
Jocelyn Benson: From Election Fraud Adjacent to Aspiring Governor

Jocelyn Benson - a name synonymous with 'election fraud'

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has declared her candidacy for governor in 2026. Yeah, this is the same Jocelyn Benson whose political ascent has been peppered with controversy, eyebrow-raising connections, and what some might call an opportunistic knack for ‘Teflon’ politics. Let’s take a little walk down memory lane and unpack her storied past.

2010: Fake Tea Party Shenanigans

You may recall that in 2010, Michigan witnessed a blatant attempt at election fraud: the creation of a fake Tea Party to siphon votes from legitimate candidates. Two Democratic operatives from Oakland County, Jason Bauer and Mike McGuinness, were convicted for their roles in this debacle. Bauer got probation and a slap on the wrist, while McGuinness faced perjury and forgery charges. Fun fact: both of these fine gentlemen were connected to none other than Jocelyn Benson.

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Slotkin’s Motives

Less about qualifications perhaps?

Some folks .. even on the right had a concern with Mike Roger’s former National Security influence and connections.

To some degree I understand, but..on the other hand:

Sen.-elect Elissa Slotkin, D-Mich., expressed concern Sunday that some of President-elect Donald Trump’s selections of national security Cabinet positions could be beholden to his political preferences rather than an objective interpreting of intelligence.

Isn’t it curious how Rep. Elissa Slotkin, a former CIA officer, is suddenly voicing concerns about politicization in national security appointments?

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Time To Light It Up Again

She is a tyrant.  Don’t forget this

Whitmer’s recent enactment of gun control measures are a step in the wrong direction. The legislation introduces universal background checks for all firearm purchases and mandates ‘safe storage requirements.’

While proponents argue these laws aim to enhance public safety, it’s far past time to examine their potential impact on law-abiding citizens. (The rest of us not currently holding the top three executive positions in MI State govt.) The universal background checks extend to private sales, raising concerns about the implications for responsible gun owners. Additionally, the safe storage mandates may impose challenges for individuals seeking immediate access to firearms for self-defense.

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US Taxpayers Party of Michigan resolution in support of paper ballot

Michigan’s US Taxpayers Party issued this a couple days ago.

Resolution Opposing the Use of Dominion Voting Machines
Resolution: 2023-1212
Sponsor: Kent County Taxpayers/Constitution PartyWHEREAS, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government” (US Const. Art 4 sec 4) and elections are an integral part of such government and must be conducted in a free and fair manner, ensuring the trust and confidence of the electorate;WHEREAS, the responsibility of individual states to uphold the validity of election results, ensuring that the outcome accurately represents the will of the people, and guaranteeing the integrity of the electoral process;

WHEREAS, it is vital that no election information or data be processed or stored outside the borders of the United States, safeguarding the security of the  electoral process and the State of Michigan;

WHEREAS, Dominion voting machines, and other electronic voting software,  which facilitate the counting and recording of votes, are owned by companies of foreign nature, potentially compromising the independence and reliability of the  electoral system;

WHEREAS, electronic voting machines possess internet connectivity ability, and during recent elections, numerous instances were reported where these machines were found connected to the internet despite security protocols in  place;

WHEREAS, the ability to control electronic voting machines remotely raises concerns about the potential manipulation and alteration of vote outcomes,  undermining the fundamental principles of our republic;

WHEREAS, hand-counting ballots in precincts has proven to be a safe, efficient,  and transparent method of conducting elections, ensuring accuracy and  maintaining public confidence;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan opposes the use of all electronic counting machines and software, including Dominion  voting machines, in any future elections;

FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan  demands the return of free and fair elections, where the counting and recording  of votes are conducted through secure, transparent, and audit-able methods,  ensuring that all citizens can exercise their right to vote without any undue  influence or interference.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan will actively  advocate for and support initiatives that promote the adoption of secure,  transparent, and audit-able electoral practices, in order to restore faith in the  democratic process, the beginnings of our republic, to ensure the integrity of  elections.

This resolution shall be disseminated to all relevant state agencies, pertaining to  elections, to facilitate a wider discourse on preserving election integrity and  upholding the security of the people’s electoral process.

Approved and adopted by the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan on the 27th day of January, 2024

©US Taxpayers Party of Michigan
May be used or reprinted if all of the following conditions exist:
1) Credit is given to the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan.  2) Content is used in its entirety.  3) Content is not sold, bartered or traded.
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Just in case there was any doubt.

From my inbox:

An excellent video summary of the shenanigans from last month in Lansing, along with an expanded explanation on the actual width and depth of the problem facing the Michigan Republican Party.


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Pay Close Attention

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis explains rule of law in ways that even Dana Nessel should understand.

This is what we need in Michigan and across the nation.

The law is the law. If an AG or prosecutor can broadly declare they won’t follow the law, how can they be trusted to uphold their oath?

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No Signature Required

State election laws being re-written to protect the sanctity of the vote - stopped at the Governor's desk? Shouldn't be.

Dear Michigan legislature,

From the US Constitution:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Nothing could be more clear.

It does not say “subject to the approval of the governor, or secretary of state”

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Proving once again, that Republicans can be as moronic and ignorant as Democrats

Don’t ever let your kids or the dog drive your car.

That might be a good idea if the ‘bi-farcian’ sponsors of HB5272 have their way, anyhow. On Tuesday at 9am, the Michigan House Judiciary Committee will take up testimony on House Bill 5272, which would authorize state and local police to use un-manned “photo radar” machines to issue speeding tickets on Michigan roads. Language in the bill actually says you are presumed guilty until proven innocent:

(4) In a prosecution for a violation of this section, prima facie evidence that the vehicle described in the citation issued was operated in violation of this section, together with proof that the defendant was at the time of the violation the registered owner of the vehicle, creates a rebuttable presumption that the registered owner of the vehicle was the individual who committed the violation. The presumption is rebutted if the registered owner of the vehicle files an affidavit by regular mail with the clerk of the court that he or she was not the operator of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation or testifies in open court under oath that he or she was not the operator of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation. The presumption also is rebutted if a certified copy of a police report, showing that the vehicle had been reported to the police as stolen before the time of the alleged violation of this section, is presented before the appearance date established on the citation. For purposes of this subsection, the owner of a leased or rented vehicle shall provide the name and address of the individual to whom the vehicle was leased or rented at the time of the violation.

Those are a couple of iffy “if” statements there comrades.

Perhaps these losers: Gary Eisen (district 81) Joseph Bellino, Gregory Markkanen, David Martin, Ben Frederick, Robert Bezotte, Pat Outman, Beth Griffin, David LaGrand, Julie Brixie might get a call or a letter from their misrepresented constituents?

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A Proper Application Of Government Policy

Grand Traverse County to make a statement affirming Constitutional Rights in light of Covid fear pandering.

On Wednesday, the Grand Traverse County  Board of Commissioners will address in a small way, the potential for yet another round of mandates, and the pressures currently being made for the population to accept and receive as-yet unapproved and untested vaccines.

Those who oppose the effort, a resolution in support for your constitutionally protected rights, will attempt to abuse the constitution in their own way arguing for ‘general welfare’ as reasons to support mandates, lock-downs and other restrictions placed on your liberties.  Those who oppose the statement of liberty would gladly see government toss it’s constitutional limits any time fear can be applied successfully  – As it has in the past 18 months.

The resolution reads:

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