There are more pressing issues than who uses what bathroom. Let t he free market sort it out.
I get the feeling that many people are worked up about this restroom issue…*sighs*. It’s become a huge issue for many people. It really is a war that the Government started and doesn’t belong in.
North Carolina awoke a sleeping bear that has been around for decades. I hear many transgendered individuals have been using the public restroom of their sexual identity for decades now…mostly without concern or controversy. Why is there suddenly attention to this issue? Ask North Carolina.
My take? This isn’t an issue that concerns government. It concerns private property owners and their rights — and the rights of consumers to freely associate/shop where they wish, for any reason they wish.
So, Target allows people to use the restroom of the gender they identify with. If you aren’t comfortable shopping at Target because of that, that’s fine. Go shop elsewhere. You can even tell Target why you will no longer shop there, if you wish. Want to start a boycott of places like Target? I support your right to do that as well (note: supporting one’s right to do something is different than supporting them doing it — there is a distinction).
What if you want to boycott businesses that have segregated restroom policies? I support your right to do that as well.
What I cannot condone or abide is you using the guns of government to force your will onto other private people and businesses. Any time you pass a law, you are sending out a man with a gun who is willing to steal and/or kill (if necessary) to enforce it.
What about public schools and other publicly owned institutions? I submit to you the problem isn’t the restrooms, but the public ownership f these institutions. Bring an end to the practice of publicly owned institutions (schools, libraries, parks, etc.) and you will solve this problem of restrooms on publicly owned property. If there is a need for these services, the free market will provide for it (either through customer/provider relationships or donations/charity/patron relationships).
Logically, most restrooms have stalls as well as urinals (men’s rooms). When you’re in an opaque stall, what does it matter to you what’s between the legs of the person in the private next to you? Can they see you while you’re doing you business? No, not unless they are peaking under the which case the store management might want to remove that person (regardless of gender identity).
Some people say, “I don’t want to share a bathroom with some sexual pervert.” Just because a person has a different gender identity than the one they were born with, does that make them a pervert? If it does make the person a pervert, would you rather this person go to the restroom of the gender they were born with and be around your sons, daughters or other loved ones?
Food for thought, I just wish people would focus time having debates that matter more like: the debt of the US Government, the Quantitative Easing policies (read: printing funny money) of the US Federal Reserve, endless world policing and war mongering…or any of a number of other issues that will drive our country to certain financial ruins.