Conservative News

Pay Attention Lansing

Is It Possible For The State To Make This Right?

pighuntMark Baker and his family were terribly wronged.


It was his courage to stand up against the formerly unimaginable wanton persecution by state agencies like the (feral) DNR and the AG’s office. IT was the support of people who were aware of what was going on that allowed him to survive, and cause the Attorney General’s office to fold under the weight of a huge, easily recognizable, mistake.  It was his willingness to suffer the loss of business as the state threatened his customers, and cut off his sole income.

And all throughout this process other farms were shut down and forced to slaughter their livelihoods because they had no means to fight ‘city hall.’

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And So It Begins

Its hard not to be suspicious in this new era of selective federal enforcement.

Sheriff Darin LeafI have made the point more than once that your county Sheriff is the ultimate authority as the highest elected law enforcement official in the county.

Sheriffs throughout Michigan have made statements acknowledging this, and further, have pledged to protect the citizens in their counties from otherwise unenforceable actions of the federal government.  Actions which require the participation of the sheriff to even happen. Sheriff Leaf is on the list of those Sheriffs who have pledged their support to the 2nd amendment.

It seems the government doesn’t like the kind of Sheriff who thinks that way however.

Michigan State Police confirm to 24 Hour News 8 that the FBI raided the Barry County Sheriff’s Department.

Four FBI cars were parked outside the Barry County Sheriff’s Office in Hastings Wednesday morning.

But Barry County Sheriff Dar leaf, with his associations might have dropped a bit of a challenge a while back that stuck in someone’s craw.

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Denny and Kenny: Blundering into Uncle Tom Territory

Just disgraceful the divide they’re driving.


Flint activist Stacy Swimp has provided the most malicious assist yet.

Really, Mr. Braun? Well, I’d like to provide another assist from New York City’s Harlem…

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Sunday Round up

Here is a different take on the culture war. Contagious transformation – Genocide Alert: Homosexuality Systematically Killing Black Americans!

Indeed it is. Grassroots in Michigan – A Tax by Any Other Name is Still a Tax

True Story – Steve’s been talking about this. Motor City Times –  Detroit News behind the MCT curve on the impending ‘tsunami’ of retail store closings

Fear deregulation of electricity in Michigan! Or maybe not. The Other Club – Citizens for Enervating Michigan’s Economy

Those stupid ‘selfies.’ The Shekel – Snapping ‘n Sharing Selfies Snares Stupid Scoundrel

Izzy Sez take a look at the different perspectives here. Watchdog Wire – Hot topic: What Should Lansing Legislators Do With Michigan’s $1 Billion Surplus?

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The Arlen Specter Model for Hiking our Fuel Tax and Registration Fees

Folks, let’s begin by refreshing our memories with example of what a Pennsylvania Republican did for Obamacare by clicking HERE. Got it? Good. Now, let’s refresh our memories with looking at a career of being fed from the taxpayer’s wallet produces with this Lefty fear-mongering creep Bill Rustem, by clicking HERE. Got it? Good.


Snyder’s strategy director, Bill Rustem, said the state may try to follow a road funding game plan that was recently executed in Pennsylvania’s Republican-controlled state government.

In November, lawmakers in the Keystone State boosted annual road funding by $2.3 billion through a gas-tax hike and gradual increase in vehicle license fees, said Bradley Mallory, deputy secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

“The price of doing nothing is higher than the price of not addressing the problem, including delay, detours, safety and including death,” Mallory said. “Doing nothing is not free. It is, in fact, enormously expensive.”

Pennsylvania’s success “gives us hope,” Rustem said, and “gives us a game plan for seeing this achieved sometime this year.”

Ah, the smell of Hopium™ and fear fills the atmosphere in Lansing, as the Obama and Milliken-esque is strong in this one guiding Dear Leader, the Progressive Nerd. Finding $200M of “shared sacrifice” with repealing Prevailing Wage from the union brotherhood to fix our roads?

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