
Appeals Court Decision Should Halt The Nonsense

Michigan Court of Appeals gives Mandamus ruling to canvassers.

It ends here.

The Michigan Court of Appeals has ordered [suggested?] the canvassers to do their job.  There was no reason to hold a recount when the outcome was not going to benefit Stein, and that she was not an aggrieved candidate with standing.

Jill Stein has no reason to continue.  The recount will end. The federal decision was not in conflict with what should have happened in the canvasser’s hearing. The federal decision was unrelated to the decision by the canvassers, and was timing related only. Thus, as reported by the Detroit Free Press:

Andrea Bitely, a spokeswoman for Schuette, said the Michigan Court of Appeals said that “there is no conflict between” its order and the federal district court’s temporary restraining order, so the recount should end immediately.

Time to go report to your masters Jill.

You failed to start a chaos driven event.

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Michigan’s Supreme Court Should Engage NOW

Michigan's Supreme Court can intervene and save taxpayers millions and end the Democrat created chaos.

An Obama appointed federal Judge has ordered the recount to begin today at Noon.

This wouldn’t have happened by itself, and required a petition by Jill Stein to ‘expedite’ the process.   Michigan Law dictates that state officials must wait two business days after hearing objections to a recount petition before they can start counting. This allows court review of the Board of Canvassers ruling on recount requests.

The federal Judge is attempting to circumvent Michigan’s election law, which is not it’s role.

If the canvassers had ruled for the Trump objection to the recount, this couldn’t have happened. The decision is based on the presumed ability to complete the recount in the shortened time and not whether it should go forward. However, the net decision requires an expedited ruling from the Michigan Court of Appeals or the Michigan Supreme court, or taxpayers on Attorney General Bill Schuette’s motion.

Stein has no skin in the outcome, and even admits the process is not expected to change the results of the election.  Yet Stein has pursued this avenue in order to insert chaos into the electoral process.

And the Democrats including Mark Brewer, former chair of the Michigan Democrat party are happy to see it happen.

Brewer filed the for the federal judge’s action on behalf of Stein as Plaintiff.

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What Crazy Looks Like

Green Party candidate Jill Stein attempts to justify her lunacy

Jill Stein has no skin in the game.

Except maybe in a way that gives her a donor base to work off of for her next 1% run at the presidency. Stein, looking a little jaundiced in this clip tries to convince even herself that wasting the time of election officials in three states serves some enlightened  or higher purpose.

Professing that 75,000 ballots in Detroit having no presidential preference chosen as a reason for the recount, and also saying it is not about Trump, Clinton, herself or any particular candidate, Stein will be announcing her lawsuit against Pennsylvania’s election board for cancelling the recount in NYC.

In front of Trump Tower.

This folks, is what bats**t crazy looks like.

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And If You Were Wondering

Michigan Poised to end this nonsense once and for all.

objectionCanvassers meet today to determine if they ‘accept’ the objection to the recount.

As best I can tell, (with a minor exception of two) the scheduled recount counties are those which have a traditionally higher Democrat voting, an/or did fairly well for the indicted criminal, Hillary Clinton.  If there were errors or machine missed/uncounted ballots, the percentages advantage Democrats in these counties.

If you are in the most conservative areas, Jill Stein (AKA Campaign for Hillary) does not want to recount your votes.

If the objection is accepted by the board of canvassers, its done, and Trump Wins Michigan.  If they do not accept the objection, then next Tuesday will be the beginning of the ‘fun.’

Stay tuned.

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Teacher Pension Reform

Something that should have happened decades ago, might happen soon.

brandenburgState Senator Jack Brandenburg posted this on FB today.

Facebook has somehow supplanted blogging and other online information sources.  I have a post upcoming for this.  In the meantime, I’m passing this along as a public service.

Dear Friends,

Hundreds of teachers have been emailing and calling my office regarding Senate Bill 102, which changes the teacher retirement plan. It has become very obvious to me that they have been misinformed.

First and foremost, if you are a current or retired educator, your pension benefit will not change one bit. You will not lose one cent. Your pensions are guaranteed and protected by the Michigan State Constitution. Once again, current teacher’s and retiree’s pensions are protected, every single cent.

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Fifth Down

So.. Michigan Beat Ohio State, Right?

Oh, did I peel off that bandage too soon?5thdown

Can’t stand the school lately.  But love the game, and hate to see it abused in this way.  The complete officiating crew should be banned from working on this side of the country, or in any bowl games permanently.

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Ghosts Of Thanksgiving Past

Some highlights from former Thanksgiving related postings.

thanksgiving-washingtonSome selections from prior Thanksgivings at RightMichigan.

Some links might be broken, but the overall effort is worth it.  Starting 5 years ago:

Thanksgiving In the Sphere 2011

Detroit Wayne County Conservative (via the Examiner) Conservative – Thanksgiving 2011

CapCon – Larry Reed Classic – There’d Be No Thanksgiving Without The Profit Motive

Core Principles – Thanksgiving The Result Of Free Enterprise And Prayer

Dave Lambert – The Four Freedoms

The Minority Report – What Your Turkey Ate

Here Comes Later –A Morning Salute

Michigan Right To Life – Abortion Clinics Closed Permanently

Motor City Times – Thanksgiving Morning Linkage!  WOW!

The Stoeker Factor – Last Comment Worth the Link.

The Wizard Of Laws – Giving Thanks

More below

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Ted Nugent Thanks America

The motor city madman offers heartfelt appreciation for the future of our nation.

You gotta love this guy.

Michigan Native Ted Nugent in the wee morning hours of the 9th as election results are finalized, lets it all out.  Particularly entertaining and frank, he is thankful for the incredible results.  He gets particularly happy when he sees that Michigan went Red (the 9:00), going for Trump.

Language and philosophical advisory:  Not for the faint of heart, young children, or puppy cuddling, safe-space, college pee-pants protesters.

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