
Pay Attention Lansing

Is It Possible For The State To Make This Right?

pighuntMark Baker and his family were terribly wronged.


It was his courage to stand up against the formerly unimaginable wanton persecution by state agencies like the (feral) DNR and the AG’s office. IT was the support of people who were aware of what was going on that allowed him to survive, and cause the Attorney General’s office to fold under the weight of a huge, easily recognizable, mistake.  It was his willingness to suffer the loss of business as the state threatened his customers, and cut off his sole income.

And all throughout this process other farms were shut down and forced to slaughter their livelihoods because they had no means to fight ‘city hall.’

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KrisAnne Hall In Michigan

KrisAnneThere is enough going on that should make folks wonder whether our government is operating legally and under the framework it is supposed to be operating under.

To clear things up, KrisAnne Hall is sharing her wealth of knowledge with the curious and concerned in Michigan in a series of can’t miss seminars. (Scheduled appearances to the right and below) There are few people who understand the United States Constitution better than KrisAnne Hall.  From her site bio:

KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor, fired after teaching the Constitution to TEA Party groups – she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents.

KrisAnne Hall does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today.

She presents the “genealogy” of the Constitution – the 700 year history and five foundational documents that are the very roots of American Liberty.

One cannot properly understand or interpret the Constitution without a firm grasp of its very foundation.

– See more at: http://krisannehall.com/about-krisanne-hall/#sthash.a6vvX9yd.dpuf

The flyer to the right is about the Traverse City event. The others are below.

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And So It Begins

Its hard not to be suspicious in this new era of selective federal enforcement.

Sheriff Darin LeafI have made the point more than once that your county Sheriff is the ultimate authority as the highest elected law enforcement official in the county.

Sheriffs throughout Michigan have made statements acknowledging this, and further, have pledged to protect the citizens in their counties from otherwise unenforceable actions of the federal government.  Actions which require the participation of the sheriff to even happen. Sheriff Leaf is on the list of those Sheriffs who have pledged their support to the 2nd amendment.

It seems the government doesn’t like the kind of Sheriff who thinks that way however.

Michigan State Police confirm to 24 Hour News 8 that the FBI raided the Barry County Sheriff’s Department.

Four FBI cars were parked outside the Barry County Sheriff’s Office in Hastings Wednesday morning.

But Barry County Sheriff Dar leaf, with his associations might have dropped a bit of a challenge a while back that stuck in someone’s craw.

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The Rural Michigan Squeeze

chainedIt took a little time for it to sink in, but Michigan’s legislature may have made the same mistake with ATT, that was made with BCBS.

Consider the decades of [government enforced] monopoly protections and the ability to hang their lines exclusively prior to deregulation. A compact that allowed ATT to profit heavily through its stand alone status, was then modified to ATT’s desires during the breakup of the bell system in 1974. Also consider the effects on small rural operators that rely on ATT for service access.

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Extortion And …

potholeseasonSo what does a government do when it lacks popular support for raising taxes?

It provides more basis for support by allowing all the bad things those taxes would supposedly end, to happen. From the Detroit News:

Deteriorating road conditions have “gotten a lot more attention in Lansing” than other issues in recent weeks as this year’s harsh winter winds down and pavement cracks and holes begin forming, said Kirk Steudle, director of the Michigan Department of Transportation.

“I think, finally, they’re realizing what we told them is going to happen is actually going to happen,” Steudle said Wednesday at a conference of county road commission leaders.

The great big “I told you so” is coming out in an effort to raise taxes and license fees, rather than keep existing road generated monies in the roads.  You were warned, and the holes in the roads will serve their intended purpose of proving you need to pay more.
And funny that we haven’t heard or seen Steudle comment on the $41 Million already spent on this, (when it was not supposed to cost us a dime) nor on the efficacy of pumping another $250 million into a bridge project that is merely punishment to a Michigan business, and a giveaway to a foreign nation.
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January Numbers Indicate New Entrepreneurial ‘Opportunities’

The numbers will of course, be revised.

They ALWAYS are.

dtmbBanner1_365855_7However, the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget issued a release yesterday touting a reduction in the unemployment rate and an increase in the labor force. There were apparently 32,000 more WORKING in Jan 2014, than in December 2013.  There was apparently an 11,000 person increase in the LABOR FORCE (available workers) during the same time. And this resulted in a net decrease in the unemployment rate to 7.8%.

But the 32,000 gain in total employment has an interesting sidekick of payroll job reductions.  During the same period that employment gains knocked a point off of UE numbers, actual JOBS provided to workers by external employers, decreased.

MLIVE Puts it this way:

“Total employment rose by 32,000 from December to January, according to the department, while the total number of unemployed declined by 20,000. The state’s labor force increased by 11,000. But payroll jobs, which do not include self-employed, dropped by 8,000.”

Did you see that?  There must be a huge increase of persons who are now considered ‘self employed.’

Excuse me while I go out and congratulate the ‘bottle recovery specialist’ who just happens to be rummaging around in my dumpster.

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She Is Right

There comes a point where there is sufficient evidence that we can make adequate judgment on the pretenders of conventional wisdom.

Liars and propagandists for structural destruction of our values, traditions and mores will chip away with a 1000 lies or mis-representative arguments, that say the same thing but attempt to gain entry into the psyche in 1000 different ways.  This hen peck method is successful over time until or unless the rogue chicken is beheaded.

Jen Kuznicki says Ken Braun is Over-the-Top Awful.

Every time Ken wrote about Dave Agema, he lied.  Ken has called Dave and Dave’s supporters, “vile,” “Agemites,” a not-so-subtle reference to sodomites.  He has called Dave “malicious” and “un-American in the most toxic of ways,” equated Dave with the Birchers, the list is endless. But the most disgusting lie is the one he mentions in every damn article. That a facebook link contained Dave’s actual thoughts.

Every time Braun mentions it, the nose grows another inch, but he doesn’t care, he’s on a mission to destroy, and in doing so, he targets us all.

And she doesn’t stop there.


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No Slap On The Wrist

Michigan Capitol Confidential Said:

“.. if the Secretary of State stays true to its history of enforcement, it’s likely the district will receive a slap on the wrist.”

In 2011, Michigan Capitol Confidential looked at the Secretary of State’s enforcement of school districts it found to have violated the campaign finance law from 2006 to 2010. The state fined two districts that broke the law $100 each. In the case of TCAPS for their part 57 violation, it appears there is a new sheriff in town.

TCAPS was assessed a $26,656 fine to be paid back to the district.

“By whom?” is the question being asked so far by our local paper.

TCAPS officials must decide by May 30 whether to accept the ruling and prove reimbursement, which cannot come from TCAPS general fund or other taxpayer-supported funds. If TCAPS officials refuse to pay, the case could be referred to the state attorney general’s office for criminal prosecution.

The state did not specifically state who is responsible for repaying the $25,656.

I can tell you that however.

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Shirkey: New Report Shows Electricity Competition Works

Illinois Study Clarifies Free Markets Provide Better Value

energyMike Shirkey says a new report shows electric monopolies cost families and job providers billions, and cripples local economies.

We knew that.

Apparently an Illinois study offers overwhelming Support for reforms Similar to Michigan House Bill 5184. State Rep. Mike Shirkey (R-Clarklake) highlighted the report today showing a dramatic $37 billion in consumer savings in nearby Illinois since that state replaced its monopoly-style electric system with competition and customer choice.  The report cites an $18 billion in savings for residential customers and $19 billion for companies and job providers.  Chicken feed. Yes?

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Schuette’s Assistant Attorney General – The New Norm

harry-martinWe like Bill Schuette.

At least I do. He knows it, and there are a lot of good reasons why.  Of course we have disagreements on a couple of issues, and will call them out as we see them, but he has done a reasonable job of representing the state and its constitution (reasonable – not great) during his term.

But he needs to get out front on this thing. 

In fact he could have done so a while back. The feral DNR issue has been a debacle from the get go, and THEN AG Schuette’s office sends out the guy in the video below.  He first verbally challenges the Mark Baker directly (bypassing the attorney) in way that certainly appears threatening, pulls the I don’t really give a $Hi# attitude with the rest of the crowd, and then decides the pledge of allegiance is not for him.

A real class act.

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