What is the best sermon that you have ever heard?
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Chris, Amen.
What is the best sermon that you have ever heard?
For some of you it may be the sermon that brought you to saving faith in Jesus Christ. For others it may the sermon that brought you great comfort in a time of great sorrow, or clear guidance in a time of indecision. Or for others still it may be the sermon that brought you back to God after wandering away from him.
Of all the sermons that have ever been preached in history, no one has ever preached a better sermon than the first one that Jesus preached in his hometown of Nazareth. The sermon is a marvelous example of Jesus’ teaching, which was the primary focus of his ministry while on earth. Jesus’ teaching contains glorious truths about himself, and how anyone can receive the good news he spoke about. So I’m not going to hold you in suspense, I’m going to say right out, the first Christians sermon was the best the world ever received.
I am under no illusions as to my skill level in preaching compared to Jesus Christ, but even so, let’s examine an example of Jesus’ teaching as set forth in Luke 4:16-30, our Gospel lesson today.