
Timing Is Everything

The overturning of the Sixth Circuit Court may have positive impact on other Michigan imperatives.

Supreme_Court_US_2009The US Supreme Court decision today was probably an easy one.

In a 6-2 ruling. (see KG’s article for a link) the court upheld the ban enacted by Michigan voters in 2006; Proposal 2, the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative.  Race shall NOT be used in admission policies in our colleges and public institutions, or for purposes of employment or contracting through government. From the Detroit News

The ruling championed the right of the voters to set policy in writing their own state constitutions.

“Perhaps, when enacting policies as an exercise of democratic self-government, voters will determine that race-based preferences should be adopted. The constitutional validity of some of those choices regarding racial preferences is not at issue here,” Kennedy wrote. The decision here “is simply that the courts may not disempower the voters from choosing which path to follow.”

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, who appealed the appeals court ruling, hailed the justices decision.

That was a free promo, Bill. Lets start working on the next battle shall we? – JG

There is no doubt Michigan’s Attorney General carried this one across the finish line, but the argument was simple on a number of levels.

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State Of Michigan: “Celebrate Comrades!”

Michigan Promotes Earth Day, Lenin's Birthday, And Environmental Fascism

ED-EntryThe state of Michigan has multiple events and activities planned surrounding a day that was spawned of communism and eco-fascists.

Hello fellow travelers.

To start with, our budding proletariat shall make glorious propaganda!

The Department of Natural Resources, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, and Department of Environmental Quality invite students to celebrate Earth Day 2014 by competing in a Poster Contest! Judges will select a 1st and 2nd place winner from each grade – Kindergarten through 5th. Winners will be invited to receive their awards at the Earth Day 2014 Celebration!

All of the work will be subject to judging by a panel of approved party loyalists.

It is they who have the most appreciation for the struggle of the dirt. All works submitted have been duly screened for effective adherence to the cause, and those found wanting will accompany their work to Saginaw for reconditioning.

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Its Official – Arcand Is On The Ballot For CD1!

Incumbent Dan Benishek has yet to turn in any signatures and has not yet filed.

10255365_1422616394659740_9023389005365349001_nAs of this writing, Alan Arcand is the only candidate for Michigan’s first Congressional District.

Turning in 1300 signature today (picture on right) at the the Secretary of State’s office this morning in Lansing,  the Iron River native has made his mark.  He is challenging Republican incumbent Dan Benishek in the August primary for the House seat in Michigan’s largest Congressional district. Arcand, an Air Force veteran and father of three young boys, cites Constitutional violations by both Congress and the administration as reasons for his campaign.

“Washington is definitely broken, and I’ve been fixing things all my life. It’s time for some serious repair of the federal government. We need to enforce the Constitution and regain control of the government to ensure the future and prosperity of our children.”

Arcand will be forming his campaign committee immediately upon his return to Iron River.

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AFP Major Tax Day Plans Across Michigan

Americans For Prosperity Engages For Tax Day Rallies In Michigan And Elsewhere

afp-LH_smallAmericans For Prosperity is not exactly bashful this tax season.

On Saturday April 12, AFP will be with activists to stage demonstrations across the country, and at a couple of places in Michigan.  In Livonia, AFP is holding a Tax Day Rally at the VisTaTech Center, Schoolcraft College from 11 AM  to 3PM The rally will feature speeches by Tony Katz, host of the radio talk show “Tony Katz Tonight” on 93.1 FM WIBC and contributor to Townhall.com; and Frank Beckmann, host of “The Frank Beckmann Show” on News/Talk 760 WJR and Detroit News weekly columnist.

Up North, In Gaylord, AFP will have a “Going After the Bucks” Tax Day Rally at Big Buck’s Brewery in Gaylord; 550 S. Wisconsin Ave Gaylord, MI 49735 to rally for our economic freedoms! If you register, AFP is buying lunch! You can register here! (we hear the food is really good) Time of the rally is 11:30 to 3pm

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Self Service & Jerky Knees

Detroit City Council's New Knee-Jerk Licensing Requirements Out Of Line

cctv-cameraOne would think there is a point where even the most oppressive government knows when to say when.

I sell security cameras, and the related security recorders. There are few people who understand the advantages of having a properly set up security camera system than myself.  One light think I would always advocate on behalf of my profession. However, like other mandatory (kaf kaf- Obamacare) ‘solutions,’ forcing a business to buy those systems is just plain wrong.  The Detroit news reports that the Detroit city council is doing just that:

“The City Council on Tuesday unanimously voted to strengthen licensing requirements for self-service gas stations in the city and requires strategically placed indoor and outdoor digital surveillance cameras in the wake of a brutal beating on the city’s east side last week.”

“Licensing Requirements” are being used as an excuse to provide public policing tools (remember, police are there AFTER the events) on the back of the gas station owners.

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Article V Debate In Traverse City

What is an Article V Constitutional Convention and why did the Michigan Legislature apply for it?

912TBIn recent months, there has been an interesting divide in conservative politics on the efficacy of holding an Article V constitutional convention.

Points have been made vigorously on both sides of the issue. Some argue that an article V could get out of hand, while others see it as a way to harden  constitutional principles firmly with specific goals.  The fact is, that average Joe hasn’t a clue of what it entails, what the risks are, or what might be unexpected outcomes.

Here is an opportunity to hear both perspectives presented in a debate format among good friends; each, who are solidly on either side of the question.

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Wednesday Divertere – The Expert

As the Obamacare fiasco goes on, so do the preposterous claims that it will save money.

The ACA planners undoubtedly ran into a man like Anderson in the video, yet were unswayed in their quest to make red lines out of blue (or transparent) ink. Economics however, not being too difficult, is still a basic skill that is not yet fully understood by the progressive left. (And those who think that expanding welfare in Michigan brings a financial advantage to the state)

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