Dear Fellow Patriots,
The attacks on Dave Agema have weighed heavy on my heart for Dave, his wife Barbara, and for those interested in seeing freedom and liberty prevail in our state and nation.
Dave Agema has been standing up for fiscal and social conservative values and Constitutional freedoms for many years – first as a fighter pilot, then as a State Representative, and now as Republican National Committeeman. He has been a strong and solid conservative voice within the Michigan Republican Party and also a strong supporter of the TEA party and grassroots movement in our state. He has spoken to TEA Party groups all around Michigan in support of founding principles and the core values that separate the Republican Party from the Democrat Party. Recently, I attended the MRP State Committee Meeting in Lansing where Dave’s speech on standing firm on our Republican Platform’s core values resulted in a standing ovation and resounding applause unmatched by any other speaker that day. These core values are not just talking points to Dave, but values he has spent a lifetime defending and fighting for.
Over the years I have learned how the media and the progressive movement will do whatever they can to silence conservatives through threats, intimidation, and attempts to destroy a person’s life and credibility, even making things up if necessary. I have learned how dirty politics can get, but I understand the reason behind it – it is because of what is at stake. This battle that we are in is a battle for the heart and soul of our nation, it is ultimately a spiritual battle and the stakes are high.