Watch for sweaty brows.
Lansing’s legislators who sold their souls during the Medicaid expansion trick are already learning of the failure (job losses, hospital staff reductions, false savings) that they enacted in Michigan by embracing the Obamacare mandate. Unheeded warnings by activists, REAL economists, and a history of failure by government resulted in a number of Representatives, and Senators expanding welfare through healthcare, and accepting a few shekels from the most tyrannical US federal bureaucracy ever.
And now its time for them to pay the piper, and AFP has started its reminder campaign.
The Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity announced the launch today starting with an educational effort regarding Representative Theresa Abed’s stance on ObamaCare. Michiganders in Eaton County are receiving mail pieces that highlight Abed’s support for the law.
The mailer features Rep. Abed pictured with President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and is embossed with the words “State Representative Theresa Abed – Key ObamaCare Collaborator.” It also asks individuals to call Abed’s office and ask her to stop supporting more ObamaCare in Michigan.
AFP-Michigan State Director Scott Hagerstrom released this statement following the launch:
“Our mission is to promote economic freedom, and a key component is holding politicians accountable for votes they take on behalf of their district.
“For decades, politicians have been the only ones with the resources to directly communicate with citizens about these major issues that affect all of our lives. This year at AFP-Michigan, thanks to thousands of our generous grassroots donors, we now have the ability to educate citizens like never before. I hope Rep. Abed will recognize the failures that are piling up under ObamaCare and stop supporting its expansion in Michigan.”
With the predicted failures starting to materialize, it won’t be hard to get folks attention.
We have argued often on these pages over the years that “Stupidity MUST be painful” in order to end, or minimize it. In the case of Obamacare, there was a whole lot of stupid spread around, and now AFP is wielding the paddle.
And no, spanking is NOT abuse.

Looks like the AFP Printing presses are going to be working overtime! Look at all the options they have, just for the Republican versions of this mailer!
Hmmm, Abed is the Islamic term for slave.
Abed has an excellent conservative Republican opponent, Tom Barrett.
Tom is solid, as well as good people.
I've known him for a couple years ago, back in the day when he was a WOC and I was a cadet with 1-112th S&S out of Grand Ledge.
If anyone reading this comment is part of the MIARNG aviation community, they'll get the joke when I say my donation to Tom's campaign was $72.58