Grand Traverse County to make a statement affirming Constitutional Rights in light of Covid fear pandering.
On Wednesday, the Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners will address in a small way, the potential for yet another round of mandates, and the pressures currently being made for the population to accept and receive as-yet unapproved and untested vaccines.
Those who oppose the effort, a resolution in support for your constitutionally protected rights, will attempt to abuse the constitution in their own way arguing for ‘general welfare’ as reasons to support mandates, lock-downs and other restrictions placed on your liberties. Those who oppose the statement of liberty would gladly see government toss it’s constitutional limits any time fear can be applied successfully – As it has in the past 18 months.
The resolution reads:
A Resolution In Support Of Vaccine Awareness and Medical Autonomy.
Whereas, we elected officials have solemnly sworn an oath to support the Constitution of the United States of America, which is ordained and established to “promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”,
Whereas, the Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners are elected to serve as the Board of Public Health for Grand Traverse County, acting through its agent the County Health Officer and the Grand Traverse County Health Department,
Whereas, citizens being both informed about the risks and benefits of any available medical treatment such as vaccines; as well as maintaining the sacred inalienable right to make autonomous choices about their own health are essential to securing both the general Welfare and securing the Blessings of Liberty,
Therefore, Grand Traverse County shall not directly promote or solicit citizens to indiscriminately seek out vaccines or other medical treatments, but rather all messaging shall encourage citizens to discuss the risks and benefits of any such treatment with their chosen healthcare provider,
Therefore, Grand Traverse County shall not question any citizen’s claim to exemption from wearing a facemask or any other similarly mandated preventative activity,
Therefore, Grand Traverse County shall not require of or mandate to any employee, prospective employee or contractor any form of vaccine or similar medical treatment verification or medical test verification as a general condition of employment; and will not encourage employers located within Grand Traverse County to establishing such mandates that so hinder medical autonomy,
Therefore, The Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners hereby recognizes August as being National Immunization Awareness Month and encourages all residents of Grand Traverse County to increase their awareness of available immunizations by discussing the risks and benefits of available immunizations with their chosen healthcare provider,
Therefore, the Grand Traverse County Commission instructs it’s chair and staff to forward a copy of this resolution directly to all county commissioners, or their equivalents, in each of the counties in the United States including the 83 counties in the state of Michigan and all other states, inviting that they consider whether passing a similar resolution might be in the best interest of their own citizens,
Therefore, it is acknowledged that certain activities may be required under state and federal law or other pre-existing contract and such obligatory situations are not affected by this resolution.
In the beginning of the Preamble of our declaration of independence, the founders made it clear that our rights simply exist. Endowed by our maker, they are inalienable, and immovable. The purpose of government is not to mollycoddle, nurture, or hold our hands, but to secure the rights that we naturally hold. Government’s legitimate purpose does not stray from those precepts, though too frequently does so in action.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—
Government which ‘mandates’ or forces its people to actively perform in any specific way against their natural rights in order to retain some form of freedom is a tyrannical government. Period.
It is one that ignores the protections afforded us by government with our consent. It is one where a few whom we give leadership positions feel they can ignore the essential purpose of government – The purpose at least in our constitutional Republic.
The resolution offered by County Commission chair Rob Hentschel, essentially says that the county will not abridge your rights in order to promote the health and safety of constituents. It says that county resources will not be used to force unwanted actions upon those who provide those resources. It also encourages critical thinking, and appropriate self reflection on whether or not a vaccine is right for any single person.
It draws legitimacy from the US Constitution, and recognizes the limits upon those who are leveraged with power in our Democratic process. It also recognizes the limits upon those who are NOT elected and serve merely as functionaries to maintain certain services that the people desire.
Mandates and fear peddling are not within the scope of any bureaucratic powers of a legitimate government, either local or nationwide. Nothing in the resolution forces any action upon an unwilling participant in our local citizenry. Nothing in the resolution requires an unwanted action from any resident of our county. Furthermore, the resolution DOES acknowledge it cannot override legitimate and legal federal or state law.
I applaud the effort, and hope this statement of support for Grand Traverse County constituents passes without a single nay vote.
I was made aware there is a slight difference in the wording on the agenda.
WHEREAS, we elected officials have solemnly sworn an oath to support the Constitution of the United States of America, which is ordained and established to “promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”,
WHEREAS, citizens being both informed about the risks and benefits of any available medical treatment such as vaccines; as well as maintaining the sacred inalienable right to make autonomous choices about their own health are essential to securing both the general Welfare and securing the Blessings of Liberty,
THEREFORE, all Grand Traverse County messaging related to vaccines shall encourage citizens to discuss the risks and benefits of any such treatment with their chosen healthcare provider, THEREFORE, Grand Traverse County shall not question any citizen’s claim to exemption from wearing a facemask or any other similarly mandated preventative activity,
THEREFORE, Grand Traverse County shall not require of or mandate to any employee, prospective employee, or contractor any form of vaccine or similar medical treatment verification or medical test verification as a general condition of employment; and will not encourage employers located within Grand Traverse County to establish such mandates that so hinder medical autonomy,
THEREFORE, the Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners recognizes and commends the employees of the Grand Traverse County Health Department, Administration, and the other various county offices and departments, and community health care providers for their immense efforts throughout the pandemic,
THEREFORE, The Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners hereby recognizes August as being National Immunization Awareness Month and encourages all residents of Grand Traverse County to increase their awareness of available immunizations by discussing the risks and benefits of available immunizations with their chosen healthcare provider,
THEREFORE, the Grand Traverse County Commission instructs it’s chair and staff to forward a copy of this resolution directly to all county commissioners, or their equivalents, in each of the counties in the United States including the 83 counties in the state of Michigan and all other states, inviting that they consider whether passing a similar resolution might be in the best
interest of their own citizens.THEREFORE, it is acknowledged that certain activities may be required under state and federal law or other pre-existing contract and such obligatory situations are not affected by this resolution.

Just a question, and I'm being serious, why would anyone give two seconds of their time about any of this?
Boomer king sold you, me, all out, and it's because he didn't want to lose his 757. Most powerful office in the world and tossed out on his his ass like a bum? Yah right. At minimum it tells me was too stupid for the job, or corrupt also. I do not even want to start with the game that was played over the past four years. Charles Kushner pardoned but, not Assange, nor Snowden. Yah, get fucked.
Meme flu is a joke:
Learn Mandarin.
Contract tracing...GT is paying for contract tracing. This needed to stop at the get-go, but for sure now.
Was hospitalized last weekend. While entering the waiting room, some guy insisted I put a mask on. No, I said. He said I couldn't enter without a mask. I said, Are you gonna deny me treatment? Pushed through the door, sans mask. Immediately triaged, sans mask. Placed in lobby with others, sans Mask. NO ONE DIED. Said I had to have a PCR test before admission. Loudly, I said, the CDC just came out and said the test is a POS and fake, so, absolutely NOT! And, still, no one died. Was placed in isolation over PCR fake test refusal. Just, oh damn. I told the nurses my room was a no mask zone. They did pull their masks down and again, no one died.
140 doctors from this same hospital sent a letter to the school board encouraging student masks. Don't know about you, but 140 doctors filled with the fake science narrative is just down right scary to me. The continued use of a PCR test that the CDC says is a POS, by a regional hospital is scary to me. My advice would be to RUN!