Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

MIGOP “Tactics” as to get “Their” Chosen Candidates Elected

I’m sure this is going on all over the state as to stifle the Grassroots, Conservatives and Tea Party that dare challenge the establishment but this one is in my own backyard. We all have seen how the MIGOP establishment has gone after and targeted two conservatives Justin Amash and Kerry Bentivolio. Jason Sheppard and Richardville

I had seen in my facebook notifications that one of my facebook friends liked a page so I investigated. To my surprise and shock I couldn’t believe that many of my conservative friends would like a “yes man” for Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville for State Rep. 

The MIGOP establishment has a plan in place as to get their chosen candidates elected and will go to any and all lengths as to make sure this happens. Let’s take a close look at just one example in my district how they are going about this.

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Lerner Found In contempt

Abusive IRS director found in contempt of congress.

joker-petersGary Peters voted ‘innocent’ on IRS chief Lois Lerner’s contempt charge.

Lerner arguably directed the IRS policy to discriminate against conservative groups and their ability to finance against the ongoing federal tyranny.  She was then called to testify on the matter in front of a congressional oversight committee.  Instead of simply refusing to testify, she made a statement before a congressional panel investigating her crimes, THEN shut up expecting to enjoy 5th amendment protections.

It doesn’t work that way.

A Bi-partisan congressional vote 231-187 with 6 democrats joining the Republicans  found Lerner in contempt.  Nothing will happen of course, until the gatekeeper of lawlessness, Eric Holder is impeached and removed from his office.  Holder himself was found in contempt, and still exists as US Attorney General.

Michigan Republicans present voted to find her in contempt. (Bentivolio was unable to make this vote)  Conversely, All of Michigan Democrats including US senate candidate Gary Peters would apparently excuse this type of lawless behavior, and voted to protect her.

Remember this lesson and internalize it.


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Why Does This Remind Me Of Our Local School Board?

Face it, your local school board doesn’t give two whits what you have to say.

Whether it is a complaint of how they are spending taxpayer resources, common core, or the introduction of inappropriate materials to our youth, they just don’t want to hear it.  In Traverse City, parents have been ignored when sexually explicit curriculum was given to their adolescent children, and that curriculum was allowed to stand.

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Roads And A Different Type Of Letter

A Better Way to Fix Our Roads

Christchurch, New Zealand - March 20 2011: Fitzgerald Avenue Bridge Destruction.It seems that soon, the ‘dodge-em’ game on the way to work is going to turn into bumper cars.

Yeah, the roads are bad. A combination of a harsh winter, diverting funds for an unneeded bridge construct, along with poor planning and oversight from the transportation committee has left the roads in Michigan in the worst shape since forever.

The road building interests are already chomping at the bit, eager to get those lucrative contracts. The public is ready for any relief from the banging, swerving, and white knuckling trips to the store or work.  The stock prices on the strut and tire manufacturers have likely been going through the roof.

Something needs to be done.

The road lobby has loved Governor Snyder’s first suggestion of raising revenue (raise taxes) by a $billion-point-two.  The tax and spend sycophants in the legislature have eagerly lined up for their favor from the guv, and were ready to give him what he wanted. Until the push back by taxpayers.

Republican speaker Jase Bolger, seeing the the gathering of pitchforks by the ‘townsfolk,’ has seemingly cut the ‘revenue increase’ part of the solution in half, but tax increases are still going to be part of the equation. And even the guy who at first touted his efforts in creating the alternative is still afraid to stand on its merits, letting Bolger take all the credit for himself. (listen to this montage – hilarious)

Peter denied Christ only three times; I guess this must be a pretty serious threat to someone’s campaign. (and no, I am not really comparing anyone in Lansing..) 

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Sunday RightMi Reader

Blogging Around The Geat State Of Michigan On State Local And National Issues

logo-sphereMIRS Weekly Report – Primary challenges emerge for 19 GOP incumbents Yours truly quoted with one of our favorite lines.

Grassroots In Michigan – Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes! Clearly Joan has had enough of that. The transportation bills seem to promise more taxes. And under a ‘Republican’ administration, no less.

Motor City Times TWOFER! – Robin Hood Tax: Another bad European idea that will find its way here Minimum wages are too low, right? AND Regional blackouts coming to an electrical outlet near you starting in 2015 Driving home the point that the EPA is a thing that must be removed .. like yesterday.

Michigan Taxes Too Much – ICY Michigan Just because there was a lot of ice this year.

The Shekel – Several articles on a recently attended NRA convention Quite complete with pictures and seminar reports.

Wayne County Taxpayers – Contacts in All 83 Counties are Now a Reality for Part Time Legislature Petitions If you need some petitions, we’ll get em to you.

Watchdog Wire – OPINION: Sports Media Scrutinize Richard DeVos’ Views on Traditional Marriage Thanks Izzy! This is just really good on a number of levels.  I’ll leave it to the reader to figure out why.

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How Can Rich Perlberg Walk Straight?

Obama supporter thinks he can prevail in Michigan's 42nd district Republican Primary.


And man parts the size of watermelons.

That is the only way I can describe one of the ‘Republican’ candidates in Michigan’s 42nd district State Representative race. The former general manager of the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus entered into the four way Republican primary April 11, and apparently offers himself up as the RINO candidate.  (sorry Kevin, this one sticks)

And other Republican In Name Only candidates could only be jealous of the nerve Rich Perlberg has demonstrated in calling such a socialist standard as Barack Obama, a good choice for conservatives.  Jennifer Hensley documents the history of editorials from the Press & Argus including doozies like this endorsement:

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Set Up To Fail

Michigan Paid Up Only 55% Of Enrolled in ACA

healthThe number of paid enrollment across the country is bad enough but in Michigan only about half have opened their wallets.

Michigan’s number is less than the 67% national percentage of enrolled + paid ACA participants in the federal exchanges.  (note the 67% may change soon as Oregon joins the federal program, currently with 0 participants) That 67% figure undermines the 8 million number that the administration says are signed up, resulting in just over 5 million to date having signed up and paid.

In Michigan only 55% of enrollees in the ACA have opened their wallets. And along with those 55%, there are some other numbers that stand out; Of the under 18 year olds, only 6% are enrolled and paid, the 18-25 year olds only 10%. Given that the plan to fund the ACA was with these healthy young specimens paying their fair share up front, this is going to pose a little problem for ongoing operation of this scam. Heck, even the 26-35 demographic has only a 17% E & P.

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Republicans Collaborate With Left-Wing Liberals Against Conservatives and Tea Party

Amelia Island Ritz HotelAmelia Island in Florida is the gathering “Hot Spot” for the Political Elitist, Lobbyists, Big Labor, and the Republican leadership that all use this “chic” location to collaborate defeating conservatives and the Tea Party Patriots.

The Republican Main Street Partnership’s offshoot “Main Street Advocacy” is one such group that host these events at the Ritz Carlton on Amelia Island.

The “Main Street Partnership.” is just one of the D.C.-based outfits started by lobbyist Steve LaTourette.

The group has made it its mission to come after constitutional conservatives and to back big-government puppets. As late as 2007, Mitt Romney was a member of the Republican Main Street Partnership.

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Arcand’s position on abortion funding…

Arcand's position on abortion funding...

Alan Arcand on the RTL endorsement of Congressman Benishek, and his votes to support abortion through the funding of Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare:

“If a bill or continuing resolution to fund Obamacare was placed in front of me which also included funding the veterans, I would have to acknowledge the fact that if I was to vote yes on this bill it would pay the veterans who put their lives on the line everyday for this country. I myself being a veteran know what is involved with this duty, but I also know that I would be doing a GREAT disservice to our future generations leaving them with nothing more than an oppressive government that forces them to eat, drink, think, live and die all at the whim of the government.

If I was to vote yes, we would win the fight for the veteran, but lose the war for our country. If I vote no, we live to fight another day for the veteran, the American people, and our posterity. The argument I keep hearing is that we need to go along to get along until someday in the future, when we get the majority, and then we can change the world. The reality of it is that this will not happen. Election after election we hear the same nonsense that next time it will be different. That is how we got here, going along to get along instead of being vigilant and jealous of our liberties. We have allowed our representatives to be frivolous in their votes and unaccountable for them.

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Amash V Ellis Money Quote

ellisThere is very little you need to know about Brian Ellis

Ellis who is challenging constitutional Republican incumbent Justin Amash in the third congressional district race holds little support from any grass roots.  Ellis’ primary financing is from himself and Washington lobbyists, with less than 3% coming from small donors.

But the real kicker is what the former Granholm appointee and Michigan strategic fund huckster says openly.  From the Washington Examiner:

Ellis also has no patience for Amash’s insistence on abstract ideas like the Constitution and liberty. “He’s got his explanations for why he’s voted,” the Weekly Standard quoted Ellis saying, “but I don’t really care. I’m a businessman. I look at the bottom line.”

Oh.  How nice.

Though we’ve probably reported on this before, its good to have a reminder there are still plenty of RINOs to go around.

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