Daily Archives: November 7, 2014

The Sixth Circuit Court Queers The Deal For Homosexual Activists In Michigan

Appeals Court ruling will likely move the test of our constitution to the US Supreme Court.

Michigan has the RIGHT to determine its own marriage law.

In an about-damned-time move, a Federal Appeals court short circuits the freight train of moral relativism that has been messing with the hearts and minds of our nations youth and impressionable politicians.  As Fox News reports:

“The ruling concluded that states have the right to set rules for marriage.”

Indeed they do.

In fact, you can thank the court for clarifying what the US constitution has already guaranteed; That it’s none of the federal government’s business.  There is no place in the construct of our nation that allows a single judge to override the will of the people to determine their own state’s social construct. It isn’t provided for, and frankly a sanction should be forthcoming for any judge who attempts to legislate from the bench.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(3)

Upgrade Complete

Our NEW Bionic Server is in service!

One of the frustrating things we have worked ourselves into is an expectation that when we open a webpage, it will do so, and by golly it had better be FAST.

Over the last few months as the load on the server increased, its become apparent we weren’t giving her all she got.  And on Election night, as a couple of thousand eager political junkies attempted to log on, the server crashed, and hard.  Ask my wife what a ‘peach’ I was as this was all going on.

It is now resolved.  We didn’t have $6 million laying around, but we still built it faster..stronger..and better than it was before..

We hope you will enjoy the improvement, and no longer be discouraged by slow loading times, or unreachable pages.

Thanks for your continued patronage.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)