The National Rifle Association has just issued its endorsements for the 2018 primary. They give grades to candidates who have voting records or fill out their survey. They endorse most acceptable incumbents and endorse in some open seats. Endorsed candidates are in bold. (Aq means a candidate got an A from the questionnaire only, and doesn’t have a voting record.)
Governor: No endorsement. Schuette got A+, Calley and Colbeck got A, Hines got Aq.
US Senate: No endorsement. John James and Sandy Pensler both got Aq.
8. Bishop A endorsed.
11. All five Republican candidates got A or Aq.
State Senate:
6. (D) Kosowski B, Geiss F
8. Lucido A+, Goike A
10. All three got Aq.
12. Tedder A, McCready D
14. Apparently nobody filled out the questionnaire.
15. Jim Runestad A+
16. Mike Shirkey A+
19. Bizon B+, Callton A.
21. LaSata A, Pagel C.
22. Lana Theis A+
24. Barrett and Roberts both got A.
26. Nesbitt and Genetski both got A.
29. Chris Afendoulis got C+.
30. Victory, Garcia got A, DeBoer Aq, Haveman B+.
31. Gary Glenn A+, Daley A-.
32. (D) Phelps A, Gaudreau F
33. Rick Outman A
34. Bumstead, Hughes both got A.
35. Franz, Vanderwall, and Rendon all got A.
37. Schmidt A+, Gurr Aq.
38. McBroom A, Carey Aq.