Buy TWO and put one on the front to show that you like higher taxes!
The newest fundraising license plates being issued by the Secretary of State are out!
Celebrating the most recent progressive era of Republicanism in Lansing, the official Budget Year Commemorative Series is now waiting to adorn your vehicle. From the more modest budget of $48 Billion to the latest greatest manifestation of politics unhinged, you too can let folks know how you love those high gas taxes, expansion of Obamacare in Michigan, and a full blown explosion of cronyism!
Each plate series carries the Snyder-Calley forward budget for each service year, along with the total taxpayer dollars spent to provide such things as school bailouts, constituent payola, medical welfare, and so-much-more! The special plate fee is peanuts compared to the Michigan Catastrophic Claims premiums, the registration price hike, or the continued overcharging for income taxes!
Be sure to order extras for the kids! (cause they’ll be paying for it long after you are gone) For each plate sold, the Secretary of State will contribute $50 to the ‘Sanctuary State Fund,’ or a secret slush fund for the next couple of Senate leaders.
Exclusive License Plate series with budgetary increases shown below the fold.