I don’t care which side you are on. This is funny.

I don’t care which side you are on. This is funny.
Phillip Hofmeister (President of Michigan OPen Carry, Inc.) addresses Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan regarding his stance on guns.
Governor Snyder,
I am a frank man, as many people who know me could echo to you, so I will get straight to the point: you need gun owners this November. I know you have read the polling numbers, it’s real close — you might lose. Those few ten-thousand gun owners that won’t vote for you (along with me) may make the difference. Aside from the people who mindlessly follow the NRA, you don’t have them. I know many of them are planning to do one of the following regarding their vote for Governor: under-vote, vote third party (Libertarian or Constitutional), or vote for Mark Schauer (just to teach you and the Republicans a lesson).
I’m not sure which I will do yet, but I do know this: I won’t be voting for you. The purpose of this letter is to express what you can do to win my vote (and more importantly my personal support and endorsement). It’s simple, really. I only ask you to do 2 things:
Yes, between now and November the NRA-ILA will sing your praise for passing its FOIA Package. I will yell just as loudly, that FOIA package accomplished nothing. Here’s the thing you and the NRA-ILA don’t want people to know: these records were already exempt from FOIA under Mager V. Department of State Police (Michigan Supreme Court, 1999, 460 Mich. 134). I will make sure as many people know this simple fact as possible — that despite all the NRA’s praise, signing this bill accomplished nothing.
So really, that’s it — those two, small things. Let’s face it: the anti-gunners are already going to vote for Mark Schauer so you won’t be losing their vote as it has already been lost. Not to mention, the number of pro-gun voters in Michigan seemingly far surpasses the number of anti-gun voters. All you have is gain. Do these two things and I will travel the state with you as well as sing your praise on every social media.
I look forward to working with you to accomplish these goals. Mr. Posthumus knows how to contact me.