KG One

Where is everyone???

We're ready to hear from the audience...all five of you.

After catching up on yesterday’s goings on up in Lansing, I just needed to share this (laugh) with everyone.

It’s yesterday’s “Michigan Democratic Party response to the 2018 SOTS”.

Don’t worry, I’m not here to torture everyone, the clip is already cued up to the best part of the entire speech.

Notice anything missing?

Submitted w/o any further comment.



You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Rewarding stupidity.

Come and meet the news boss…same as the old boss.


Isn’t it grand to not be responsible for money.

Large sums of money, even.

Money that you would’ve thought SOMEONE would’ve learned their lesson after having their fat pulled out of the fire multiple times in the past.

Same characters played by different actors.

{This week’s stupidity players are revealed below the fold}

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Now, how do you suppose HIS name got there???

Politics and corruption are practically synonymous here in Southeastern Michigan.

Recent names (for most readers here, anyways) include such notables like Coleman Young (the first), Kwame Kilpatrick, The (almost) entire Conyers Family, etc.

Excluding VERY rare circumstances, they have been allowed to go pretty much unchecked by state and local officials since there apparently is some “unwritten” rule prohibiting county prosecutors and Attorneys General from investigating fellow politicians, regardless of party affiliation.

No, I don’t get it either.

Fortunately, this hasn’t stopped the Feds though from doing the job that local and state officials have been reticent to do.

I’ve honestly lost track of the number of investigations on Coleman Young (the first). Kwame Kilpatrick will be a guest of the Texas Penal system for at least two-and-a-half decades (obviously pending the outcome of another appeal attempt). Monica Conyers got to relax for several months after spending some quality time in Camp Cupcake. John Conyers got caught literally with his pants down around his ankles.

And then there is this guy???

Now, who is it you may ask?

{Continued below the fold}

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Echo Chamber

Well, it took them long enough.

The first so-called “major revision” in the tax code in roughly 30-years.

Jason touched on this a little earlier with the statement released by Chairwoman Romney-McDaniel.

Speaking for myself, I’m going to hold off final judgment until I get a chance to read exactly what was in final bill. On the plus side, at least it doesn’t touch the continuing resolution.

But where I want to go with this is a little differently from where I have gone with in the past. This time I’m going to focus on the other side…Team “d”.

Not so much in what they have said, but in what they are doing. Or, more specifically, not doing.

{More below the fold}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

Team D Candidate for Michigan AG effectively takes herself out of the race.

Yet she cannot tell Michigan Voters about the $2-million she received by telling us that we were somehow wrong?!?

In a bid to somehow become relevant, Team D candidate for Michigan AG Dana Nessel released a campaign video citing her genitalia as the deciding factor  on whom to vote for in 2018.

Strangely enough, in her montage of people who are accused (but not convicted), several people are strangely absent.

Anyone want to guess which political party they belong to?

Here’s a hint

And another.

And another.

And another.

And another.

And who can forget this one?

Even more strangely is how the people mentioned above aren’t all dead by now…but I digress.

So below is the video in question. I’m certain that the donations will be flowing into her campaign coffers after this announcement!



You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

This piece started off when I was asked for my $0.02 this weekend on something in the local paper (which I freely admit that I do still read), written by someone whom I consider an absolute imbecile (which I’d told my friend on multiple occasions what I thought of this particular writer).

Still, if this wasn’t coming from a friend of mine, it probably would’ve ended differently.

{Post continues below the fold}


You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

But, none of this is what Gov Snyder promised Michigan Taxpayers after the bailout???

Unless you have the Pollyanna-ish worldview that a certain sitting Michigan Governor possesses, honestly none of this should come as a surprise to anyone.

Round two in the Detroit Mayoral Race (which in case anyone is interested, has the first and only televised debate tonite).

And the sad part here is that I could’ve found more rundown areas of Detroit than are featured below.


Submitted w/o any further comment.

You Betcha! (2)Nuh Uh.(0)

Do you stand?

I just wanted to follow up on a post that I made about a week ago regarding the disrespectful manner the millionaire ingrates in the NFL (and locally the Detroit Lions along with their cowardly management) had adopted over the latest faux outrage during our National Anthem.

Yes, there were a few interesting twists that I didn’t anticipate as well.

{And yes, those head-scratching details are below the fold}

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Boycott NFL Detroit

From my inbox (and continuing with an earlier post).

Despite the attempts from team owners to play nice for the fans (Martha Ford even offered a bribe, er, I mean donation to the cause..exactly what that is, is anyone’s guess), NFL Players continue to act like ignorant tone-deaf buffoons.

Stadium seats aren’t selling. Advertisers are pulling out. People are turning off their TV’s.

Why not help to drive the point home?

This coming Sunday, October 8th, starting at 10:30am at the Main Entrance, there will be a Boycott Protest in front of Ford Field, organized by Michigan Freedom to Work spokesman Brian Pannebecker.

From their Facebook page:

“The National Anthem, in 2017 is a unifying symbol of America, the greatest country in the history of mankind.

These leftist agitators disrespecting the flag are trying to take that away from you by dividing us.

Please don’t let them, – please show your support for the U.S. flag and ‘our’ National Anthem this Sunday, Oct. 8th, outside Ford Field in Detroit.

We will be gathering at 10:30 near the main entrance to Ford Field to encourage fans to boycott the NFL until the league enforces its own rule calling for all players to stand facing the flag during the playing of the National Anthem. We have free “BOYCOTT NFL” t-shirts, and pre-printed signs to hold up as fans walk into the stadium.

Media will be there covering the protest event, so this is YOUR chance to have your voice heard in support of America and the flag that so many have given their life to defend. Please make plans to come, and try to get 2-3 friends to ride down together to share the cost of gas and parking.

We hope you join us this Sunday!“

If you can attend, be sure to RSVP on their FB Page linked above.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)