Some Michigan blogging folks on state and national issues.
Watchdog Wire – Emmet County Watchdog Calls Out Commissioners Over Bond Vote Some shady backroom dealing going on, and a $15 million dollar taxpayer headache.
The Voice Of One Crying Out In Suburbia – A Tale Of Two Baskets A decidely different take on the tithe.
The Western Right – Terrence Moore on Common Core A couple of video presentations of Terrence Moore of Hillsdsale College
The Other Club – An Analysis of Reasons for the Disparity in Wages Between Men and Women Given the claim of wars on women and such ..
Motor City Times – Left claims Hillary’s age is no big deal, forgets brutally attacking President Reagan for being the same age He DOES have a point.
Jen Kuznicki – Guys With Guns Dictate Policy Noting that the left likes guns as long as they are pointed in our direction.