
Don’t Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out Carl

Senator Carl Levin's involvement In IRS Targeting Was Inappropriate And Repugnant

sencarllevin-jokerIts one thing for a US Representative, or US Senator to intervene on behalf of a constituent when government is running amuck, but its quite yet another when a powerful elected member uses the ‘running amuck’ government to stifle free speech.

Michigan Senator Carl Levin took it upon himself to challenge eligibility for non profit status of certain groups.  He SPECIFICALLY targeted 4 groups; each of which lean conservative and exercise their first amendment rights as protected by our constitution.  A Letter to the IRS by Mr Levin names the following groups response to a certain question to be reexamined:

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Sure: Carl Levin just up and Decided to *Retire*

Or, perhaps why Mr. Julianna Smoot‘s White House memo read, “Carl, cannot run for reelection. Tell him thanks for playing along, and dos svidaniya. Now, bring me Gary Peters”.

Read all about the documents obtained at Judicial Watch.

And, don’t even start about being unaware of the Marxist Levin slime that established his political career in the Progressive’s Utopian Cesspool of Detoilet, nor act oblivious about the Socialist-lite Republicans that have propped up that agenda for decades – you all were made aware.


Never fear, Weeper Boehner and Eric Holder have the situation *normalized*

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BuySeatMy wife asked me, “who is this guy?”

She was referring to the now frequent television commercials for fourth district congressional candidate Paul Mitchell. And if you have never heard of him before, its because he has not held political office that you might recognize.  Another bucket list brigade member, GOP primary candidate Paul Mitchell has already piled tons of cash into Michigan’s 4th congressional district race in an effort to present himself as a real contender.

Cable and broadcast buys for April and May have already exceeded a quarter of a million dollars, and sources have indicated he intends to whiz away his entire bank account to feel extra special if necessary.  And who cares if anyone knows who he is, or what he stands for?

Ah yes, the “what do you stand for?” question. That place where people look beyond the claims of a candidate being a conservative first, and actually predict what kind of legislator they might actually be.

And if the nape hair instincts kick in at the point where you realize a candidate has no record to examine, is blowing a wad of his own cash, and was the finance chair for the Michigan Republican Party, then you might be paying attention.

Oh yeah.. All that.

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Conyers NOT On Ballot

180px-John_Conyers_1977_Congressional_photoPolitics is always interesting.

Forever termed congressman John Conyers will not be on the ballot this year. Conyers has been in congress since 1965, (The picture at right from 1977.) and quite possibly will be gone after 2014.  From Fox news:

“Longtime Congressman John Conyers of Michigan doesn’t have enough signatures to appear on the Aug. 5 primary ballot, an elections official announced Tuesday.

Conyers’ nominating petitions were insufficient, Wayne County Clerk Kathy Garrett said in a statement.

It follows her report last week finding Conyers more than 400 signatures short of 1,000 needed. Garrett said Tuesday that he had 592 valid signatures after challenges.”

It comes as no surprise that Conyers’ signature counts included WAY too many that were not registered voters.

The REAL talent is in the Democrat party however.  Many were likely dead for decades as well.

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Blast From the Past

Memory holes are fun.


Time’s second most outrageous was a $1.9 million appropriation for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at City College of New York. The earmark was inserted by none other than Congressman Charles B. Rangel, D-New York, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which is where federal tax laws are drafted. According to Time, the project’s total price tag is $30 million, and it has been dubbed the “Monument to Me” by its critics. The magazine notes that a more junior member of Congress questioned Rangel about the propriety of members using taxpayer dollars to sponsor projects bearing their own names. “I would have a problem if you did it,” Rangel replied, “because I don’t think that you’ve been around long enough.”

Only 108 members voted to cut federal taxpayer subsidies for the Rangel Center. Five Michigan Republicans and four Democrats were among the 316 who voted to save the earmark.

Well, at least voters in CD-6 and CD-10 understand the mindset of Fred, and Candi in their wagon circling little D.C.-GOP world they live in.

None of it should surprise. And, to think that Camp replaced Charles… go figure.

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The Old Joke Never Loses Its Luster

Know how you can tell when Jase Bolger, and his Majority are lying? Their lips move.

The state House approved sweeping legislation Thursday to increase road repair funding $453 million through reformulated fuel taxes, budget shifts and higher fees on overweight or oversized trucks.

The 10-bill package, approved by the House Transportation Committee the day before, goes to the Senate for consideration next week. It follows a plan announced last month by House Speaker Jase Bolger, R-Marshall.

Bolger said the series of proposals responds to public demands for better roads but with available money rather than higher taxes.

These sociopaths actually *think* that? Liars, all.

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Lerner Found In contempt

Abusive IRS director found in contempt of congress.

joker-petersGary Peters voted ‘innocent’ on IRS chief Lois Lerner’s contempt charge.

Lerner arguably directed the IRS policy to discriminate against conservative groups and their ability to finance against the ongoing federal tyranny.  She was then called to testify on the matter in front of a congressional oversight committee.  Instead of simply refusing to testify, she made a statement before a congressional panel investigating her crimes, THEN shut up expecting to enjoy 5th amendment protections.

It doesn’t work that way.

A Bi-partisan congressional vote 231-187 with 6 democrats joining the Republicans  found Lerner in contempt.  Nothing will happen of course, until the gatekeeper of lawlessness, Eric Holder is impeached and removed from his office.  Holder himself was found in contempt, and still exists as US Attorney General.

Michigan Republicans present voted to find her in contempt. (Bentivolio was unable to make this vote)  Conversely, All of Michigan Democrats including US senate candidate Gary Peters would apparently excuse this type of lawless behavior, and voted to protect her.

Remember this lesson and internalize it.


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Not a Gadsden to be Found

Living in Michigan, is one step closer to getting a whole helluva lot more expensive.

A House committee on Wednesday voted to permanently shift money from Michigan’s general fund to transportation spending. Another panel approved legislation bringing the diesel tax in line with the gasoline tax and taxing fuels on price instead of a flat per-gallon basis.

Fuel taxes would grow with inflation.

The $450 million is just a third of what Gov. Rick Snyder says is needed to bring Michigan roads up to par. Michigan’s gasoline taxes are among the country’s highest while its per-capita road spending is among the lowest because the sales tax on fuel primarily goes to non-transportation funding.

Then, there’s the 900% increase on business.two-headed-snake

Permits for oversized and overweight trucks would jump to $500 under House Bill 5452, as amended and advanced by the transportation committee. Overweight permits currently cost $50 for a single trip or $100 for multiples. The original bill would have doubled those fees, but Rep. David Rutledge (D-Ypsilanti) won an amendment to raise the rates even higher.

MDOT gets to run further amok entering into agreements, too. Sure is a winning stratagem all them TEA folk have chosen with allowing the bastards to run wild simply because the Majority in Lansing has an “R” after its last name.

Out of sight, out of mind.

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