
Making Education Great Again.

A roadmap to fixing our FAILING Public education system

Imagine if the resources spent on the Federal Department of Education was instead sent to the states?

Michigan has more School districts than counties, has had to (as a state) take over whole systems that cannot manage the resources given them by taxpayers, and is delivering CRAP insofar as outcomes.

Let me state this comparison as clearly as I can .. If you had a roofer fix your leaky roof, and the first time you had a light sprinkle you find yourself putting buckets around the house, what would you do?  You might have them try to repair, but most folks are going to get someone new.

Let me remind you that our kids can’t read.  Not like they should anyhow.   I drafted the below roadmap last night.  It is a response to my own personal assessment of what doesn’t currently work in our public education system.  It was inspired to this point as I spoke with a couple of retired legislators who may or may not agree with the entire premise.

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So What Has the Department of Education Done for Us Lately?

Failures sometimes need to be removed from the equation

The federal Department of Education, heralded by its supporters as a vital institution for ensuring equal access to quality education across the country. The freak outs are happening as Trump Taps McMahon to ‘put a fork in it.

Let’s pause a second, and ask the obvious question: What has it actually accomplished lately?

The results of the 2024 Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress, known as M-STEP, show that 39.6% of third-graders statewide passed the state’s English language arts (ELA) test, compared with 40.9% last year, 41.6% in 2022 and 42.8% in 2021.

Is it really any better than an ever-growing bureaucracy that’s burning taxpayer dollars faster than Michigan Democrats spend transportation funds on bike lanes no one uses?

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Dark Money In Michigan?

Say it ain't so

If you subscribe to the news:

Allies of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer used millions of dollars from secret donors and a web of nonprofit organizations to promote her policy agenda and celebrate Democrats who joined in championing it, according to a tax filing obtained by The Detroit News.

Michigan  Democrats who rail on about dark money in Politics..

The article hit on one specific group: The Road To Michigan’s Future which has a few recognizable figures.  Former Lt Governor Cherry as one.

Which begs the question “How long will it be before old politicians just go away??

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Slotkin’s Motives

Less about qualifications perhaps?

Some folks .. even on the right had a concern with Mike Roger’s former National Security influence and connections.

To some degree I understand, but..on the other hand:

Sen.-elect Elissa Slotkin, D-Mich., expressed concern Sunday that some of President-elect Donald Trump’s selections of national security Cabinet positions could be beholden to his political preferences rather than an objective interpreting of intelligence.

Isn’t it curious how Rep. Elissa Slotkin, a former CIA officer, is suddenly voicing concerns about politicization in national security appointments?

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Trump Appointees

Good things coming down the pike.  If we can make it as far as January, some great things are in store for our nation.  Tough for career bureaucrats, great for our children and grandchildren’s future.

Trump has announced several key appointments for his upcoming administration. Some are going to cause quite a stir. (good) Recorded here are the notable selections so far:

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Time To Light It Up Again

She is a tyrant.  Don’t forget this

Whitmer’s recent enactment of gun control measures are a step in the wrong direction. The legislation introduces universal background checks for all firearm purchases and mandates ‘safe storage requirements.’

While proponents argue these laws aim to enhance public safety, it’s far past time to examine their potential impact on law-abiding citizens. (The rest of us not currently holding the top three executive positions in MI State govt.) The universal background checks extend to private sales, raising concerns about the implications for responsible gun owners. Additionally, the safe storage mandates may impose challenges for individuals seeking immediate access to firearms for self-defense.

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US Taxpayers Party of Michigan resolution in support of paper ballot

Michigan’s US Taxpayers Party issued this a couple days ago.

Resolution Opposing the Use of Dominion Voting Machines
Resolution: 2023-1212
Sponsor: Kent County Taxpayers/Constitution PartyWHEREAS, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government” (US Const. Art 4 sec 4) and elections are an integral part of such government and must be conducted in a free and fair manner, ensuring the trust and confidence of the electorate;WHEREAS, the responsibility of individual states to uphold the validity of election results, ensuring that the outcome accurately represents the will of the people, and guaranteeing the integrity of the electoral process;

WHEREAS, it is vital that no election information or data be processed or stored outside the borders of the United States, safeguarding the security of the  electoral process and the State of Michigan;

WHEREAS, Dominion voting machines, and other electronic voting software,  which facilitate the counting and recording of votes, are owned by companies of foreign nature, potentially compromising the independence and reliability of the  electoral system;

WHEREAS, electronic voting machines possess internet connectivity ability, and during recent elections, numerous instances were reported where these machines were found connected to the internet despite security protocols in  place;

WHEREAS, the ability to control electronic voting machines remotely raises concerns about the potential manipulation and alteration of vote outcomes,  undermining the fundamental principles of our republic;

WHEREAS, hand-counting ballots in precincts has proven to be a safe, efficient,  and transparent method of conducting elections, ensuring accuracy and  maintaining public confidence;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan opposes the use of all electronic counting machines and software, including Dominion  voting machines, in any future elections;

FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan  demands the return of free and fair elections, where the counting and recording  of votes are conducted through secure, transparent, and audit-able methods,  ensuring that all citizens can exercise their right to vote without any undue  influence or interference.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan will actively  advocate for and support initiatives that promote the adoption of secure,  transparent, and audit-able electoral practices, in order to restore faith in the  democratic process, the beginnings of our republic, to ensure the integrity of  elections.

This resolution shall be disseminated to all relevant state agencies, pertaining to  elections, to facilitate a wider discourse on preserving election integrity and  upholding the security of the people’s electoral process.

Approved and adopted by the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan on the 27th day of January, 2024

©US Taxpayers Party of Michigan
May be used or reprinted if all of the following conditions exist:
1) Credit is given to the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan.  2) Content is used in its entirety.  3) Content is not sold, bartered or traded.
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Faucis House Of Horrors

OK ..this looks like fun.

From the inbox:

Brace yourself for an unforgettable descent into the deepest darkest depths of GOVERNMENT-FUNDED MAD SCIENCE at Dr. Fauci’s House of Horrors!

Immerse yourself in a LABYRINTH OF TERROR as you learn about what Dr. Fauci has been up to since he retired from the federal government!

Feel your heart quicken as you see Dr. Fauci’s transhumanist creation materialize, realizing years and years of secretive and unethical VACCINE EXPERIMENTS!

Be prepared to embrace the unknown and see the disgusting depraved results of government bureaucrats playing God live at Oakland County Republican Party Headquarters this Saturday, Oct. 28 from 6pm to 9pm!

You don’t want to miss this show, playing at the first-ever OCRP Haunted House.

It’s a fun all-ages event featuring a Trunk or Treat for the kids, so bring the whole family!

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