
Maybe Someone IS Paying Attention?

Warranty work to be performed on I-75

One of the biggest complaints (not exclusive, however) we have had with the MDoT is it’s mishandling of warranty needs.

I believe they want to make sure we see something being handled.  From The MDoT Pravda:

I-75 warranty repairs north of Grayling start Monday





ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE:  Friday, May 20, 2016 (weather dependent)


Contractors for the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will be making warranty pavement repairs and sealing cracks on 5.5 miles of northbound I-75 from north of Grayling Exit 254 to north of Hartwick Pines Road Exit 259. This work will be done at the expense of the contractor.

Project map: http://bit.ly/1TtKJjH

TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS:                     

This work will require lane closures with traffic shifts.

The next project might be to figure out what to do about THIS.

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Arming Our Defenders

Representative says get involved now to protect our military personnel.

glennGary Glenn posts this:

ACTION ALERT! — Urgently need your immediate help on two fronts:

I learned today that the House Military and Veterans Affairs Commitee will hold a public hearing this Thursday, May 5th, on House Bill 5376, legislation I introduced — in response to the Islamic terrorist attack which killed five unarmed U.S. military personnel at a recruiting office in Chatanooga — to require that at least one soldier on duty be armed at all times at every National Guard facility in Michigan that’s accessible by the public.

HB 5376 is cosponsored by eighteen Republicans and eight Democrats, including every member of the Military and Veterans Affairs Committee of both parties with one exception, a new Democratic state representative who was elected in the March 8th special election and wasn’t in office when I gathered cosponsors.

Read full bill and list of cosponsors: http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?2016-HB-5376

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“Glaring Example Of The Jim Crow Of The North”

Former Tribal leader appeals for pedophile rights in his last court statements.

Obama’s champion of Northern Michigan describes his conviction on child sexual assault in a way that suggests HE is the victim of racism and bigotry. The former Tribal Chair of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians wasted no opportunity in placing the blame for his predicament.  From UpNorth Live:

Bailey was sentenced to 25 to 50 years after being found guilty in Grand Traverse County of two counts of first degree criminal sexual conduct back in April.

….Bailey also went on to reference having two all white juries convict him of his crimes.

“To me it’s the glaring example of the the Jim Crow of the north,” Bailey said.

Quite obviously, the Jury plotted his fall from influence and subsequent persecution.

That or the civilized world isn’t yet ready for the complete normalization of those child-adult complex relationships.  Maybe the next time the DSM is revised, pedophiles can have their day as well?

The world is changing very rapidly indeed.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Real LIFE Event

Right To Life hero to speak April 29 in Ann Arbor

daviddaleidenDavid Daleiden, Who Exposed Planned Parenthood’s Harvesting and Selling of Aborted Baby Body Parts to Speak at Pro-Life Event, Friday, April 29th in Ann Arbor.

Ann Arbor, MI. The young man responsible for producing undercover videos that caught high-level Planned Parenthood officials discussing the harvesting and selling of aborted baby body parts will be the guest for a Citizens for a Pro-Life Society fundraiser, Friday, April 29th, at Christ the King Parish, 4000 Ave Maria Drive, Ann Arbor, MI.

Doors open at 6:30. The event also features a concert by well-known musician Eric Genuis.

In the last 10 months David Daleiden has become one of the most high-profile, controversial figures of the pro-life movement as a consequence of videos he produced through the Center for Medical Progress. www.centerformedicalprogress.org In these videos, first made public in June 2015, Planned Parenthood executives and staff members discuss the harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts–body parts made available to biologics companies such as Stem Express.

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Or Be Square

As-in "be there" for KrisAnne Hall's discussion on the 10th amendment.

KrisanneHall_flyer5olKrisAnne Hall back in Michigan.

I have heard her speak a number of times, and each time walk away with a greater understanding of our constitution.  I also have developed a better sense for what needs to be done to hold our out of control government in check, and return us to the nation of states (versus a nation with states) as our founders intended.

Always a worthwhile event.


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When folks around the state know what is going on, they are better prepared to act.

Gary Glenn knows that pressure from those back home can bring about action when bills are slowed down in the committee process.  Recently, he sends this out in an email blast:

glenn“Dear Friends,

The purpose for this email is to bring to your attention House Bill 4847, which would restore Michigan citizens’ constitutionally-guaranteed right to a jury trial, including on lawsuits filed against the state.

Specifically, HB 4847 would allow any citizen of Michigan to sue the state on any matter and demand a trial by jury in their district of residence.

As provided by our state constitution, Michigan residents already have a right to have any lawsuit brought by them to be heard by a jury of their peers. However, that right has not been upheld by the current system in which lawsuits against the state are currently heard by the Court of Claims, which provides no trial by jury.

HB 4847 would right this wrong and put in statute what is already in our state constitution.

I urge you to take action today by contacting the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, as well as all members on the committee, to ask them to allow HB 4847 to be taken up for a hearing and subsequent vote. This could be accomplished via a phone call as well as an email. The contact information for committee members are as follows:

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2nd Amendment March Wednesday April 11

From http://www.2amarch.com/

Join us for the 2016 March!

What: A peaceful gathering to demonstrate the political strength of Michigan’s legal gun owners and Second Amendment advocates.

When: Wednesday, April 13 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Where: Lansing State Capitol lawn

The Details: Michigan’s Second Amendment March will be held on Wednesday, April 13th at Michigan’s Capitol. The event will begin at 10:00 a.m. on the Capitol lawn. The MARCH will take place at noon and will be around the Capitol Mall. Assemble near the Capitol steps if you would like to participate in the march. Legislature is in session that day. We’ll be showing them the political strength of Michigan’s legal gun owners. The march is being organized by the Second Amendment March and jointly promoted and funded by Michigan Gun Owners and Michigan Open Carry, Inc. Please visit our Facebook event page for the most updated information.

Or hit the site as well.

Already at well over 310 confirmed on FB alone (typical FB response suggests 1000+ marchers) for this Wednesday.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

A Challenge

An email I received recently mentioned the writer’s inability to reach our current representative.

The fact he would get no response, never heard anything that the incumbent of the 104th was doing, and didn’t know what that incumbent was doing was troubling.  “He just disappeared” was the statement and theme.

And absence from representation is spot on correct.

During a kick off last Tuesday I recorded some video that I will torture the regular readers of this blog with over time.   But I also had some good spots; One in particular in which I issued a challenge that might be useful to any district’s voters.

Posted on Facebook, the challenge was posted with this:

“Everyone reading this has the ability to find that legislation sponsored by our current incumbent, which enhances our liberty, creates new efficiency in government, or fixes our infrastructure. HB5152 is close, but even having 14 co-sponsors cannot make it out of committee. Anything else???

Challenge your legislators too perhaps?

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