
What “its” is

Now a brief message from the Michigan Automobile Dealers Associations’ schwantz-swallower.

Didja catch that? “It doesn’t change current law at all”. And, he stared us in the eye saying that. So, why is the legislature frivolously wasting our tax dollars writing Law that does nothing? More Snyder lies. Second point, if it had such “strong legislative support. The House vote was 106 to 1, the Senate vote 38 to nothing,” then what the f**k is this veto?

I have to give Snyder credit for one thing, he’s consistent – a consistently lying a**hole. Snyder knows it, and WE ALL KNOW IT.

Thanks, Rep. McMillin, for being the lone champion of free markets.

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Michigan Chamber of Commerce (unwittingly?) campaigning for Mark Schauer.


What’s in your wallet?

This is Rich Studley.

Rich Studley is the President & CEO of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce.

If Rich doesn’t learn to shut up, he’s going to learn the hard way that this comments will not be so “well-received” as he might think, and instead be giving voters a huge incentive to vote for Mark Schauer next month.

Big Friendly Hint: Not something you want to do with an election as close as this one.

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Did Robert Kosowski Lie To Gain A Key Endorsement?

Did State Rep. Robert Kosowski (D-Westland) lie about his voting record on education in order to gain the Wayne-Westland Observer’s endorsement? Despite misleading claims in the Wayne-Westland Observer, Kosowski voted to cut education funding and ban charter schools.

In his first term as Wayne and Westland’s State Representative, Robert Kosowski voted numerous times to expand the power of Tax Increment Financing Authorities (TIFAs) to take money from local school districts. Rep. Kosowski also co-sponsored House Bill 5852, which would force every single charter school in the state to close once its charter expires.

In addition to cutting the budgets of local school districts and banning charter schools, Kosowski voted for the “Common Core” standards, which increases federal control of local school districts and mandates additional standardized testing of students. Rounding out Kosowski’s voting record on education is his opposition to Education Achievement Authorities, which are the state agencies that help failing public schools.

In their endorsement of Kosowski, LeAnne Rogers of the Wayne-Westland Observer reported that Rep. Kosowski said “he’s not opposed to charter schools.” In a different article for the Observer, Rogers reported that Kosowski supported school funding increases.

It’s possible that Kosowski lied about his voting record in order to gain the Observer’s endorsement – and Rogers, the Observer editor, failed to do her homework. However, some have accused LeAnne Rogers of being biased after she misquoted Kosowski’s Republican opponent as being in favor of the gasoline tax. Dan MacDonald, a top commenter on the Observer’s website, claimed that “she pulled the same thing during the city council race.”

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So, Weiser was in on the DIA Raises too

Ho, ho, ho, this certainly is fun. The chair of the DIA just threw RINO Ron under the bus.

“We sincerely regret that we did not anticipate the way in which our promotion and compensation decisions in late 2011 and early 2012 would be perceived in late 2014 in light of the conditions that developed for the city and the region as the DIA millage was approved in late 2012 and as the City of Detroit entered bankruptcy in 2013,” Gargaro said.

This from, Thursday, December 16, 2010:

“We are happy to welcome these prominent community members to our board,” said Eugene A. Gargaro, DIA chairman of the board. “Their dedication to the arts and array of experience and expertise will help us continue to provide great art and educational programs to the community.”

Re-elected members include Jeffrey Antaya, chief marketing officer, Plante & Moran, PLLC; Eleanor Ford, philanthropist; Thomas Sidlik, retired from Chrysler; Ronald Weiser, retired ambassador to Slovakia; and Janis Wetsman, art collector and philanthropist. Marc Schwartz, managing partner in SM/ART Editions, was re-elected to the board after a two-year hiatus.

Lying frickin’ liars.

Shall we talk about those low interest loans, Ron?

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Does anyone really think that the children are ready to be handed the keys?

If anyone can believe it, this has been kind of an important week for Detroit.

Most of us didn’t expect it would come to this point.

Seeing as how they pretty much broke the all rules to get here explains a lot on how that was really accomplished.

But nonetheless, a ceremonial milestone (albeit unofficial one) was passed.

Now for the all important question; Are the children ready to act responsibly and lead?

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WTF! Now it’s Speed Cameras?

Yet another good argument for a part-time legislature.

“I signed on to this bill because it was presented to me as something to protect the safety of children,” Sen. Jones continued.


AbsurditiesThat is perhaps one of the dumbest walk-backs I’ve seen in a long, long time. Hello? Who was the sponsor of the bill? Senator Jones, your village called the offices of looking for their missing idiot. Please return to your district ASAP.

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Give ‘em Hell, Kerry!

One of the highpoints from multiple outlets in the local media last night was the announcement from a certain incumbent US Representative candidate against a certain foreclosure king, some democrat (and maybe a Libertarian).

Okay, it’s kind of hard to tease this one.

Yes, it is official: Kerry Bentivolio WILL be running as a write-in candidate in the November 4th General.

It doesn’t mean that there isn’t more to add.

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Kevyn Acts None the Weiser

It would appear, Mr. Orr has learned his place within the U of M cronies.

NerdOrrWealthy patrons vowed to bankroll a legal fight between the Detroit Institute of Arts and the city before mediators reached a deal to save the city’s art collection, Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr testified Thursday.

Orr testified about behind-the-scenes pressure applied by the DIA and patrons who believed the multi-billion dollar art collection could not be sold and was held in public trust — and explained why the city didn’t hire an auction house tied to a local billionaire. A costly, prolonged legal fight threatened to delay Detroit’s attempt to shed $7 billion in debt and emerge from bankruptcy court.

While not naming names, Orr said patrons vowed to fight any attempts to sell the 60,000-piece collection. Many of Metro Detroit’s leading families, including generations of Fords, have donated art to the internationally renowned museum.

“High-value net worth individuals who have an interest in the (DIA) were motivated and had the wherewithal,” to support a legal fight, Orr testified.

The city believed it could sell pieces of the DIA collection purchased with city funds during the last century.


Thanks, Ron.

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Not so fast there, Eric.

He should be held somewhere for the time being until he can testify before Congress. Leavenworth is a good place to start.

If you haven’t heard the news yet on the 24-hour news cycles, race-baiter extraordinaire AG Eric Holder is due to shortly announce his “resignation”.

AG Holder has provided an outstanding example of upholding the finest qualities of the American Legal System.

Let’s take a look at some of those examples…

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