
Yes, You Want To Vote For Trump.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the Family Leadership Summit in AmesDonald Trump will likely be our next president.

It should really come as no surprise, but due to the nature of folks holding their voting choices close to the vest, the media has seemed content to report that he is already an also-ran candidate. We know better, and so do some on the other side.

Yes, on November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it’s your right. Trump’s election is going to be the biggest ‘f*** you’ ever recorded in human history and it will feel good.

Yeah.  We quoted that guy.

Truly, if in fact he gets it, all of those inbetwixt he-and-I are likely to get it too. Yes, he is now screaming it is taken out of context, and that we should all go see his movie to see why, but he identified the underlying (and rightful) angst that actually exists.

There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton is the man, the machine, the mechanization of oppression and crap policy that leaves middle America feeling like a lone protester in Tianemen square after all of the cameras are turned off.

She offers more-of-the-same. And by golly there are few, if any folks who think that is a good thing.

Especially “more” of the same.

And of course, the tried and true ‘what is the definition of insanity?’ question comes in two parts. The first part of doing the same thing and expecting change is the gimme, but leaving in place the system that produces the same thing is the viral component that must be recognized as a continuation of it.

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Trump Pence Team Seals The Deal Monday Night In Grand Rapids

Michigan has the honor of the finale political bash!

trump-mobMichigan gets painted red by Monday night.

Team Trump has spared no effort in making sure voters of the mitten state know they are important to this presidential effort.  No fewer than a dozen stops in the last month, most in the past few days, and polling that is showing a rewarding trend for victory.

The Trump rally finale is nowhere else but in Michigan, at a late night event in Grand Rapids.

All the players, Trump, Pence, et al, will gather the troops for a pre-election celebratory whoop-dee-do Monday night. Get your tickets to join Donald Trump, Governor Mike Pence, and team in Grand Rapids, MI tomorrow, Nov. 7th at 11:00 PM for the biggest rally yet! Details about the event below:

Get tickets and watch for updates here!

Monday, Nov. 7th: Grand Rapids, MI
Devos Place
303 Monroe Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Doors Open: 8:00 PM
Event Begins: 11:00 PM

Get tickets and watch for updates here!

Democrats might just want to sit this one out, or .. join the winning team, as the revelations about cheating during the primary pop up.  Bernie Sanders supports are finding out how much of a dump Hillary took on them, and how they will NEVER get a fair chance if they fall in line.

Make America Great Again Michigan!


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Trump And Other Team Stops Sunday & Monday!

Trump Palin Pence ..Oh My.

Michigan Goes Trump in about 72 hours.

To make sure, Donald Trump is making another stop on SUNDAY November 6 at 6:00pm at Freedom Hill


Freedom Hill Amphitheater is located at 14900 Metro Parkway, Sterling Heights, Michigan 48312.

Please get tickets for the event here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/schedule/register/sterling-heights-mi/

Sunday, November 06 2016, 6:00 PM  Doors open at 3:00 PM.

— More below! —

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Michigan’s Hillary Voters Ready for A ‘Spirit Cooking Dinner?’

Clinton leadership team tinkers with witchcraft, the occult, deviltry?

spirit-cookingI know that a lot of hardened Democrats are all too willing to forgive Hillary’s criminal deeds.

Forgiveness is a Christian prerogative, and I have to think there are Michigan Democrats who believe they live the life of Christ, though they might support abortion, even up to the point of birth. One question that has just popped up however, are they also willing to trade their eternal souls for the bargained-for success of this “nasty woman?”

In the run up to the election, the onslaught of emails provided by WikiLeaks, has been intense.  Evidence of collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign with the networks, with the justice dept, as well as with the Democrat party officials against Bernie Sanders point out how far she is willing to go for power.

But is that the limit to which power seeking would take her or those who surround her?

Shouldn’t that be bad enough for anyone claiming any semblance of higher ground? Could there be more that a campaign could do that ensures “victory is mine!” for the woman who might be president during this craziest of election cycles?

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Eric Trump In Michigan Today

erictrumpThis week has been filled with visits to Michigan by Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, Mike Pence and Ted Cruz.  All have been making stops in the Great Lakes State.

Next on the list: Eric Trump.

Eric Trump will be visiting the Eastern part of Michigan, Friday, November 4th, making stops in Saginaw, Taylor, and Walled Lake.

Here is a list of the public stops Eric Trump will be making on Friday:

9:00 AM – 10:00AM
Saginaw Field and Stream Conservation Club
1296 N Gleaner Rd, Saginaw, MI 48609

1:45 PM – 2:15PM
Trump Walled Lake Office
500 North Pontiac Trail, Suite F, Walled Lake, MI 48390

3:00 PM to 5:30 PM (PDT)

22050 Pennsylvania Road
Taylor, Michigan 48180

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Michigan Board Of Education Picks

A change is needed at the Michigan Board of Ed, and it couldn't be soon enough.

choose-your-own-bathroomThe current Michigan State Board of Education has strayed from its mission.

It seems so long ago but it was only at the end of August that it approved its socially manipulative recommendations for bathroom use in our public schools. It thus confused the role of government in our children’s education, and is ensuring psychological deformation in our publicly educated youth going forward.

This doesn’t have to be this way.  Perhaps the public and parents can educate themselves, and elect a Board of Education that has education as it’s core mission?

The following candidates meet this need, and we recommend their selection next Tuesday.

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Desperation From Pelosi PAC / Lon Johnson Campaign

House Majority PAC shameful in its advertising.


Apparently misrepresenting a 40 year veteran and 3 star general in front of the communist Chinese flag to score cheap political points is not beneath the Democrats who think that Michigan’s first congressional district is up for grabs. Nancy Pelosi’s ‘house majority’ PAC leaves no dirty trick behind as it denigrates the integrity and character of a patriot and American hero in order to advance its own political operative in a place and district which he doesn’t belong.

Michigan’s first district veterans say “NO WAY Nancy!”

In a letter to the 1st Congressional District, a number of those veterans think the coordinated effort on behalf of the Democrat carpetbagger Lon Johnson simply went too far. They write:

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WOW – More Michigan Trump Visits

Michigan efforts demonstrate rising probability of Michigan winning it for Trump!

donald-trump-jrDonald Trump Jr. is now coming to town!

With this level of activity in Michigan, its hard to imagine we are no longer in play.

Grab your friends, family, and anyone you know and get them active.  This is the year we start to take government back from the Cronyist cabal that manipulates policy from both sides of the partisan aisle.

Stopping first at Michigan State University in East Lansing and then going to Grand Valley State University in Allendale. Below are the details of each event:

Wednesday, November 2nd: Michigan State University at the Ballroom, MSU Union Building

49 Abbott Road
East Lansing, MI 48824

Doors Open: 11:30am
Event Begins: 12:30pm
Register for tickets here*

Wednesday, November 2nd: Grand Valley State University

GVSU Russel H. Kirkhof Center
South Campus Drive (Building 18)
Allendale, MI 49402

Doors Open: 2:30pm
Event Begins: 3:30pm
Register for tickets here*
*Tickets are required for admittance

And don’t worry..  Brian Calley won’t be there to spoil the fun.

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