Tom Backers

and our next contestant…


Recall Language Filed Against Meekhof

Recall language against Senate Majority Leader Arlan MEEKHOF (R-West Olive) was filed with the Secretary of State’s office for the leader’s support of the higher gas tax and the vehicle registration fee bills that came with last month’s $1.2 billion road funding package.

Frank BOERSMA of Holland, an alleged political independent, is receiving assistance from the grassroots conservative group, iCaucus, led by Tom NORTON. The same group is advising a recall attempt in Traverse City against Sen. Wayne SCHMIDT (R-Traverse City) over the same votes for the transportation package.

The stated reason in Boersma’s petition reads, “Roll Call Votes Numbers 475 and 476 as recorded in Senate Journal 100 Dated November 3, 2015; Increasing the vehicle registration tax (475) and diesel and gasoline fuel (476).”

The Board of State Canvassers are tentatively scheduled to meet at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 29 to discuss this and re-filed language on the Schmidt recall, which canvassers rejected on Dec. 14 (See “Schmidt Recall Petition Language Batted Away By Canvassers,” 12/14/15). Schmidt’s newly proposed language reads nearly identically.

Norton said he’s working with a couple conservative organizations, a tea party and another individual involved in the liberty movement. The message he’s hearing from all of the groups and individuals is the same:

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Why Schmidt???…

Why recall Wayne...

12231453_1517169498596422_1600511783_nI posted the MIRS article on our filing of petition language to recall Senator Wayne Schmidt to a certain local talk radio host when it came out to see if he was interested in it…His response…Why???…

After Prop-1, the Senate primary campaign against MacMaster, the red light cameras, and now the gas tax, he asked WHY???!!!…

PastedGraphic-1Granted, I’ve only lived up here for a measly 24 years, but during that time I was unfortunate enough to get to know Schmidt and how he operates from his stint in House District 104…been following the guy ever since…enough to know how arrogant, condescending, and downright hypocritical the man is…  Wayne Schmidt is the establishment GOP poster boy, “groomed for leadership” and a “team player” (ask George McManus)…His campaign ads boast of his “conservative values”…his voting record screams progressive liberal!!!…Wayne Schmidt never met a tax or fee he didn’t like, vote for or actually sponsor…He thinks the State should own far more land than it already does, and that the people in Lansing know far better than the folks in CD1 how to run a railroad (pun intended)…He calls himself a Republican, but votes like a Democrat, perhaps if our effort is successful he can take the opportunity to switch parties…

You Betcha! (31)Nuh Uh.(4)

The Trump “mystique”…

What's a RINO to do???...

The establishment Repubs are in a tizzy over what the attraction to Trump is by the American mainstream….Just proves how out of touch with reality they actually are…The ‘mystique’ surrounding “the Donald” is no secret to those of us who have been trying to convey the same message to people we can reach for at least a decade…He tells it like it actually is: America is in trouble, and Washington IS the problem….period…

Giving the GOP complete control of the US Congress has not helped the situation in the slightest…Campaign promises from the establishment are now falling on deaf ears…They are scrambling to ‘adjust’ their campaign rhetoric to mimic “the Donald”, acknowledging him whether they attribute the shift to him directly or not…They KNOW they are in trouble…

I just received a notice from the RNC that my membership has “now expired”, and would I PLEASE renew it immediately???!!!…Not a chance…Until the GOP acts like they have the principles described in the party platform, I will not send any of them one dime of my hard earned cash…They will only devise devious ways to steal it anyway…

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

Who let the Dogs out???

Woof!…woof…woof, woof!!!


Today on Patriot Voice Radio, “Your Defending Fathers” got a bit carried away with the ‘thrill’ of victory…Trucker Randy evidently told the folks in northern Michigan about plans being laid to recall State Senator Wayne Schmidt…This is not new, as of the August primary campaign many of us paying attention to it were absolutely disgusted with then Representative (104) Schmidt’s campaign practices, and his insistence in his ads that he was a true conservative with conservative values…We know this is a blatant, arrogant lie…The only fly in our ointment is the timing, as we were on schedule to launch the recall organizational effort in August, to be totally prepared for an all out effort to get the recall on a statewide ballot by May of 2016…


After today’s radio program, my phone never stopped ringing, three calls from around the State from people who heard the broadcast, three conversations with Mr. Bishop, and then a blind call from a reporter at MIRS to confirm the effort…busy day…As this is now in the public forum, and supposedly in the news statewide, I feel obligated to confirm the facts of the matter and dispel any rumors to the contrary…We will be mounting an effort to remove State Senator Wayne Schmidt from office…The abysmal failure of Prop 1 yesterday shows support for conservative, common sense government in Michigan on a scale we could only imagine…The architect of this fiasco…one Senator Schmidt…


His record as Chair of the House Transportation Committee will be documented in following articles, where they may be checked for accuracy and authenticity…His sponsorship and support of Prop 1 will be duly noted as well, and his penchant for expanding government at ever increasing taxpayer expense will be exposed for anyone who cares to follow the course of this effort…Every phase of the recall procedure will be published, and released to the media…We may fail in the effort, but the mere attempt should put Wayne (as I like to call him) and all other legislators on notice…We will no longer stand by and watch as our government destroys the people they are Oath bound to serve…We’re NOT going away…

The Wayne Schmidt recall effort has now formally begun, May 6th, 2015…

Tom Backers

Committee to recall Wayne Schmidt (Not yet organized)




You Betcha! (25)Nuh Uh.(1)

Now What???…

Plan "B"...

CautionHere is a suggestion for the Legislature…You want us to modify the State Constitution???…Try this one on for size…Two simple fixes:

Step One:
Asphalt is petroleum based, the vehicles traveling over it use fossil fuels…The Kammer Land Trust fund has $26 Billion in it last time I checked, and it is Constitutionally protected…The State of Michigan already owns too much land, especially here up north…Change the Constitution to allow 50% of ALL future trust revenues to be used EXCLUSIVELY for road construction, repair and maintenance…

Step two:

The Legislature is currently going after the $20 Billion “No Fault” insurance fund, to the benefit of insurance companies, and in turn, insurance lobbyists who donate heavily to our elected officials and other candidates…They seem to think they don’t need all that cash just lying around…While you’re amending the Constitution to use the gas & oil revenues to partially fund roads, modify the “No Fault” law to do the same…both in perpetuity…
Raising the gas tax at the pump slightly would do the rest…ALL of which MUST be spent on roads and bridges…PERIOD!!!…
Run that one by the voters…you just might see it pass by the same margin…
Way too simple for our masterminds in Lansing???…

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

Prop 1…Detroit’s ‘River’ of Opportunity

Prop 1 is for roads???...Hardly...

Detroit is deadDetroit’s ‘Core’ a ‘Common’ problem…

Being a ‘newbie’ senior citizen, I’ll have to rely on the ‘old school’ math, but…let’s at least try to sum this up, shall we???

We don’t have to go back too far, let’s just start with the Guv’s 2012 budget, and it’s expansion since then…

$47 billion for 2012, and now asking $53 billion…and an estimated $2 billion more each year in tax increases proposed in Prop 1…Just where is all this money going???…Let’s follow some (most) of it…I have…

Starting with the Detroit bankruptcy bailout, $195 million, our State tax money…We’ll try (try, that is) to keep a running total…Stay with me here, the ‘River” gets murky in some spots……Speaking of rivers, let’s cross this one… The $550 million Canada has promised for the bridge construction is a loan, to be repaid from tolls, but that’s another story entirely…So Detroit has $195 million in State money to get itself out of Court…

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)


Ever get the feeling things are being 'manipulated'???

I’ve been following THIS soap opera…


What is going on with Alan Arcand? Can anyone shed some light on this? This is literally all I know.
Iron County, Michigan Elected Precinct Delegate Fights Back!
Heading to the Iron County, Michigan Republican Convention on February 5, 2015 I was talking with Alan Arcand who won the August 2014 Primary and was elected…

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Act 116 of 1954
168.608 Certifying and recording names of delegates; filing; notification of delegates; certification of delegates to county conventions; definition.
Sec. 608.
(1) The board of primary election inspectors shall certify to the county clerk the names of the electors elected as delegates, naming the political party upon whose ballot the delegates were elected.
(2) The county clerk shall record the names of the delegates elected in a book kept for that purpose and shall file the book among the records of the clerk’s office.
(3) No later than 7 days following the primary election, the clerk shall notify each delegate elected of his or her election as delegate.
(4) The county clerk shall certify the following to the chairperson of the committee of each political party of the county:
(a) The delegates elected by the political party as delegates to the county conventions.
(b) The names of all persons nominated as candidates of a political party for county office and for state legislative office who are delegates at large under section 599(5), when those names become available to the county clerk.
(5) As used in this section, “persons nominated as candidates of a political party for county office and for state legislative office who are delegates at large under section 599(5)” means incumbent county officials, incumbent state legislators, and unsuccessful candidates for county offices and state legislative offices who were candidates at the last prior regular or special election held for the respective office.

“and unsuccessful candidates for county offices and state legislative offices who were candidates at the last prior regular or special election held for the respective office.”

Tom Backers You ARE an “at large” delegate to the convention in any case…Why not press this issue with your County Chair, who is in violation of State Election law on several levels…

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Detroit Bailout

The sausage making…

A comprehensive look and timeline of the Detroit bailout…You may want to read this……/detroit-bankruptcy-rosen-o…/18724267/

Other articles are live linked throughout…

My thoughts…we owe Detroit nothing more in the future, and didn’t owe it the money we gave them…they broke it, let them fix it…

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Resolution to ban “Winner take all”…

Think this will fly???

Just sent this out to a few Chairs, and posted it on FB…bring on the comments…


Resolution on the restoration of apportioned convention delegates for the 2016 Republican National Convention

Whereas the State Rules Committee, after to 2012 Presidential primary election, did amend the rules of the Michigan Republican Party to award all Republican National Convention delegates to Mitt Romney over the protests of the party members;

Whereas this decision did cause and effect a change in the 2012 Presidential campaign due to the favoring of one candidate over another;

Whereas a significant portion of the Michigan Republican Party and 2012 Presidential primary voters were summarily ignored as a direct result of this decision; and

Whereas “winner take all” Presidential primaries affect candidate campaign strategies to the detriment of lesser financially viable candidates, thus stifling serious debate; now therefore be it

1. Resolved, that the Michigan Republican Party (MIGOP):

1. adopt a rule establishing the State Presidential primary contingent of Republican National Convention delegates as apportioned by county result;

2. establish such rule by floor vote of 50% plus one of the delegates to the February 20th, 2015 State convention, effective immediately upon approval of said delegates;

3. require a two-thirds majority of a full State convention to revoke apportioned national Presidential delegates.

So moved by:_____________________________________

Supported by:_____________________________________

Supported by:_____________________________________

Adopted by majority vote, this ______ day of _______________________, 2015

___________________County Republican Party

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(2)

They ARE watching us…

Hey, not bad, I'm finally going to be published!!!

Deposed today in one of many lawsuits v. Kalkaska County Sheriff’s Department…

Submitted and marked “Exhibit 1” by counsel for the defense…

The Regional Police State…

“Do you have issues with the Sheriff’s Department?”

Answer: “Yes, several.”

Interesting day, defense counsel was squirming by the end of the interview…

All I can say for now is be willing to stand behind what you post here and elsewhere…

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)