
How Can Rich Perlberg Walk Straight?

Obama supporter thinks he can prevail in Michigan's 42nd district Republican Primary.


And man parts the size of watermelons.

That is the only way I can describe one of the ‘Republican’ candidates in Michigan’s 42nd district State Representative race. The former general manager of the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus entered into the four way Republican primary April 11, and apparently offers himself up as the RINO candidate.  (sorry Kevin, this one sticks)

And other Republican In Name Only candidates could only be jealous of the nerve Rich Perlberg has demonstrated in calling such a socialist standard as Barack Obama, a good choice for conservatives.  Jennifer Hensley documents the history of editorials from the Press & Argus including doozies like this endorsement:

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Arcand’s position on abortion funding…

Arcand's position on abortion funding...

Alan Arcand on the RTL endorsement of Congressman Benishek, and his votes to support abortion through the funding of Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare:

“If a bill or continuing resolution to fund Obamacare was placed in front of me which also included funding the veterans, I would have to acknowledge the fact that if I was to vote yes on this bill it would pay the veterans who put their lives on the line everyday for this country. I myself being a veteran know what is involved with this duty, but I also know that I would be doing a GREAT disservice to our future generations leaving them with nothing more than an oppressive government that forces them to eat, drink, think, live and die all at the whim of the government.

If I was to vote yes, we would win the fight for the veteran, but lose the war for our country. If I vote no, we live to fight another day for the veteran, the American people, and our posterity. The argument I keep hearing is that we need to go along to get along until someday in the future, when we get the majority, and then we can change the world. The reality of it is that this will not happen. Election after election we hear the same nonsense that next time it will be different. That is how we got here, going along to get along instead of being vigilant and jealous of our liberties. We have allowed our representatives to be frivolous in their votes and unaccountable for them.

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Amash V Ellis Money Quote

ellisThere is very little you need to know about Brian Ellis

Ellis who is challenging constitutional Republican incumbent Justin Amash in the third congressional district race holds little support from any grass roots.  Ellis’ primary financing is from himself and Washington lobbyists, with less than 3% coming from small donors.

But the real kicker is what the former Granholm appointee and Michigan strategic fund huckster says openly.  From the Washington Examiner:

Ellis also has no patience for Amash’s insistence on abstract ideas like the Constitution and liberty. “He’s got his explanations for why he’s voted,” the Weekly Standard quoted Ellis saying, “but I don’t really care. I’m a businessman. I look at the bottom line.”

Oh.  How nice.

Though we’ve probably reported on this before, its good to have a reminder there are still plenty of RINOs to go around.

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2014 Michigan Congressional Races

2014 Michigan Congressional Races

Cross-posted at The Western Right, Right Michigan, and Red Racing Horses.

Michigan will see several interesting congressional races in 2014, with four open seats and several competitive primary challenges.  Michigan now has 14 congressional seats.

There are several articles that analyze the general political leanings of the districts.

Michigan Redistricting: Congressional Map Passed
Republican Michigander Congressional District Profiles (Sidebar at right)

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Freedom Fund Silent On MCRI Victory

Why is such an influential 'conservative' group so silent about such a civil rights victory?

cone-silenceA funny thing happened on the way to yesterday’s US Supreme Court victory for Michigan.

Greg McNeilly, and the DeVos funded Freedom fund were unusually quiet.  The all-things-go except true equality “Freedom Fund” was silent on the issue, offering no opinion, no support, or any insight where it stands with regard to racial preferences.  Apparently, this influential, well financed, political advocacy group had no qualms about the state constitution being squashed by activist judges.

The question if of whether we should be surprised was answered years ago.  In 2003, Greg McNeilly, who was the executive director under Michigan Republican party chair Betsy DeVos,  made it clear that voters should not be in charge of repairing the mistaken race based decision making process.

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Read it and weep BAMN (along with every other race-hustler and their catspaws)!

“Deliberative debate on sensitive issues such as racial preferences all too often may shade into rancor. But that does not justify removing certain court-determined issues from the voters’ reach.

Democracy does not presume that some subjects are either too divisive or too profound for public debate.The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed.
Submitted w/o any further comment.
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Rick Snyder tells Michigan Taxpayers (living outside of Detroit) to go spin on it.

This story is certainly getting very little attention across Michigan.

I just cannot imagine why?

After living large from the public trough for decades, using the same pubic treasury to pay hush money in order to avoid embarrassing behavior from the public spotlight, money from the public treasury going to businesses that have bought off city council votes and getting a disproportionate share of a myriad of breaks and special carve-outs from Lansing during all that time (and I’m just starting here), Governor Snyder is going to play the crony capitalist game one more time and put Michigan Taxpayers on the hook again.


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AFP Michigan – 2014 Tax Day Rally Livonia Video

Okay, for those of you you didn’t have the chance to attend one of the rallies scheduled across Michigan, I’ve posted video below from Saturday’s AFP Tax Day Rally at Schoolcraft College in Livonia (H/T KG Two).

All in all, the video I saw was interesting and informative.

Congressman Bentivolio was there meeting with attendees as they arrived, unfortunately they didn’t have him speaking to the group as a whole during the event.

Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck was there and gave a short speech about himself, his term in office and some of the shenanigans various groups, whom I strongly suspect were affiliated with The Center for Michigan, pull on incoming legislators.

WJR Air Personality Frank Beckmann was next. What I personally found curious is how his style in front of a live audience is subtly (but definitely noticeably) different than when he is on the air. He really needs to adopt the latter when he is on ‘JR.

Next was Town Hall Contributor and WIBC Indy Air Personality Tony Katz. Cigar quips aside, I had enjoyed his portion more than Beckmann’s, especially with his take on direct taxation and its history. Nothing against rooting for the “hometown” guy, he was just more interactive with the audience (with apologies to Aretha Franklin).

Bill McMaster was also there meeting with those attending, but he didn’t speak before the group either.

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