We will be billed for the higher pharmacy costs Michigan is considering.
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We will be billed for the higher pharmacy costs Michigan is considering.
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Globalization of healthcare marches merrily onward with a Michigan bill hearing this week. Corporate lobbies always play a strong role at these events. This time, there’s a twist.
Big Healthcare lobbied for Obamacare in Congress, and drives most healthcare bills in DC and Lansing. More obscure healthcare lobbies are leading centralization of state health occupational licensure. It still violates market principles, and it’s important to your healthcare.
Individual healthcare rights are losing out to population care. Given what’s at stake, we should probably make an effort to push back on this one.
Six Liberty Reasons to Vote Against Recreational Marijuana
A raft of myths props up Proposal 18-1, the Michigan ballot initiative for recreational marijuana. Freedom thrives when truth is spoken, so from a health policy nurse, here are the facts about the most common myths in the mitten.
Myth #1: Prop 1 will improve access to medical marijuana and help sick people.
Fact: The most common argument is also the least supported by fact. Proposal language specifically excludes any impact upon medical marijuana, which Michigan legalized in 2008. Informed voters will discount medical arguments as irrelevant to the MI Nov 6, 2018 ballot.
Myth 2: Liberty means doing whatever we want, whenever we want.
Fact: The libertine argument in no way supports liberty. Lacking medical purpose, only escapism and substance abuse remain as reasons for recreational drugs. Freedom to become a pothead is not freedom at all, but self-destruction.
Myth 3: Legalizing marijuana is about liberty.