Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Granholm Strikes Again – Lies, LNG, and Lousy Leadership

Hiding more than facial deformities.

It’s always the “smartest people in the room” who think you won’t notice when they hide the truth in the bottom drawer.

Turns out Canada’s favorite export, former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm during her stint at the DoE, buried a Department of Energy report that completely torpedoed the justification for Biden’s 2024 LNG export pause. The same pause that crippled U.S. energy leverage during a time of global instability and emboldened our enemies.

Why? Because facts weren’t politically useful. Can’t have reality contradicting the climate cult narrative, now can we?

According to HotAir:

“The Energy Department has learned that former Secretary [Jennifer] Granholm and the Biden White House intentionally buried a lot of data and released a skewed study to discredit the benefits of American LNG… the administration intentionally deceived the American public to advance an agenda that harmed American energy security, the environment and American lives.”

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Slotkin Rebuttal???

Open Borders, Pro EV Mandate Politician to Respond to Joint Address

LOL. Fail Bot.

Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands opposed to President Trump’s agenda to lower costs, bring back manufacturing, and secure our borders.

Slotkin voted against overturning Biden’s tailpipe emissions rule, a rule that would force automakers to sell more electric vehicles, killing auto manufacturing jobs. President Trump stood up for American consumers and autoworkers and repealed this de facto electric vehicle mandate.

There is more.

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When She Is Right

Betsy DeVos: Shut Down the Department of Education

She is right.

Of course any while regulars here would have suggested that the federal dept of education needs an uprooting long ago, we know that if there was a time to see it happen .. It is now.  From the Free Press (not the one you think either)

Since its creation in 1979, the Department of Education has sent well more than $1 trillion to schools with the express purpose of closing the gaps between the highest and lowest performers. Today, those gaps are as wide as they have ever been, and by many measures, even wider.

Last week, the latest Nation’s Report Card came out, giving us a clear assessment of where student achievement stands. The report, published by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), tells us that in reading and math, most students were even further behind than they were in 2022. Which was worse than where they were in 2019. Which was worse than 2013.

Its not going to get better either.

Schools need radical reforms, and one of those is the elimination of ‘leading’ grants that come with political agendas that actually take away from our kids’ education.  The other is (As I have suggested previously) is a complete reworking of funding, and organization that is done in a way that rewards excellence in education and performance.

Step it up Trump admin!

And if our legislators are paying attention..  this will work.


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Jocelyn Benson: From Election Fraud Adjacent to Aspiring Governor

Jocelyn Benson - a name synonymous with 'election fraud'

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has declared her candidacy for governor in 2026. Yeah, this is the same Jocelyn Benson whose political ascent has been peppered with controversy, eyebrow-raising connections, and what some might call an opportunistic knack for ‘Teflon’ politics. Let’s take a little walk down memory lane and unpack her storied past.

2010: Fake Tea Party Shenanigans

You may recall that in 2010, Michigan witnessed a blatant attempt at election fraud: the creation of a fake Tea Party to siphon votes from legitimate candidates. Two Democratic operatives from Oakland County, Jason Bauer and Mike McGuinness, were convicted for their roles in this debacle. Bauer got probation and a slap on the wrist, while McGuinness faced perjury and forgery charges. Fun fact: both of these fine gentlemen were connected to none other than Jocelyn Benson.

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The Fly

The end of a bad run only two years away?

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment.

From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing.

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Save The Planet (By Destroying It First)

A Train Wreck In Slow Motion

How about the left’s latest installment in their ongoing saga, How to Save the Planet by Destroying It First?

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently floated a gem of an idea: clear-cutting 400 acres of pristine forest to make way for a solar farm. That’s right—the people tasked with protecting our natural resources think the best way to go green is to bulldoze the green. Makes perfect sense if you’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid laced with government subsidies and virtue signaling.

This isn’t just a one-off; it’s part of a larger trend of leftist policies that aim to “fix” problems by creating new ones. Let’s not forget California, the state that has practically turned self-sabotage into an art form. In just the last few days, some of the worst wildfires ever, have ravaged communities, thanks to years of mismanagement, over-regulation, and a steadfast refusal to do basic forest maintenance. Why clear deadwood when you can let it pile up and create the perfect conditions for catastrophic fires?

Bonus points if you can blame climate change afterward and rake in federal disaster relief funds. That’s the progressive playbook in action: cause a problem, then profit from it. Yeah?

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Some Questions

Gee ..why did Democrats wait until AFTER the election to put this crap out there??

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago.

He notes the Lame Duck Democrats are trying to get something ..anything passed during the most dangerous time in a legislative session. He says:

But the only way the Democrats can pass all of these extreme bills is with 100% unanimous Democrat votes . . . or Republicans crossing over to vote with them.

Even if you’ve already done so, contact your lawmakers immediately and tell them to vote NO on ALL Lame-Duck legislation.

Democrats know how unpopular their extremist bills are. That’s why they didn’t take the votes before the election – and in many cases noted above, didn’t even introduce the bills until after the election.

But it’s critical you and I keep up the pressure.

These are the questions I have.

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Making Education Great Again.

A roadmap to fixing our FAILING Public education system

Imagine if the resources spent on the Federal Department of Education was instead sent to the states?

Michigan has more School districts than counties, has had to (as a state) take over whole systems that cannot manage the resources given them by taxpayers, and is delivering CRAP insofar as outcomes.

Let me state this comparison as clearly as I can .. If you had a roofer fix your leaky roof, and the first time you had a light sprinkle you find yourself putting buckets around the house, what would you do?  You might have them try to repair, but most folks are going to get someone new.

Let me remind you that our kids can’t read.  Not like they should anyhow.   I drafted the below roadmap last night.  It is a response to my own personal assessment of what doesn’t currently work in our public education system.  It was inspired to this point as I spoke with a couple of retired legislators who may or may not agree with the entire premise.

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So What Has the Department of Education Done for Us Lately?

Failures sometimes need to be removed from the equation

The federal Department of Education, heralded by its supporters as a vital institution for ensuring equal access to quality education across the country. The freak outs are happening as Trump Taps McMahon to ‘put a fork in it.

Let’s pause a second, and ask the obvious question: What has it actually accomplished lately?

The results of the 2024 Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress, known as M-STEP, show that 39.6% of third-graders statewide passed the state’s English language arts (ELA) test, compared with 40.9% last year, 41.6% in 2022 and 42.8% in 2021.

Is it really any better than an ever-growing bureaucracy that’s burning taxpayer dollars faster than Michigan Democrats spend transportation funds on bike lanes no one uses?

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Dark Money In Michigan?

Say it ain't so

If you subscribe to the news:

Allies of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer used millions of dollars from secret donors and a web of nonprofit organizations to promote her policy agenda and celebrate Democrats who joined in championing it, according to a tax filing obtained by The Detroit News.

Michigan  Democrats who rail on about dark money in Politics..

The article hit on one specific group: The Road To Michigan’s Future which has a few recognizable figures.  Former Lt Governor Cherry as one.

Which begs the question “How long will it be before old politicians just go away??

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