
The Butterfly Effect

What happens when a radically unique species is introduced into a 'stable' environment?

Truthfully, its hard to not appreciate ‘The Donald.’

Sure, he’s given vast amounts of money to the bad actors over the years, been a buffoonish character on the ‘tele.’ and has pretty much enjoyed cronyism in his business dealings over the years with great success. Normally, one might expect all of this to be objectionable to conservative stalwarts who respect common sense and real free markets.

trumpedSomehow, the largely forgotten weaknesses in the Trump character is conveniently overlooked as he lambastes the existing federal mess of allowing importation of criminals through our porous borders, as he pummels current foreign policy (specifically handling of ISIS and China), and all the while reminds us of his fabulous wealth. He is indeed a self reliant, self promotions artist.

“I don’t need anybody’s money. It’s nice. I don’t need anybody’s money. I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich”

And yes, yes he is. Even by Michigan’s ‘wooden shoe ghey mafia’ standards.

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The LGBTIQ-crowd tries to screw Michigan Taxpayers just one more time.

Okay, they played the legal lottery and won.

I get that.

I don’t have to like that, but I get it.

We have a Supreme Court Chief Justice whose mental state is seriously suspect. A fellow Supreme Court Justice who is apparently too concerned with “leaving a legacy” than actually following the letter of the law. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the judicial activism displayed by other SCOTUS Justices in preceding rulings (and these) on unrelated cases should also be a cause for concern for any Freedom-loving American. But that is better left for another discussion.

Now, the LGBTIQ-crowd wants to turn the screws just one more time.

Shakedown Flag

Expect to see this flying in Ann Arbor, Royal Oak, Hazel Park and Traverse City sometime soon…

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Why telling it like it is should be a newsworthy event.

Why telling it like it is should be a newsworthy event.

I’ll be honest, the whole kerfuffle regarding the “Confederate Flag” hasn’t drawn very much interest for me because of the following reasons:

One, it’s not directly Michigan-related.

Two, it doesn’t affect me personally or anyone that I know (and I know quite a few people who fall into the category the race-hustlers are trying to round up on their side).

Three, I’m actually amused at the time spent distracting focusing attention away from real issues like disintegrating family structures, a education system whose outcome is criminal, cities which have devolved into war zones, the job situation (just to name a few), which are the direct result of actions taken by democrats (See: Cloward-Piven).

But someone sent me this video, and it…well check it out for yourself regarding one Kid Rock, a do-nothing group of “community organizers” (isn’t that a redundant description), their respective list of accomplishments…and the Confederate Battle Flag.

Yes, the content is “safe for work”.



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“We should just start calling this law SCOTUScare”

So Sayeth Justice Antonin Scalia, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

And they are correct.  Justice Roberts and the presumed swing vote Justice Kennedy are completely happy supporting their leftist counterparts in rewriting the law and acting in a defacto legislative manner.  In the meantime our cowardly Republican congress plans its next budget including the money used to screw over the population in a direct violation to the constitution.

The biggest cowards of course being our own Tim Walberg, Dan Benishek, Candace Miller, congressBill Huizinga, David Trott, Mike Bishop, John Moolenaar, and perpetual sandbagging liberal Fred Upton. Without their support for continuing funding of the Obama plans, all of this would be moot.  Without their capitulation to the sell out speaker of the house Obamacare would have been repealed by the purse.  Without their complete and total disrespect for the Constitution of the United States, Obama and the complete and total change of our Republic under his guidance would be but a memory.

As for the ‘Democrats?’ We have know for quite some time that the Marxist infiltration of THAT party is complete.

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15 Million Dollars Worth Of Dark Sky

Emmet County commissioners are apparently out of touch with the electorate.

I Could have predicted this.

Perhaps I would have; if I lived in Emmet County.  However, there should still be nothing surprising about an apparent divergence of priority between the voters and the elected numbskulls who ‘serve’ them.  The same type of thinking that drives the nonsense in DC can be just as bad locally, and have a more immediate financial effect.

Reading the bills, or allowing a real debate to happen before committing millions of dollars extracted forcefully from taxpayers should be paramount.  The latter option was never allowed to happen however.  A year ago, Emmet County commissioners jacked the electorate without the chance to object, leaving them to foot the bill for a $15 Million boondoggle.

As quick as a shooting star, Emmet County commissioners (pictured above) approved a sale of $15 million in bonds with nearly half of the proceeds being used to build an observatory and a new event building at the Headlands International Dark Sky Park in Mackinaw City.

Without the chance to object.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(2)

Well THAT Was Disappointing ..

What at first appeared to be a reach out to get input for a post-SCOTUS ruling direction was just a scam.

Not at all surprising however.

Given that it was from team Benishek. I though perhaps he was noticing how folks have lost all respect for him, and as contrition, was reaching out to see what would make folks a little more confident in his future performance.  Gosh, maybe it was in response to my put up or shut up articles!

The email arrived with this heartfelt message:

” Jason,

With more than three decades in the medical field, I know how important it is for our healthcare system to empower patients and their doctors, not federal bureaucrats in Washington.

Too often, Washington politicians try to pass laws without talking to the people who have to live with the consequences. Any doctor will tell you that listening to your patients is one of the most important parts of medicine. I believe this is true in politics as well.

That’s why I want to hear from you.

Jason, please take my survey to let me know what you think of ObamaCare, and how we can build a better healthcare system.

Our current system isn’t working, and I know we can do better. With your support, we can fight for a bottom up healthcare system that empowers people not politicians.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts,

Dr. Dan”

So I clicked the link.   I diligently filled out the form answering the ready-made questions, and then I offered offered some “other thoughts” that were being solicited at the bottom.  I typed in:

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A Dead Man Walking: Wayne County

Your Least Loss is Your First Loss

Bankrupcy WC 2Wayne County Executive Warren Evans told the assembled self very important persons at the Mackinac Policy Conference last Friday that he now believes that his county government can avoid bankruptcy. “He is now comfortable with the options” was the report. Little did he know that, on the very same day, Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Lita Popke gave the County 48 hours to pay its retirees $ 49 million dollars to restore their 2010 ’13th check’ retirement benefit. Wayne County told the court flat out that it doesn’t have the money.

The Wayne County Commission voted yesterday to tap most of the last remaining funds in the County’s much abused Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund, however Warren Evan’s subsequent veto threat all but assures that this summer’s county property taxes will increase 1.23 mils to pay this judgement. This property tax increase will not even require a vote of affirmation under the Headlee Amendments to the Michigan Constitution, because it is pursuant to a court order.

’13th checks’ are a devious method of looting pension funds which began in the 1980’s, in Michigan. When some Michigan public pension funds earned more than their targeted rate of return in a year, say 8%, the ‘surplus’ earnings got doled out to retirees in the form of a 13th check.  These 13th checks could amount to far more than the pension fund’s actually surplus.  Retirees never had to give back their prior 13th check payments when the pension funds dialed up a big loss, so the 13th check was an opportunistic form of looting – not an equitable form of risk & gain sharing. This practice has occurred in state pension plans, county pension plans, and city pension plans across Michigan. The particular problem in Wayne County is that Robert Ficano stripped his pension funds of the 13th check payment funds in 2010 to make his books look better. Worst of all, Wayne County’s pension funds are only about 44% funded and their OPEB’s (retiree medical care, etc.) are essentially unfunded.

Wayne County’s accounting is nebulous, to be charitable. A read of their 2014 CAFR (22 MB document, it took a lot of lipstick to make this dead pig look good!) shows that the County is carrying forward an unassigned deficit of $ 82.8 million, and only got it down to this awful level by diverting $ 91.7 million from their dwindling Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund to their General Fund in 2014. Then, depending upon whom in Wayne County government you are talking to, Wayne County is still losing another $ 4 – $ 5 million each month.

This amounts to something over $ 50 million per year.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(1)

How about this for Plan “B”.

Or, the “Right Michigan Solution for Fixing Michigan Roads”.

A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Soon enough, you’ve got the makings of a pretty good framework to work within.

If you’re really a Conservative, that is.

If not…well click below for more.

{Continued below the fold}

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