jobs for otherwise failed business leaders and political partisans.  No way in hell will it willingly surrender the family secrets and threaten the taxpayer goldmine.  Indeed, no dog and pony show of ‘allowing’ bids for outside agencies to measure it’s (the MEDC’s) effectiveness will ever meet the threshold of honest brokering.

Not without some pressure anyhow.

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Draining The Swamp In Michigan?

Northern Michigan activists pursue lip serving politicos in Lansing

The mission statement of DTS Michigan is simple:

“Using public media to hold our elected officials accountable. Raising public awareness of issues critical to the people of Michigan.”

The mission itself, is yet another matter.

Watching taxes go up, socialized medicine implemented, an international bridge obligation, bailouts for Detroit, Bailouts for Detroit schools, and increased bureaucracy develop in the past 6 years, one would think we have a liberal Democrat legislature led by a liberal Democrat governor at the helm. Even the former liberal controlled political machinations of Lansing were never so effective in the growth of the budget, and accompanying growth in taxes.

The reason is as simple as the players behind the scenes pushing for corporate welfare (cough- Detroit stadiums, arts, roads, schools) and an increasingly centralized hospital, insurance, industrial complex.  There is much money in these endeavors, and the scaly denizens who benefit financially run the swamp with a tight leash on the legislative majority.

So along comes this activist brigade attempting to educate, make taxpayers aware of how bad they are being abused, and highlight who is doing the abusing. Yeah, we may have been trying to do that here, but Drain the Swamp Michigan is actually running ads and spending money.

The ad on the right is an example of the high quality radio content, but put to a video so it can be shared in popular social media sites that don’t allow MP3 as a standalone.

We’re glad they are on the team, and encourage you to support them as you can financially.



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I Hope She Prevails

Shouldn't voters have the right to clean their own houses?

Cindy Gamrat’s life was forever changed by her own personal decisions.

As a freshman legislator, her votes were outstanding, and logical.  She was owned by no one, and solid conservative arguments could be made for any lever she pulled. She performed as we expected, had hoped, yet had a failing that so many who are reading this are familiar.

She is human, has human characteristics, and is vulnerable to sin. As are we all.

The ‘dumb’ things she did caused a level of pain from which many of us would not be able to recover. Her career as a politician aside, the depth of hurt on the family level can have no objective measure from this side of the pen, but must certainly be spectacular.

I have often opined that “Stupidity must be painful.”  Bad decisions must have adverse consequence, or no lessons are learned and we repeat those bad decisions.  Generally the context is, of course, that the pain should be born on those who make the bad decisions. There is one situation that provides for a different result theologically and spiritually, but we are for the time being bound to the physics of our earthly existence.

In Cindy Gamrat’s case, there can be no doubt she has endured much pain.  There can be no doubt that much (if not all) of it was deserved. And there can be no doubt that all of it can be forgiven in the ways that matter.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(2)


Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero sanctuary city clown show ensues.

A video with Virg is a great place to catch a giggle when going into the weekend.

Bernero defends his ‘executive order’ to turn Lansing into a sanctuary city as something to clarify what he described as “Modus Operandi.” He explained “It was what we were doing, but we didn’t have a written policy.”

Interestingly, further into his discussion with Carlson, he says “I wasn’t looking for this fight Tucker, This fight found me.  I tried to avoid this fight.”

I am not sure how that works.  Certainly there are mayors and community leaders around the country who have opted to not rattle the tree, but quietly oppose tighter immigration enforcement,  But those folks are not opting for the news cycle in the process.  In fact many might be trying to figure out how to hide the mounting problems they have due to the undocumented invasion we are facing.

Virg is off-the-hook pro-antagonist to be sure.  And I gotta tell ya, when Virgil goes off on how the police are seen as an “occupying force” ??  Whooeeee!

Watch and enjoy.  But then get serious, because then there is this (image also below the fold)

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The Bill Came Due

Grand Traverse County pension advisory board provides insight into fiscal mismanagement.

Honey, go get your credit card please. Ignore the scissors, just hand it over.

Its like that.  The Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners has a little issue that has been looming, called an obligation.  Debt by a different name, and because the Michigan constitution says it must be honored, it is little more than chains that bind our children to their parents bad decisions. From the local fish wrap:

TRAVERSE CITY — A one-page road map past Grand Traverse County’s pension debt hurdle will makes its way to county commissioners, who soon could decide whether to ask taxpayers for a millage.

Pension advisory board Chair Michael Gillman on Monday requested a broad-stroke recommendation that “the people who have to pay the bills” could understand. He and his fellow board members agreed on a set of steps to deal with the county’s defined benefit pension debt.

Past county officials offered that pension to employees but failed to fund the obligations. The bill for 276 retirees and 88 eventually-will-retire current employees is growing year-by-year and threatens to dominate the county’s budget.

“The bottom line is that the public has to somehow understand that we have received services that we haven’t paid between $50 (million) and $70 million toward those services,” Gillman said. “We got those services. We got the bill. The bill has to be paid constitutionally. And we’ve got to pay it in a way that minimizes impact, to the extent possible, on taxpayers and on current employees who aren’t under that plan.”

The solution is to drastically cut services, or get more money somehow.

So in all likelihood, a millage request will be first.  1 Mil that will raise about $5million annually, and that will add about $80 per homeowner.  A millage that will likely find spectacular defeat, as it is not something that will offer ‘instant gratification’ as would fresh roads, happy senior citizens, better school services or properly paid for libraries.

indeed, a millage of this caliber needs proper ownership.  And though there are plenty of other players responsible for over 2 decades of mismanagement on the county board, there are certain names that need to be remembered because they are still with us in elected office, performing big government feats with big government idealism.

We’ll call it the “Sonny Wheelock, Larry Inman, Wayne Schmidt, Memorial Millage.”

If the above appeared on the tax bills of Grand Traverse County property owners next to the assessed amount, I wonder how that would affect their future endeavors?

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)

Dumbest Women Alive

If ignorance is bliss - meet the happiest people alive.

I know we aren’t supposed to make fun of the feeble minded.I get that.

However, having such an <SARC> intellectual powerhouse</SARC> as US senator Debbie Stabenow, to represent our state simply sucks.

At the same time Stabenow and friends are arguing that the Obama administration had no surveillance on Team Trump as private citizens, Stabenow and OTHER friends are confirming that there was as a matter-of-fact surveillance just to make sure!  And they don’t even realize they are doing it.

Aren’t we proud of the voters in Michigan?

REPEAL the 17th amendment folks..


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