Genesis 3:8-15
The Word of God – through which the Holy Spirit will be guiding our hearts and minds today – is recorded in our reading from Genesis. (3:8-15)
It is a familiar story to all of us, as it speaks to the origin of mankind. In this story, the only fruit in the Garden of Eden that is forbidden is that which hangs from the tree in the midst of the garden, but Adam and Eve eat from it anyway. So, God first approaches man and asks if he has eaten the forbidden fruit and man responds, “well, the woman gave it to me.” In other words, “it’s not my fault.” God then turns to the woman and asks, “what have you done?” And woman responds, “well, the serpent deceived me.” And again she was saying, “it’s not my fault.”
King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes “There is nothing new under the sun,” but many in the modern world may disagree. They consider the modern world more advanced, more sophisticated. We have devices and technology un-imagined years ago. But has the world – or the people in it – really changed? Are people innately different now than years ago? Has human nature fundamentally changed because we have cars and space shuttles, televisions and computers? Have we learned anything about ourselves from those who lived long ago?
Motivational speaker Travis Robertson writes: consider the statements below and see if any of them resonate with you:
- It’s not my fault that I’m overweight. My parents were overweight and it runs in the family.
- It’s not my fault that I have anger issues. My dad physically abused me when I was a kid.
- It’s not my fault that I lie a lot. I had to in order to survive growing up.
- It’s not my fault that I lost my job. My company was mismanaged and went out of business.
- It’s not my fault that I’m addicted to pain pills. I am in constant pain after the accident.
- It’s not my fault that I..
…well you get the idea.
He goes on to say that all of these things may in fact be true. Many things that happen to us may not be our fault. It’s unfortunate that we live in a world where things happen to us that are outside of our control. Kids are abused and abandoned. They grow up in terrible environments with terrible parents. People are permanently injured in accidents that weren’t their fault. Lives are altered sometimes through no fault of our own.
But here’s the reality: just because something isn’t our fault, that doesn’t mean it’s not our responsibility.