Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Wednesday Divertere – The Expert

As the Obamacare fiasco goes on, so do the preposterous claims that it will save money.

The ACA planners undoubtedly ran into a man like Anderson in the video, yet were unswayed in their quest to make red lines out of blue (or transparent) ink. Economics however, not being too difficult, is still a basic skill that is not yet fully understood by the progressive left. (And those who think that expanding welfare in Michigan brings a financial advantage to the state)

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The Same Mental Condition That Brings You Obamacare

Nothing new, but always disappointing.

The left has no tolerance for the suffering, unless THEY too are a part of the intolerant left.  Battling cancer ends the right to free speech apparently.  Julie Boonstra’s effort to let folks know how badly Obamacare has affected HER has simply made her a target for those who present themselves as champions of compassion.


How ‘progressive.’  H/T AFP on Twitter


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ICYMI – Peter Konetchy Video From 2012 Cycle

konetchyIn 2011, then senate candidate Peter Konetchy spoke to a group of conservatives in Kalkaska, Michigan.

He spoke on issues that have become front and center in the fight against government overreach.  Our Constitution and what we have allowed to be done to it as a part of the conversation.  I have a video of the entire meeting on Youtube.

As a part of the question and answer, the question was asked: “Do you support the repeal of the 17th amendment?” His response was clear and to the point, and very relevant to much of what our current troubles are.

We have a short window to demonstrate support for this constitutional conservative in a relatively safe Republican district. Make it clear Constitutional Conservatives mean business by spreading the word, and offer support in whatever way possible.

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BREAKING – Dave Camp To Bow Out

CampAnd the Michigan Congressional selection just got a little more interesting.

With only three weeks to the filing deadline, Congressman Dave Camp has said he will not seek re-election.  Rollcall reports his announcement:

“Today, I am announcing that I will not seek re-election to the United States House of Representatives,” Camp said in a statement. “This decision was reached after much consideration and discussion with my family.”

We wish him the best of luck in future endeavors.

We also hope that Peter Konetchy is ready to fend off an expected establishment chosen congressional candidate.  Konetchy is currently the only announced candidate for the 4th congressional district in Michigan

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Keeping ’em fat, Dumb, and Happy

Interesting Opening Day snippet about the new “Enhanced Security” clustermuck at billionaire Ilitch’s taxpayer subsidized Amphitheatrum Flavium.

SheepleOthers, such as St. Clair Shores resident Scott Mitchell, came early to beat the wait.

“If it’s for our safety, I don’t mind it,” he said.

“I’m OK with it,” said Bryan Collison, 27. “Pretty much anywhere you go now you have to use these.”

Larry Dewey, 58, wasn’t worried about longer lines, either. Dewey has been to more than 30 Opening Day games and said the change wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Safety first,” the Rochester Hills native said. “Once everyone gets used to it, it will be just like any other game.”

Now, how did Franklin know that what he warned about would be Boomer and Millennial dolts? What a visionary Ben was. If one suspected otherwise one most certainly could assert that the indoctrination is being induced from elsewhere *cough*Public Act 396 of 2012*cough*.

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Where is the Money From Public Act 95 of 2013 Going?

Serious question when those in Lansing just performed government sanctioned theft of $60 million dollars (includes $10M gamed from .FEDGOV). Why is this going on anywhere?

Be careful how you answer that because it sure as Hell is not giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling that the Progressive Nerd’s non-bailout bailout schemes is spending another $350M in tax dollars.

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And Now A Proper Application Of The *14th Amendment

The *14th Amendment Goes Both Ways Folks

The equal rights canard with regard to same sex ‘marriages’ is premised on the “nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” component of the inappropriately ratified and illegal 14th Amendment.

Fact is, there is no inequality to start with. Consider that simply because marriage is between one man and one woman, it does not exclude those who are of a different sexual orientation from enjoying that same privilege, or right. They can still do so within the definition established by we the people of the state of Michigan!

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Rogers To Move On

7 Term Congressman Is Moving On

rogersUS Congressman Mike Rogers is putting away his legislative pen.

Its apparently time to move on the the graveyard of political careers. The land of political punditry; broadcaster Nirvana. Talk Radio. The Detroit News Reports

The seven-term Howell Republican’s announcement comes less than a month before the filing deadline — and is the third major departure for the state’s congressional delegation following the decisions of Rep. John Dingell, D-Dearborn, and Sen. Carl Levin, D-Detroit, to retire. Last year, Rogers opted not to pursue Levin‘s seat, despite pressure from fellow Republicans, to focus on his job overseeing the Intelligence committee.

This of course presents yet another opportunity for a Michigan conservative pickup in the 8th congressional district. It also can go the other way if a decent candidate is NOT found by April 22, which is Michigan’s filing deadline for the Aug 5 primary.

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