108 search results for "detroit bailout"

The Detroit Bailout

The sausage making…

A comprehensive look and timeline of the Detroit bailout…You may want to read this…


Other articles are live linked throughout…

My thoughts…we owe Detroit nothing more in the future, and didn’t owe it the money we gave them…they broke it, let them fix it…

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Detroit Bailout Leaves Michigan Taxpayers On The Hook For More Than $195 Million – AND A LOT MORE!

1 Detroit Aid $195M

Below you will find just a few examples of how Michigan Taxpayers are on the hook for a hell of a lot more than this “Grand Crap Sandwich Bargain” of $195 Million of your tax dollars! If this isn’t leaving a bad taste in your wallet just wait, now that this is done they are working real hard for you up in Lansing to pass legislation as to raise your Gas Taxes too. 2 FilmTaxCredit

While Detroit Goes Bankrupt, Michigan Taxpayers Hand Disney’s ‘OZ’ Nearly $40 Million in Film Credits and this is but one example there are numerous other Film Subsidies that have and will be handed out to Obama’s Hollywood supporters!

The hard part to swallow is our legislators all think it’s funny that they are spending our tax dollars on this wasteful venture that corrupt politicians created in the first place. They won’t be out done they will all laugh when they pass yet more tax increases on we Taxpaying Citizens of Michigan.

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Detroit Bailout: Why the “Grand Bargain” is actually a Faustian Bargain.

Not actually Gov. Rick Snyder


Like most Conservatives here, I was disappointed, but honestly not surprised in the least, by last weeks vote in the Michigan House on the “Grand Bargain”.

I say this because leading up to the vote, when my sources go dark, or when they do finally return my calls and begin to waffle, that is almost always an indication that things are going bad rather quickly.

I’m not going to mince words here. Aside from absolutely hating that misleading term “Grand Bargain”, I still can’t see why people in Lansing can’t/won’t do their homework on what is really going on here and why they are reticent on calling a bailout what it actually is: a bailout.

You’re probably asking yourselves; what causes people like that to lose their way?

Limited government and fiscal responsibility were once hallmarks of the Republican Party platform a long time ago.

Let’s take a look as to what happened, shall we?


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AFP Mobilizes Grassroots to Oppose Detroit Bailout, Pension Deal

AFP Grassroots Gear Up to Fight Detroit Bailout Deal

horizontal-black_13 The Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity is launching an effort to contact 90,000 grassroots activists across Michigan and engage them in opposition to the latest iteration of the Detroit bailout deal

The group plans to spend significantly in order to hold state legislators accountable if they choose to support an appropriation of Michigan taxpayer dollars for this deal. Checkout StrongerDetroit.com for more information on the bailout and AFP’s grassroots efforts.  Scott Hagerstrom says:

“Detroit receives more of our hard-earned tax dollars than any other municipality in Michigan.  It should be clear to all of us that throwing more good money after bad can’t save Detroit from big-government policies that constrict private growth and rob taxpayers of wealth. Allowing the City of Detroit to sit on $3 billion in assets while pensioners see cuts is not acceptable. Lawmakers in Lansing need to know that 90,000 Michigan activists are watching closely as they consider appropriating more money to throw down the drain.”

And we agree.

Detroit tries to have its cake and eat OURS too, and our GOP legislators could very well sell us down that river.

Go get em AFP.

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Snyder’s Detroit Bailout “Officially” Hemorrhages Our Money

Oh, joy… today makes it “official”.

via Crain’s Detroit

Belle Isle in Detroit is set to officially become Michigan’s newest state park.

The state is taking over the city-owned park under a 30–year lease deal with Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr.

On Oct. 1, Orr and Gov. Rick Snyder signed a proposed lease of the island to turn it into a state park; Detroit City Council counter-offered with a 10-year lease proposal, which was ultimately rejected by a state panel.

Included in the announcement of the proposed lease was the promise that the state would invest $10 million to $20 million in the park within the next three years.

The move goes into effect today; it’s expected to save the bankrupt city [cost all state taxpayers] between $4 million and $6 million a year.


At least Billionaire Roger Penske is happy that another of his toy racetracks is receiving the full backing of our wallets.

Bud Denker of Bloomfield Hills is senior vice president of Penske Corporation and executive vice president of Penske Automotive Group and Penske Performance. Denker joined the Penske enterprise after many years with several Fortune 100 companies including Eastman Kodak Company where he served as vice president of brand and marketing development. Since 2006, he has served as chairman of the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix and is also active in many Detroit-based organizations including the Downtown Detroit Partnership and The Parade Company.

Pure Cronyism.

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Detroit Schools Bailout Opposed

MRG Poll Shows Michigan Voters Strongly Oppose Using Taxpayer Money for DPS’ $715 Million Bailout.

bailoutsSome information from the Michigan Association of Public School Academies

MAPSA notes that the the poll is very timely, because the bailout is up for a vote today.

As expected, Michigan voters strongly oppose using taxpayer money to pay off the Detroit Public Schools’ $715 million in debt, according to a new poll by the Marketing Resource Group (MRG). The poll of 600 likely Michigan voters, commissioned by the Michigan Association of Public School Academies, was conducted Feb. 22-27.

Statewide, only 33 percent of voters favor using taxpayer money to pay off DPS’ debt, while 56 percent oppose it (with most of those saying they “strongly” oppose it). Even among Detroit voters, sentiments are almost evenly split, with 40 percent favoring the bailout and 38 percent opposing it. In the entire Metro Detroit region, the bailout also isn’t popular, with only 37 percent favoring it and 52 percent opposing it.

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Want to see what a Michigan republican party-backed $195-million Taxpayer funded bailout of Detroit gets you?

Just to be on the level, I’m not going to bring back stories about grossly overpaid art museum CEO’s and their boards, not-so secret loans to art museum CEO’s, and art millage scams promoted against Tri-County Taxpayers.

Feel free to use that search window in the upper-right corner if you’re inclined to read more about it.

No, I’m going to talk about what the good people in the Snyder/Calley/Weiser/et al republican machine are in effect helping to promote with your own hard-earned tax dollars.

Just a quick warning to those who wish to continue: The remainder of this post does contain some graphic and disturbing descriptions.

Consider yourselves warned!

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Detroit City Airport to get Michigan Taxpayers “Bailout” Too

Detroit City Airport to get $28.5 Million Taxpayer Money in Revised Bankruptcy Plan Detroit City Airport Grave Yard

The fleecing of Michigan taxpayers money continues with revised bankruptcy plan. The $28.5 million earmarked in Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr’s revised restructuring plan would also set aside money for a study of the airport’s role in its east-side neighborhood.

The money would come from the city’s anticipated bankruptcy settlement and the total could go as high as $40 million according to some reports. The city’s general fund has subsidized the airport in recent years because its revenues “have fallen far short of expenses,” Orr’s plan says.

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Bankrupt – Detroit, Bailouts

“Decisions have consequences” as told in the newest movie by FTR productions & MrSmithMedia.

Rick snyder is about to give away $350 Million in taxpayer money to ‘save’ the DIA.  Not because Michiganians around the state made the mistake of financial mismanagement, but because of continually unaddressed cronyism, criminality and fraud within Detroit, and its leadership.

The Documentary addresses Detroit, the auto bailouts, and the reasons things have gone terribly terribly wrong. It will offer a precautionary tale for those who might wish to follow Rick Snyder down the continual slippery sloped that is Detroit, Michigan.

It premiers next week in Washington DC, and then will be available on Youtube.  Watch the teaser below!

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