Whose hand is in YOUR wallet?
A few days ago, I tipped everyone off about a Michigan Republican(?) who felt that your money wasn’t your money.
Well, after reviewing the journals from this week, this shemp had some help placing this bill on the floor to be voted upon.
You’ll be disappointed at his accomplices.
{Click below for more details}
I warned people about an attempt, (by a so-called Republican no less), who wanted to lift the Headlee Cap here in Michigan as a backdoor attempt to prop up the mass transit money pit in Southeastern Michigan (Read: Detroit).
Well, last Tuesday, Rep. Sheppard had a little help getting his bill out of committee (bottom of Page 20) and onto the House Floor for consideration.
Those voting to move it out of Ways and Means, Reps. Hertel, Warren & Byrd (all democrats, BTW), jumped at the chance in a heartbeat. Raising taxes to democrats comes as naturally to them as breathing.
Sadly, they had help.
Assisting the democrats were Rep. Wentworth, Rep. Griffin, Rep. Leutheuser, Rep. Lilly and Rep. Iden. The only Republican showing any commitment to Conservative Principles, Rep. Hauck, voted “no”.
Republicans going rogue gallery.

From L-R: Rep. Beth Griffin, Rep. Brandt Iden, Rep. Eric Leutheuser, Rep. Jim Lilly and Rep. Jason Wentworth
The bill has moved onto Second Reading.
Now, before everyone thinks that this is an issue affecting only Southeastern Michigan, HB-5229 lifts the Headlee Cap on “municipal partnerships” across the entire state.
I shouldn’t need to remind anyone here what will happen when the protections to the Michigan Taxpayer under Headlee goes away.
If you feel strongly about this issue, I would highly urge you to contact Speaker Chatfield at his e-mail or call his office at (517) 373 – 2629, and tell him to not only vote “No” on this issue, but also contact your local officials as well and tell them the same.