
Dark Money

Hidden donors keep the swamp critters alive.

Cronyism is alive and well.

Clearly there are people with financial stake in certain players gaining the governor’s seat.  Some interests might be as innocuous as self preservation, and some may be to game the system.  But it’s all in play and the hidden stuff can be spooky.  From Crains this morning:

Three of the leading candidates to be Michigan’s next chief executive have benefited from large sums of cash that can’t be easily followed to their original sources because of federal laws allowing not-for-profit organizations to influence elections outside of the state’s campaign finance law.

Former state Sen. Gretchen Whitmer’s campaign for the Democratic nomination for governor has been aided by $550,000 in concealed donations from two entities that don’t appear to exist in public records.

Attorney General Bill Schuette’s bid for the Republican nomination in next Tuesday’s primary also has been boosted by $1.2 million in untraceable donations flowing from two so-called “dark money” front organizations that can legally conceal the identities of their donors.

And Lt. Gov. Brian Calley got $1.3 million of free advertising through a TV commercial promoting his work with Gov. Rick Snyder turning around Michigan’s economy that was paid for by a Snyder-led group that doesn’t have to disclose its funding sources.

The last guy listed here knows who is footing the bill for his spots I imagine.

He stars in those ads.

In any event, Blue Cross Blue Shield was let off its leash in 2013 walking away with Michigan taxpayer money and made untouchable.  It’s relationship with those who would restore much of its monopoly power should be noted.  However they are not squealing:

Those donations to the pro-Whitmer group have fueled questions from her Democratic opponents as to whether those mystery entities are operating for the sole purpose of concealing corporate money from a big business like Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, which has allied with Whitmer but not made a traceable donation to her bid to be governor.

“Build a Better Michigan is nothing but a shell for dark money PACs and unlimited money from corporate CEOs who have interest in a Whitmer-led Michigan,” said Adam Joseph, spokesman for El-Sayed. “There is only one reason these corporations and secretive groups are shelling out thousands of dollars to try and get Gretchen Whitmer elected: they want to keep their privilege in a Whitmer administration.”

But whether Blue Cross Blue Shield played any role in helping bankroll the pro-Whitmer group Build a Better Michigan is a lingering question the state’s largest health insurance company won’t answer.

Of course BCBS won’t answer.

Being un-collared, (Former AG Mike Cox was their best handler to be honest)  they don’t have to.  Once upon a time they were beholden to the legislature, but now run free-range and can bundle money where it serves their board of director’s interest best.  Anyhow they have been feeding the GOP as well.

Playing the field is not a hard thing to do when flush with unequaled cash reserves.  BCBSmi DID walk away with $Billions given to them by a GOP legislature and governor.

As for the complainer Abdul?  I suspect there is plenty of dark cash ready to fund his efforts.

The swamp is alive and well friends.  Read the complete piece.


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The Devil is DEFINITELY in the details.

Multiple news outlets have reported that the Michigan Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision upheld the democratic party “independent/grassroots” Voters Not Politicians petition initiative to create a non-partisan commission to redraw every voting district in Michigan.

In writing for the majority Justices Viviano, McCormack, Bernstein & Clement said;

“Here, that approach leads us to conclude that a voter-initiated amendment under Const 1963, art 12, § 2 is permissible if it does not significantly alter or abolish the form or structure of our government, making it tantamount to creating a new constitution.”

Yeah that’s sounds great on paper, but exactly how did they intend on accomplishing this nigh impossible feat?

{Well, I’ll go into that more after the fold}

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John James Campaign Resorts to Outright Lying in Final Days of Senate Race

It was previously demonstrated how the John James for Senate campaign had been taking his competitor Sandy Pensler out of content for the purposes of releasing misleading attacks about him. While that was bad enough, James has resorted to outright lying in the final days of the campaign as he tries to win in what looks to be a close race.

This meme was posted on John James’ campaign page a day following Pensler’s announcement that he received an endorsement from tea party favorite Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who has one of the top conservative voting records in the Senate according to many popular conservative watchdog organizations.

“I’m pleased to endorse Sandy Pensler for U.S. Senate in Michigan. The Senate needs more outsiders who have created jobs and who won’t be part of the Washington, D.C. swamp. Sandy supports term limits, smaller government, lower taxes, and a constitutional conservative foreign policy, and he will stand up and fight in Washington,” Paul said.

Pensler’s understanding of market economics also prompted him to release a plan to end the deficit by making specific cuts to foreign aid, the department of education, domestic welfare, healthcare expenditures, and subsidies toward NATO. Will Pensler be able to implement this plan as soon as he is elected? Of course not, but he will be able to coherently articulate a solid fiscally conservative plan that can put America once again on solid ground.

Pensler’s issues page offers a great deal of substance. He wants to defund planned parenthood, supports judges “who interpret the law as written,” and supports free market solutions on healthcare. Some of his policy positions are more detailed than others. His healthcare page for instance is particularly substantative covering issues like price transparency, malpractice reform, competitive pricing for prescription drugs, health savings plans, living wills, and so on. He shows an incredible depth of knowledge on the pressing issues facing Americans, something that is very rare in a politician.

What does John James have to say about healthcare? The position on his official campaign website is as follows:

Image result for tumbleweed

That’s right. Healthcare isn’t even listed as an issue of concern on his page! Not even a basic, rudimentary policy position is listed. On the issues James does cover, he remains deliberately vague as much as possible. James thinks we should do a “better job preparing our service members for life outside of the military.” That is certainly a nice platitude, and it’s hard to disagree with that, but how precisely are you going to make that happen?

James says he “will work to eliminate poverty, not just make it more comfortable.” No further explanation is given. James believes that “hard working and honest Michiganders of all generations are owed a return on their lifelong investment into the System.” That sounds like it was written by a public relations consultant contracted by the MEDC, rather than an authentic sentiment. James claims he “will approve justices who will interpret the constitution as written” so he has the exact same position as Pensler in that regard.

The fact that James had to resort to outright lies in the end game of the campaign suggests that voters may be seeing that one candidate offers actual substance while the other offers nothing but fluff. Pensler’s candid comments on Trump, portrayed by the James campaign as Pensler slamming Trump, were actually complementary in their full context. Pensler’s comments about supporting a “living constitution” were in reference to the Convention of States, a project pushed by constitutional conservatives to amend the Constitution in an attempt to reign in the federal government. These misleading attacks missed the mark, so James had to push deliberate falsehoods in the final stretch. If James’ campaign is this dishonest, how can you trust the candidate when he talks to you on the campaign trail?

James is certainly offering his brand ‘Hope and Change’ to the voters without much in terms of specifics. I remember in the not too distant past when voters elected a similar candidate who promised the world without demonstrating any qualifications, competency or a real record. America really regretted that decision, and we should not duplicate that mistake here in Michigan. Pensler’s record is far from spotless, having ran as a moderate Republican back in the 1990s before ‘evolving’ and becoming more conservative over the years. But at least he has a record, other than bumper sticker slogans and corny taglines about being a fighter pilot.

We can be better than the Democrats, can’t we? Support the qualified candidate a week from today, not the empty suit.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(6)

A Major Mistake.

Contributions to NRCC and NRSC forsake donor intent.

Received this today.

WASHINGTON — President Donald J. Trump and the Republican National Committee (RNC) have announced the transfer of $8 million to the NRSC and the NRCC in support of their midterm election efforts. The Trump Campaign will max out to nearly 100 candidates in its first round of contributions. The RNC will transfer $4 million to the NRSC and $4 million to the NRCC.

Not good.

Truth be told, I am still not a fan of my own state’s Republican political apparatus as they attempt to manipulate primary elections. Just take a look at who gets the stage when the president or Vice President comes to town.  But I am happy to contribute through my local dues and contributions to my local party, and sometimes nationally.

The RNC has not always been great in its finances historically, but has gotten a few of my shekels as contribution from time to time.  And the most recent iteration of it under chair McDaniel has been as an excellent

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Idiotorial Departments

Team Little Nerd grabs onto an iron life vest.

Brian Calley has picked up his second endorsement from a ‘major newspaper outlet’

Both the Free Press and the Detroit News have endorsed Mr. Mom (Brian Calley) for the gubernatorial position while purposefully ignoring surging candidate (Patrick Colbeck) altogether.

Readers should be reminded of whom these two ‘news’ outlets chose for the presidential contests in 2016.

The Detroit Free Press proposed that Felonious Von PantSuit was the ‘Mature choice.‘  And the Detroit News Clown show chose perennial loser Gary Johnson.  Obviously, these are well reasoned editorial geniuses.

There can be no doubt that such brilliance in electoral choice will be repeated, again and again.


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It’s Still Illegal.

What happens if a bond approval is found to be nullified - AFTER the money is spent?

Michigan has a problem enforcing its constitution.

The old “taxation without representation” line has never been more relevant than when election time comes and voters are asked to approve a bond approval.  What is a problem, is that many voters for some ballot asks are not even eligible to engage in the process.


In the election law section of the Michigan Constitution, without any further qualification, it addresses who is entitled to vote on bonds or ad valorem increases that extend beyond 5 years.

Sec. 6. Whenever any question is required to be submitted by a political subdivision to the electors for the increase of the ad valorem tax rate limitation imposed by Section 6 of Article IX for a period of more than five years, or for the issue of bonds, only electors in, and who have property assessed for any ad valorem taxes in, any part of the district or territory to be affected by the result of such election or electors who are the lawful husbands or wives of such persons shall be entitled to vote thereon. All electors in the district or territory affected may vote on all other questions.

Emboldened part particularly pertinent.

Having looked at this in years past, I had an attorney do a bit of research, and it seems the application of our state law was subverted by a 1969 ruling, though not properly annotated to reflect it.  There is no subtext, or footnote

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In Case You Missed It

Antrim Debate video with Colbeck and Calley at the ACRP event at Shanty Creek Resort

Hines flaked out, and Bill Schuette likely felt the fundraiser nearby was a more productive use of his time.

Two candidates decided not to show for a major county party event. The Antrim county party, while not overly large has active and influential players and participants.  Ignoring this base might not be a good idea.

The content was good however. Typical 1 minute to 90 second responses were changed to three minute responses.  Allowing substantive answers to things that matter, and answer times for bit more of a philosophical element as well.

Worth the watch if you care about who might be Michigan’s next governor.

Or to help demonstrate that there can be more underneath the hood than soundbite soliloquies.

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A Tax Increase

Misrepresenting reality is apparently the new tool for school

Perhaps it is time for Lansing to actually fix prop A.

The local public school district is trying to sell the renewal of a 2007 bond as not being a tax increase.  Even IF the tax would be zero sans its approval.  Going from ZERO to 3.1 is an increase, yet the radio commercials tell us otherwise.

No wonder each generation is dumber than the last.

PART of the problem may be that the schools have maintenance issues that can only be addressed with new buildings?  When a roof fails, they say the building is done, not because a brick and steel structure is bad, but because the operating money from Lansing is not quite enough perhaps?

I have often remarked that this is like buying a new car when the tires go bad.

The promise of an end to a bond that is USUALLY assigned to a project, is apparently as empty as the young heads full of mush after 13 years in our public schools.   If they cannot get to fourth grade without being able to read, they haven’t a chance in deciphering the political nonsense used to sell us this S*** on a shingle ..quite literally.

Gimme a break TCAPS.

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