
Impeach Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi may have committed a felony on camera.

The State of The Union Speech by Donald Trump becomes a matter of official record in two ways.

First it is signed then given to the US Senate (to Mike Pence) through the president of the Senate, then given to the House through the Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi.  It is an official record, is it not?  Someone close to what goes on in DC suggests that it is.

John Dingell III, the son of the late John Dingell, longest serving congressional critter ever says “It appears that Pelosi tore up the official, signed copy of the SOTU speech. Destroying official House records is a felony and grounds for impeachment.” He continued: “I was a House Democratic Cloakroom page for years when I was a kid because I was one of only three people on Capitol Hill who knew every Congressman and Senator by sight. And knew where they hid out. I can’t tell you the number of times Fishbait Miller put the fear of God in me about the proper handling of official documents.”

The Justice department specifically states the statute under which Pelosi’s action is subject.  The law is clear.

“The necessary measure of protection for government documents and records is provided by 18 U.S.C. § 2071. Section 2071(a) contains a broad prohibition against destruction of government records or attempts to destroy such records. This section provides that whoever: willfully and unlawfully; conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates or destroys; or attempts to conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate or destroy; or carries away with intent to conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate or destroy; any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document or other thing deposited in any public office may be punished by imprisonment for three years, a $2, 000 fine, or both.”

What Nancy Pelosi did was purposeful and with malice.

As a decades long veteran of congress, Pelosi cannot feign ignorance of the law, nor could she deny her culpability as-if what she did was an accident.  She made herself visible to the world through the lens of the cameras and in a fit destroyed the public record which was reserved for the house.

There IS a provision of that law which provides for removal of the custodians from their position.  It should be approached with due haste.

Will the impeachment managers act on such a violation?  Will Debbie Dingell continue to defend the speaker’s actions as appropriate? Will Fishbait Miller rise from his grave to defend the sanctity of house documents being unlawfully destroyed?

Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of “The Tantrum!”


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A Social Stop

Oh, Rebekah, oh my.

I guess she thought he wanted to ‘party?’

Click on Detroit has the video and the full story:

“All of a sudden, you have like one, two, three, four friends,” Warren said. “I’m just saying, you and I just barely met, and all of a sudden you have four friends.”

“They’re just making sure that I’m OK, and we’re on a very busy roadway, so that’s why,” the officer said.

“But who’s taking videos of this?” Warren said. “Because at some point, everyone wants to take videos of this, but, like, one, two, three, four. You have four friends. I’m all alone.”

The officer explained to her that more officers were needed to block off the freeway to make the shoulder safe.

“All of a sudden, you have five friends and I’m all alone,” Warren said. “I kind of want to call some of my friends.”

Have them bring chips, OK?

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

MEME Thread

It has been irritating to watch the #Shampeachment at times, but there are elements that make it bearable.

Particularly the memes that tell the stories of the loser who cannot get over the 2016 election, and who in all probability eat a lot of fingernails the night of November 3, 2020.   Add your own in the comments.   I will add as I get them

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Sure Would Have

Been nice to have a place in that group.

Clearly someone is wrong.

Somehow I doubt it is any of the AGs in this video. But this really points out how we (Michigan) sure let the country down by electing the crazy snaz who is Michigan’s current AG.

Elections DO have consequences.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Building A Better Fishwrap

Traditional Media misses one of the reasons behind Social Media successes.

Grand Traverse County has about 92,000 People within it’s boundaries.

Of those 92,000 people, there are 72,891 adults, (16,856 of whom are seniors) with most being (presumably) literate.  But of those who are literate (and some who are not), most are blessed with their own perspective, ideals, their own take on the community and thoughts on each day’s events.  In short they have their own opinions.

And for the time of all humanity before the early 1990’s, those opinions might have been limited to written correspondence, trips before a jury, the occasional party, social gathering, political event, or even a torch and pitchfork mob.  Daily expressions of perspective were hardly possible or practicable, or anything close to what can be done now within seconds on new media platforms such as email, Facebook, Gab , instagram, or Twitter.

And newsprint media has always had, yet strangely maintains it’s own limits.  The local newspaper is typically published daily and has one, and rarely two pages dedicated to the pulse of the community.

Of those nearly 17,000 seniors in our county (as described above), how many don’t have any interest in Facebook or the other platforms?  Out of those shouldn’t we be curious how many have given up on trying to let their views be seen because of limits that the print media enforces in its soy-ink ‘community’ forum?

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

Jack Has Our Back

Bergman Votes in Opposition to War Powers Resolution

Congressman Jack Bergman recognizes the difference between an executive act as commander in chief, and that which is a declaration of war.

Constitutionally, congress has the sole authority to declare war.  No one has any argument against that, and throughout the last several administrations this authority has been tested far too often.  However when the 45th POTUS, who has pledged to reduce and remove our presence in the region responds (as he should) to an immediate need to defend our men in the theater of wars created by all of his predecessors, he is backhanded by our congress.

The feckless congressional leadership in its attempt to undercut the efforts of the president to implement his peace through strength mission voted to morally support our enemies by allowing the passage of a resolution that claims the president has none of the powers guaranteed him by our constitution.

General Jack accepts none of that.  He says:

“I voted against H. Con. Res. 83, the House Democrats’ dangerous War Powers Resolution. As it’s merely a resolution, this type of legislation is never presented to the President and therefore holds no force or effect of law. The Democrats are clearly not serious, and this purely political resolution is just another attempt to weaken President Trump and ultimately weaken America.

“Attempting to tie the Administration’s hands at this time is dangerous, and Democrats publicly projecting to our adversaries that we won’t use force puts Americans at risk and endangers the safety of the United States and our allies.”

The 1st District representative is right.

If congress wants to end our efforts in the middle east region, This is not the way to do it.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

We Killed A Terrorist.

Jack Bergman Issues Statement on Iranian Strike on Al Asad Airbase in Iraq

For folks who simply hate our president too much to pay attention to the facts, understand one thing:

Soleimani was a bad guy and has been undermining our efforts to conclude our business in Iraq and get the hell out of there. For a little perspective, its good to have people who have been in the business of #WAR offer their thoughts.

Michigan’s congressman General Jack Bergman issued the following statement last evening:

Tonight we pray for safety for our Service members and allies fighting to destroy terrorism across the globe.

I’ve flown in and out of Al Asad Airbase in Iraq many times as a Marine and have witnessed the important work done by our troops there. This oppressive Iranian regime has always been an aggressor and bully in the region, and as we see yet again tonight, they’re continuing down the path of evil escalation. The United States stands shoulder to shoulder with the good people of Iran who seek freedom and do not support this terrorist regime.

Let’s be clear: The United States eliminated a terrorist when we killed Soleimani – the Iranian government must take note and end its aggressive actions immediately. Our troops stand ready and in position to counter any attack on our positions and our allies.


Thank you General.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)


The best to you and yours.

Here’s to seeing things a little more clearly.


You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

A ‘Solemn’ Day

"impeach the M****R F****R" Tlaib clearly ..solemn.

The marathon of speeches during the impeachment debacle yesterday saw scores of Democrats decrying the need to be there.

They all started out with “I wish we we didn’t have to do this”  or “this is something we wish we wouldn’t have to do” or “its a sad day.” The Democrats openly lamented the grave responsibility they had to enforce the constitution and checks and balances or some other crap they could insert into a political ad later in 2020.

The broad array of projection, obfuscation and outright lies might well have been designed to bore away watchers even as many of them secretly may suspect they have completely and utterly shit the bed.  The house speaker even suggested withholding the resulting partisan vote from the Senate unless they get the rules set in a way that will work for them.

The house speaker even had to shush the Democrats in the house when they began to cheer the resulting vote (with zero Republicans) as she knows the only way to convey the ‘solemnity’ of the occasion is to get the morons in check and STFU.   Good luck with that.

I present to you the face of the new Democrats.

Rashida Tlaib’s “Let’s do this” lends to such solemnity as Pelosi’s prayers for our president do for the soul of our people’s house.

#Trump2020 by a landslide?


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